Diluvian Warrior (5e Subclass)

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Diluvian Warrior[edit]

Fighter Subclass

Empty your mind, be formless, shapeless, like water. Water can flow, or it can crash. Be water my friend!

Throughout the ages masters of combat have looked to the natural world for inspiration. From the animal styles of monastic tradition to the determined grit of those who devote their lives in defense of the Dwarven halls they call home - the wise know to consider even the smallest detail, lest it prove their undoing.

When a fighter chooses to be like water, they learn to adopt a balanced technique that uses both weapon and shield to flow between offensive and defensive styles reacting to situations with flexibility as each dictates. They take the time to study opponents, exposing their weaknesses for exploitation.

Adherents to this tradition may be from aquatic or amphibious races, for whom water forms the very basis of their civilization and traditions; they may hail from fishing villages or cultures that otherwise rely upon bodies of water for food and trade goods; or, they might come from an area that embraces an elemental philosophy toward life and the universe.

Fill the Vessel

To be as water, is to be without fixed shape or form but able to fill the shape of any vessel. This adaptability extends beyond combat, to all areas of experience.

Upon taking this archetype at 3rd level, at the end of a short or long rest you may focus your mind in readiness for the tasks you believe to lay ahead. This focus grants a single additional skill or tool proficiency. This proficiency lasts until you take take a short or long rest, at the end of which you may refocus your mind in readiness for the tasks you believe lay ahead.

River's Flow

Also at 3rd level, in combat, you can direct your efforts entirely to avoiding damage, rolling with the strikes and flowing with them. When you hit a creature within 5 feet with an attack, you can use your bonus action to cause attacks made from that creature against you to have Disadvantage until the start of your next turn. This benefit ends earlier if you are no longer within 5 feet of it.

In addition, you can use your reaction when a creature hit you with an attack to impose Disadvantage on that attack. If the attack hits, the damage is halved. You can use this reaction a number of times equal to your proficiency bonus, and regain your uses after completing a long rest.

Water Cracks Stone

Starting at 7th level, you know to bide your time, waiting to reveal a chink in the armor of your opponent that you may unleash an attack that is especially brutal and effective. You can use your bonus action to make a Wisdom (Perception) check, against a DC equal to the target's AC. On a success, you discover the target's damage resistances, immunities and vulnerabilities.

In addition, you can add twice your proficiency bonus (instead of just your proficiency) on your next attack made against that creature. On a hit, that creature is considered vulnerable to your attack.

You can use this feature a number of times equal to your proficiency bonus, and you regain all expended uses of it when you finish a long rest.

Overflowing Vessel

At 10th level your ability to Fill the Vessel improves. When you focus your mind at the end of a short or long rest, instead of granting an additional skill or tool proficiency you may choose to augment a skill in which you are already proficient, granting yourself expertise in that skill until you finish a short or long rest.

Steadfast Vessel

At 10th level, with patient practice, your adaptability has become second nature. You choose one skill or tool proficiency. You may focus your mind on this proficiency as a bonus action. Doing so grants you proficiency if untrained or expertise if it is a skill in which you are already proficient. Changing your augmentation in this way lasts until you finish a short or long rest.

After using this ability you must finish a long rest before using it again

Tsunami Strike

Like the ocean depths, you can release a torrent of destructive energy against all who stand in your path. At 15th level, you can use your Action to make a melee attack against each creature within 5 feet of you. Roll a separate attack for each target.

River's Course

The flow of your river is now as the rapids - bashing aside those who seek to tame you. At 18th level, when you are hit by an attack, you can reduce the damage taken by an amount equal to half your Fighter level using your reaction.

If the attacker is within 5 feet when you use this reaction, that enemy must succeed on a Dexterity saving throw (DC 8 + your proficiency bonus + your Dexterity modifier) or take damage equal to the damage reduced. The type is the same as the damage of the melee weapon you are wielding, or bludgeoning if you are unarmed.

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