Assassin, Revised (5e Subclass)

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Assassin (Revised Variant)[edit]

Roguish Archetype

This is a revised variation of the original Assassin subclass. The intention behind the variation is to provided the subclass with a more combat-oriented gameplay style that plays more nicely with the mechanics and design structure of 5th edition than the original subclass and its out-of-combat features/mechanics.


Poison Proficiency[edit]

Beginning at 3rd-level, you have specialized yourself in the creation and use of various poisons to amplify your lethality. You gain proficiency in the poisoner's kit, and may double your proficiency bonus applied to checks made using the kit if it does not already benefit from a similar effect.

Additionally, by spending one hour with your poisoner's kit and expending 50 gp worth of materials, you may create a number of basic poisons for your own personal use. You create a number of these poisons equal to your proficiency bonus + one-quarter of your rogue level (rounded down, min. 1). The potency of these potions lasts for 24 hours. You may use your Cunning Action on your turn to draw out a vial of poison (provided by this feature or another you possess) and apply it to a weapon you are currently wielding, provided you have a free hand to do so; at which point the weapon remains coated until your successfully land an attack using it. A successful attack with a weapon coated in the poison created by this feature forces the target to make a Constiution save vs a DC of 10 + your proficiency bonus; dealing 1d6 additional poison damage on a failure or half as much on a success.

At 9th-level, the DC of a poison created by this feature increased to 12 + your proficiency bonus; and the damage dealt increases to 2d6. At 13th-level, the DC increases by an additional 1 and the damage dealt increases to 3d6. Once you have used this feature to create a batch of poisons, you may not do so again until you finish a long rest.


Starting at 3rd level, you are at your deadliest when you get the drop on your enemies. You have advantage on all attack rolls against any creature that has rolled a lower Initiative than you. In addition, during your first turn of combat, if you successfully hit a target that has not taken its turn in combat yet, your attack automatically becomes a critical hit.

Assassin's Cunning[edit]

Additionally, when you choose this archetype at 3rd level, your prowess in battle allows you to avoid attacks with swiftness and cunning. While you are wearing no armor and not wielding a shield, your AC equals 10 + your Dexterity modifier + your Wisdom modifier.

Poison Expert[edit]

Beginning at 9th-level, you are an expert at using poisoned weapons to dispatch your enemies. Whenever you roll poison damage for a weapon attack using a poisoned weapon, you ignore any resistance to poison that the target possesses.

Additionally, poisons created by your Poison Proficiency feature retain their potency for a maximum duration of 72 hours, instead of 24.

Hiding In Plain Sight[edit]

Starting at 13th-level, you are an expert at making yourself appear mundane and inconspicuous too all but the most scrutinizing of individuals. Whenever you are wearing the garb of the local commoners of a given town or the accepted 'average' attire of an area you are in, or disguised to appear as such through the means of an illusion of some sort, you are considerably more difficult for others to take notice of. So long as you remain dressed or glamoured in such a manner, you have advantage on all Stealth and Sleight of Hand checks made to avoid non-magical detection by authorities and other persons that would otherwise react adversely to your actions (ie. that poor soul whose pouch you're about to swipe some coins from, etc.).

Death Strike[edit]

At 17th-level, you become a master of instant death - or severely injuring those that manage to avoid such a fate. Whenever your Assassinate feature would grant you a critical hit against a target, that target must succeed against a Constitution saving throw against a DC equal to (8 + your Dexterity modifier + your proficiency bonus). On a failed save, the result of that critical damage roll is doubled.

Additionally, at all times, your weapon attacks may now critically hit upon a roll of 19 or 20; provided you do not benefit from a similar effect or ability already.

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