Way of the Jedi/Sith (5e Subclass)

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Way of the Jedi/Sith[edit]

All Monks have the ability to harness ki, the flow of energy that exists in all life. But the Jedi and Sith channel their ki in ways no other monk can. This manifestation of ki is called the Force.


At third level, you have a Jedi or Sith's Holocron, received from your last combat encounter or given by a Jedi or Sith. This Holocron shows you many things, such as, how to build a Lightsaber, and many of the Force's secrets. Upon choosing this subclass, you gain proficiency in Lightsaber weapons, which count as Monk Weapons for you.

There are six types of Lightsabers, detailed in the table below. The cost shows each Lightsaber's material cost in gold, and the time shows the number of hours of work it takes to craft each weapon.

Weapon Damage Properties Weight Cost Time
Lightsaber 1d8 Force Damage Versatile (1d10) 2 lbs. 150 35
Shortsaber 1d8 Force Damage Finesse, Light 1.5 lbs. 100 20
Saberstaff 1d6 Force Damage Versatile (1d8) 2.5 lbs. 200 50
Saberpike 1d10 Force Damage Heavy, reach, two-handed 3 lbs. 175 45
Lightwhip 1d6 Force Damage Finesse, Light, Reach 1.5 lb. 150 40
Lightdagger 1d6 Force Damage Finesse, Light, Thrown(Range 20/60) 1 lb. 150 40

Force Points & Powers Table
Monk Level Force Points Force Powers
3 10 4
4 10 5
5 15 6
6 15 7
7 20 8
8 20 9
9 25 10
10 25 11
11 30 12
12 30 13
13 35 14
14 35 15
15 40 15
16 40 16
17 45 16
18 45 17
19 50 17
20 50 18

Force Powers[edit]

At 3rd level, you have the ability to use something known as "The Force". You use it mainly through abilities called Force Powers. At 3rd level you choose 4 Force Powers, gaining more as you level up, they are detailed here. Using these Force Powers costs you Force Points (Shortened to FP) (Note, Force Powers that require one Action to activate, count as an Attack Action, meaning, you can take extra attacks after using one, or, you could use one as an extra attack)

Force Save DC 8 + Wisdom modifier + proficiency bonus

Force Attack Modifier Wisdom modifier + proficiency bonus

Force Points[edit]

At 3rd level, you have a pool of Force Points (FP), of which you expend to use Force Powers and certain other abilities. You have a certain amount of Force Points shown on the Jedi/Sith Table. You regain your Force Points after a short or long rest.

Force Sensitive[edit]

At 3rd level, you gain proficiency in the Perception and Insight skills. Your proficiency bonus is doubled for any ability check you make that uses either of those proficiencies.

Unarmoured Defence Improvement

At 6th level, while you are not wearing Armour or a shield, your AC equals 10 + your Dexterity modifier + your Wisdom modifier + half your proficiency bonus.

Force Reflexes

At 6th level you add your Wisdom modifier to initiative rolls.

Lightsaber Form

At 11th level, you choose one Lightsaber Form to focus on. To gain the benefit of any of these forms, you must be wielding a type of Lightsaber.


You practiced Form I: Shii-Cho, based on sweeping offensive movements, used to disarm an opponent. When you hit with a weapon attack, you can choose to forgo the damage, and instead disarm your opponent, their weapon falls 5 feet away from them, to their left or right (Your choice)


You practiced Form II: Makashi, based on dueling, and precise quick attacks. You gain a +1 bonus to all rolls to hit with a Lightsaber, this bonus is added last, if the total is 20 because of this feature, it is treated as a natural 20.


You practiced form III: Soresu, based on defense, often against projectiles. You gain a +1 bonus to your AC, and if you are attack by a ranged attack, you can use your reaction to roll an acrobatics check against the attacker's attack roll, if you beat it, the attack is reflected away from you.


You practiced form IV: Ataru, based on fast, acrobatic attacks. Upon taking this form, you gain a +5 bonus to your movement speed. If you move at least 10 feet on your turn, and then attack an enemy, you have advantage on the attack.

Shien/Djem So

You practiced form V: Shien/Djem So, a variant of form III. When being attacked, you can use your reaction to roll an acrobatics check against the attacker's attack roll. If you fail, the attack applies normally, but if you succeed, and the enemy was using a melee weapon, you take an opportunity attack, dealing half damage (Round down). If you succeeded, and the enemy was using a ranged weapon, you reflect the attack back onto the enemy, dealing half damage (Round down).


You practiced form VI: Niman, a form based on mixing both force abilities, and quick agile attacks. If you used Force Push, Force Pull, or Force Repulse, you can take the attack action directly after as a part of the same action, by expending 1 extra force point.


You practiced form VII: Juyo/Vaapad, a form based on using your emotions to fuel your attacks, and deal more damage. This form gives you a +2 to all Lightsaber damage.

Reliable Talent

By 11th level, whenever you make an ability check that lets you add your proficiency bonus, you can treat a d20 roll of 9 or lower as a 10.

Jedi Grand Master/Sith Lord

At 17th level, depending on whether your Holocron came from a Jedi or a Sith, you have attained the power, that only few force users have ever achieved.

Jedi Grand Master

All Light Side powers have a -1 Force Point cost (Note:You cannot reduce the cost below 1). You also get the ability

One With The Force: You have learned to become one with the force when you die. When you fail your final death save, and die, your ghastly visage comes out of your body, for 1 minute. This form cannot be damaged, and can only deal damage through Force Powers, your Ki Points are not replenished. Once the minute ends, you are gone, dispersed into the Force.

Sith Lord

All Dark Side powers have a -1 Force Point cost (Note:You cannot reduce the cost below 1). You also get the ability

Sith Alchemy: Choose three spells up to 3rd level, you gain one 3rd level spell slot with which to cast them, you can also cast them as rituals.

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