The Yellow Nightmare (5e Subclass)

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The Yellow Nightmare[edit]

A depiction of the King in Yellow. Fandom, Villains Wiki, Posted in Hastur (Lovecraft) by Nerdude69:

Warlock Subclass

Your Patron is an unknown horror far beyond compression, said to rule over a demented hive-mind called The Yellow Court. Its goals can’t make sense, and you didn’t even choose yourself if you wished to make a pact with this Yellow entity, yet now it’s too late to turn your back on your king. Your patron has infected your body with its flesh, and it's turning your biology to better suit and serve in the court of the Yellow Nightmare.

First Level[edit]

Yellow Nightmare’s Influence.[edit]

The Yellow Nightmare’s Influence takes time to anchor itself in your mind and body. Most of your spells won’t look the same as other spellcasters or Warlock. For example, the spells Hold Person and Hold Monster will resemble your body extending yellow tentacles toward the ground, snaking around toward your target, and restraining them. Other spells like Psionic Blast or Enthrall might make your target see glimpse of your patron in a yellow court, or as indescribable horrors beyond sanity. As time progresses, your attitude toward your patron might also change from hatred or fear to admiration and appraisal, as the Yellow Nightmare slowly twist your perception and infects your mind so you’d address your patron as The King in Yellow.

Also, at your option, you can pick from or roll on the Yellow Nightmare’s Influence table to create a quirk for your character to show how your patron’s influence is affecting you.

Yellow Nightmare’s Influence table
D8 Influence
1 Somewhere in the sky, might it be at night or day, a yellow star shines bright and stares at you. When this star is shining on you, you feel livelier and happier. When hidden from the star, you feel apathetic or gloomy.
2 Your blood as taken a golden coloration. And in case of a bad injury, your bleeding is stopped by wrapping tentacles around the wound, or sprouting tentacles to replace the missing tissue.
3 One or more of your limbs have been rejected by your patron’s flesh, and have been replaced by a fleshy tentacles. These tentacles still works as normal limbs.
4 When casting spells, a golden yellow light exudes from your body. This light is even brighter if you're casting spells from your Expanded Spell list, Mystic Arcanum or from Subclass Features. This light only appears to those actively seeing you and won’t reveal your position to those you are hidden from.
5 You have a tendency to prefer and praise bright yellow or golden things. Coins, clothes, monuments and the like made with yellow accents nearly enthralling you.
6 Whenever you talk, some might hear resonate through your vocal cord's strange whispers of agony from the hive-mind. They mentally cannot acknowledge those whispers' existence and will forget about them the moment you stop talking, but they could find you to be unsettling.
7 Surprisingly, most physical changes that normally come with the corruption of The Yellow Nightmare doesn't apply to you. You look normal, that's until you take your shirt off to reveal a large group of eyes, with varying size, colors and shapes. They don't allow you to look through them, but they always stare intensely at living creatures, never blinking. Maybe they aren't yours to look through, but for others from the hive-mind.
8 Your patron has changed since and believes that an other color suits him better. Take a color of your choice and replace it in all class features. Or you can reroll if you don't like this influence. (It's a joke quirk, I'm out of ideas)

Talk with your DM and work out something to better represent the Yellow Nightmare’s Influence.

Yellow Nightmare's Expanded Spell List[edit]

The Yellow Nightmare lets you choose from an expanded list of spells when you learn a warlock spell. The following spells are added to the warlock spell list for you.

Spell Level Spells
1st Ensnaring Strike, Entangle (both appears as tentacles)
2nd Spike Growth , Web (both appears as tentacles)
3rd Erupting Earth, Stinking Cloud
4th Phantasmal Killer (appears as visions of your patron), Evard's Black Tentacles
5th Destructive Wave (necrotic only), Cloudkill

Sprawling Tentacles.[edit]

Starting at 1st level, your patron has implanted its flesh in your heart, allowing you to modify your body in strange ways. When you cast the Eldritch Blast cantrip, you can replace each beam with a melee spell attack that deals the normal Eldritch Blast damage and damage type. Also, when making use of the Sprawling Tentacles features, your Eldritch Invocations are modified as listed below:

  • Agonizing Blast works as normal.
  • Eldritch Spear grants your spell melee attack the reach property, to a range of 10 feet.
  • Grasp of Hadar instead allows your spell melee attack to move your target 5 feet closer to yourself, once per turn.
  • Lance of Lethargy works as normal.
  • Repelling Blast instead allows your spell melee attack to push your target 5 feet away from yourself.

