Strategic Command School (5e Subclass)

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Stub Logo.png This page is incomplete and/or lacking flavor. Reason: Incomplete. See the 5e Class Design Guide#Subclasses, this appears to have 2 subclasses in one, warcrime mage and war mage? it can't decide what its doing. It doing alot and needed both flavor direction and mechanical balancing.

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Strategic Command School[edit]

Wizard Subclass

The wizards of the Strategic Command School are responsible for the majority of war crimes involving magic. Few are the scholars of the Arcane who bend their knowledge towards veiled purposes, and that small number is more than enough for their arts to be strictly banned in multiple kingdoms and nations throughout the world. For the most part, they are only those who, through improvisation, managed to focus their knowledge into a style of their own, but while their magical genius is undeniable, their tactical malleability and strategic effectiveness are constant reminders of why wizards are feared on the battlefield.

Battle Command

At 2nd level, you have perfected the art of commanding your allies with military precision, combining leadership and magic.

Battle Roles: As part of a short or long rest, you can expend a spell slot of 1st level or higher to assign a Battle Role to a number of allies equal to the level of the expended spell slot (minimum 1). Battle Roles last for only 1 combat or until you use this ability again. Also when combat ends, you can expend additional spell slots to maintain the benefits, but the amount must be double the amount previously expended

Vanguard: The ally gains a +1 bonus to melee attack rolls and damage rolls for each ally or enemy within 60 feet of him. He can also grant himself advantage on his attack rolls during his turn as a bonus action

Sentinel: The ally gains +1 to AC for each ally or enemy within 60 feet of him and can use his reaction to impose disadvantage on an attack made against another ally within 5 feet of him. If the attack still hits, its damage is halved

Operative: The ally has advantage on Stealth checks and checks to detect traps or hidden enemies. Additionally, they gain a bonus to their initiative, Dexterity (Stealth), Wisdom (Perception), and Wisdom (Survival) checks equal to your Intelligence modifier.

Field Healer: Healing performed by the ally restores additional hit points equal to your Intelligence modifier + the number of allies within 90 feet. Additionally, healing that exceeds the target’s hit points becomes false life, which dissipates after 10 minutes.

Gunner: The ally gains +1d4 additional damage for every 10 feet of distance their attack travels. On ranged or spell attacks. Additionally, he gains a bonus to his attack rolls equal to your spellcasting modifier, and firing at long ranges does not impose disadvantage on him

The Head: This can only be held by you. While you are in combat and have an ally within 60 feet of you, and you use an offensive spell, you can command an ally to attack with you. You also gain advantage on Constitution (concentration) rolls to maintain your spells, and you can maintain concentration on 1 additional spell (maximum 2 spells at a time).

Battle Maneuvers

Starting at 2nd level, you gain access to a series of strategic maneuvers that you can use to direct your allies. These maneuvers consume spell slots, and their power scales with the level of the slot used. You learn 2 maneuvers at 2nd level, and gain an additional one at 6th, 10th, and 14th levels.

Master Strategist

At 6th level, your ability to control the flow of combat extends to both strategy and magic. You can use an action and expend a 2nd-level or higher spell slot to create a 30-foot field of command centered on you. This field lasts for 1 minute and grants the following benefits to your allies within the area:

  • They can move up to 10 additional feet during their turn.
  • They gain advantage on attack rolls against creatures on the field.
  • If you or an ally within the area rolls a 1 or 2 on an ability check, attack roll, or saving throw, they may reroll the die. They must keep the second result (once per turn).
  • If an ally on the field fails a saving throw, they may immediately reroll it (once per turn).

Alternatively, you can use this ability to predict your enemies. You must make an Intelligence (Investigation) check between yourself and the enemy Tactician (if there is one; if not, you must pass a DC decided by the DM). If you win the contest, you gain insight into the enemy’s strategy, granting you advantage on all attack rolls and disadvantage on all enemy saving throws for the duration of the battle.

War Spellcraft

The battlefield is your best teacher, but also your most dangerous, so you must adapt accordingly. At 6th level, you gain proficiency with light and medium armor, as well as simple and martial weapons. You can use your spellcasting modifier to calculate your attack and damage rolls with melee and ranged weapons. You can also gain an extra turn for one round once per long rest.

