Way of the Raging River (5e Subclass)

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Way of The Raging River[edit]

Monks that follow the Way of the Raging River understand that the best way to kill something is to hit it, repeatedly. These Monks become masters of landing hit after hit after hit until they end their combo with a bang, and usually a head (or similar body part) flying across the battlefield.

Combo Points

When you take this subclass at 3rd level you gain access to Combo Points. You can hold a number of combo points equal to your monk level. You gain 1 combo point every time you land a hit on a creature with an unarmed strike. You lose 1 combo point if you miss an attack and lose all of your stored points if you do not make an attack on your turn.

Combo Abilities

Also at 3rd level you gain two abilities that use your combo points:

Combo Breaker. As an action you channel the stored power of your combo into one powerful strike. You expend all combo points and make an unarmed strike. If you hit you deal the normal damage of the attack plus a number of your martial arts dice equal to the number of combo points spent.
Take It On The Chin. Sometimes the best defense is blocking...with your face. As a reaction when you are hit by a melee attack you can expend a number of combo points up to half you maximum pool. You roll a number of your martial arts dice equal to the number of combo points spent and reduce the damage taken by that much. If this reduces the damage to 0, you can immediately make an unarmed strike against the creature that attacked you as part of the same reaction.
Shoulder Charge

At 6th level you can become an overwhelming force. You can expend combo points to move across a surface a number of feet equal to 5 x the number of combo points spent. This movement does not provoke opportunity attacks and ignores difficult terrain. If you move through difficult terrain the path you took is no longer considered difficult terrain. If you hit a creature during this charge you stop and deal 1 martial arts die per 10 feet you traveled during the charge.

Break Out

Sometimes the best way to get through tough times is to grit your teeth and push through. At 11th level you can now use your Stillness of Mind feature as a bonus action. When you do, you also remove all effects that are causing you to be grappled, restrained, or stunned.

I Can Do This All Day

By 17th level you have achieved a level of physical prowess and mental mastery that you can fight forever. Whenever you hit with an unarmed strike you heal for an amount equal to your number of stored combo points. In addition, once per long rest you can use an action to remove 1 level of exhaustion from yourself.

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