Finally, you gain a number of Tentacle Points equal to twice proficiency bonus. These Tentacle points can be used in tandem with your Sprawling Tentacle feature to add certain effect to your attacks, as listed below. This list also includes their cost.

Frightening Form. For 2 Tentacle points, your target needs to make a Wisdom saving throw against your Spell save DC, on a failed save, the target suffers the Frightened condition. The target can repeat the saving throw at the end of each of its subsequent turn, or after 1 minute.

Corrupting Sting. For 3 Tentacle points, your target needs to make a Constitution saving throw against your Spell save DC, on a failed save, the target suffers the Poisoned condition until the end of your next turn.

Grasping Tentacles. For 4 Tentacle Points, your target needs to make a Strength saving throw against your Spell save DC, on a failed save, the target suffers the Restrained condition until the start of your next turn.

When the target of your attack succeeds on its initial saving throw, you do not expand the Tentacle Points used for the chosen effect. You cannot expand Tentacle Points you do not have. You regain all expended Tentacle Points after a long rest.

Weird Body.[edit]

Also at 1st level, you constitution has changed and started to adapt to your patron’s power and its flesh, taking a sicken yellow hue, eyes maybe placed in strange places and small tentacles sprouts on your skin. When you aren’t wearing armor, your AC equals 10 + your Constitution modifier + your Charisma modifier. You cannot benefit from the bonus to your AC added by a shield.

Sixth Level[edit]

Corrupted Brain.[edit]

At 6th level, your patron’s corruption over your body has strengthen and taken hold throughout your nervous system, boosting your mental capacities. You gain advantage against the charmed and frightened condition and have advantage to end these conditions. Your patron now meddling in your brain allows you to control your body in grotesque ways without feeling the pain of doing so. This enables you to replicate the spells: Arms of Hadar, Darkness and Hunger Of Hadar. These spells don’t count against the number of spells you know, and if you already knew any of these spells, you can choose other spells from your spell list to learn. Each spell has a number of use equal to your proficiency bonus divided by the spell’s level rounded down. Arms of Hadar is casted at your current spell slot’s maximum level. You must be inside Darkness or Hunger of Hadar to cast those spells in this way and are not blinded nor damage when staying inside both spells. You regain all expended use of this feature after a long rest.

Tenth Level[edit]

Fit for the Court.[edit]

At 10th level, your former self as left this realm and you are now officially a part of your patron’s hive-mind. It’s strangely lonely in the hive, this is because you are so far away from the Yellow court, even so, you can hear the faint whispers of agony and praise from the hive-mind reverbing through the cosmos. From those whispers, you’ve learned some new occult rituals to better suit the needs of your patron. Once on your turn, when you make use of the Sprawling Tentacles or Corrupted Brain features and deal damage against other creatures, you gain a number of temporary hit point equal to half your warlock level plus Constitution.

Also at 10th level, you regain a number of Tentacle Points equal to your proficiency bonus after a short rest. This feature can only be used once per long rest.

Fourteenth Level[edit]

Prime Invitee of the King in Yellow.[edit]

When you reach 14th level, your soul has reached its peak to please your patron, and your mind now has gained slight control over the court of your patron and can command it to your help. When you already are concentrating on a spell and cast a second concentration spell, make a Constitution saving throw against a DC of 10 plus the spell’s level. On a successful roll, you successfully command concentration from the hive-mind and concentrate on both spell at the same time. On a failed save, you failed to borrow concentration and waste the resources needed to make the spell (action, spell slots, use of features, but not material component). When concentrating on two spells at the same time and need to make a Constitution saving throw to maintain concentration, make the saving throw with disadvantage, and you cannot benefit from advantage on the save in any way.

Consort of the King in Yellow. (Optional)[edit]

Replaces the Prime Invitee of the King in Yellow feature.

When you reach 14th level, your body has reached its peak, fully transformed to accomplish your patron’s desires and can contort in such horrible ways traditional language couldn’t begin to describe it. After using either the Sprawling Tentacles or Corrupted brain feature, you can use your bonus action to make two other uses of an Eldritch Blast's or Sprawling tentacles. Additionally, your Fit for the Court feature now grants you either a number of hit point equal to half your warlock level plus Constitution, or a number of temporary hit point equal to your warlock level plus Constitution.

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