Inspiring Leadership

At 10th level, your ability to lead inspires confidence and determination in your allies. Allies with a Battle Role gain an additional benefit:

  • Vanguard: Can make an additional attack as a bonus action once per combat. Additionally, their critical chance is reduced by 1
  • Sentinel: Can use their reaction to reduce damage taken by a nearby ally by 1d10 + your spellcasting modifier. Additionally, they gain resistance to all types of damage. If you already have resistance to any type of damage, it becomes immunity
  • Operative: Can perform a retreat action as a reaction when an enemy makes an attack against them. If the movement causes this ally to leave the attack range, the attack automatically fails. Additionally, they gain an additional reaction

  • Field Healer: All types of wounds increase by 2d8 + your spellcasting modifier and remove one status effect from the target (except exhaustion). Additionally, heals that are in touch range or that only affect a single target now apply to a number of allies equal to your Intelligence modifier.
  • Gunner: Ignore medium and three-quarter cover when making attacks. If targets are hit further than 30 feet away, their speed is reduced to 0 and you can’t use any reactions until their next turn.

  • The Head: You gain an additional bonus action while at least one ally is within 60 feet of you. Additionally, any type of area or individual attack made by you or your allies deals damage to your companions, and if they impose a saving throw, they succeed automatically.
Recognized Authority

Your achievements in leadership have become noted not only on the battlefield, but in your own realm. Whether praised or feared, your fame grants you access to better equipment. At 10th level, you and up to a number of companions equal to your proficiency modifier gain access to important information or equipment about your realm or topic of interest for free. You and your allies gain up to one item of very rare rank or lower. This benefit cannot be used again for 1 month.

Supreme General

At 14th level, your mastery of leadership and magic is unchallenged, completely controlling the battlefield. As an action, you can expend a 5th-level spell slot to grant an additional turn to all allies with a Battle Role. During this turn, allies have advantage on all attack and damage rolls, and gain resistance to all damage. Lastly, you can reassign all Battle Roles and activate the Command Field simultaneously as a bonus action, without expending spell slots. This ability can be used once per long rest.

Arch War Mage

Your command of your troops is beyond compare, as are your most loyal parishioners, who learned from you. At 14th level, all troops under the effects of your Battle Command are permanently maintained, and also transfer these same benefits to all creatures under their command, but only those assigned by you gain the following benefits: ; Vanguard: You can make an additional attack as part of your attack action, your critical chance is reduced by 1. Additionally, for each enemy or ally within 100 feet, you gain +2 to attack and damage instead of +1

  • Sentinel: When you are reduced to 0 hit points, you can choose to drop to 1 hit point a number of times equal to your proficiency modifier. Additionally, for each ally or enemy within 100 feet, you gain +2 to your AC and saving throws.
  • Operative: Enemies have disadvantage on detecting your location. Additionally, you cannot be detected by supernatural or magical means. Finally, any attack that hits while you are hidden automatically deals critical damage, and enemy saving throws automatically fail.
  • Field Healer: All types of healing heal the maximum possible, without needing to roll the die. Additionally, whenever there is an ally who died within 1 hour, you can choose to revive them at 1 hit point.
  • Gunner: Your attacks gain a range of one mile, and the damage dealt is maximized. Additionally, you gain 1d4 additional damage for every 10 feet of distance your attack travels.
  • The Head: Once per turn, you can use any battle maneuver without expending spell slots. Additionally, once per turn, you can cast an instant-duration spell without expending spell slots.
battle maneuvers
  • Suicide Mission: Bonus Action, you and all allies affected by 'Battle Roles' immediately make an advantageous attack against a creature, adding extra damage equal to your level + your Intelligence modifier, and their damage is doubled. In exchange, all those benefiting from this ability are vulnerable to all damage until their next turn.
  • Lightning Assault: As a Bonus Action, all allies with the Operative or Vanguard Battle Roles can move up to their maximum speed without provoking attacks of opportunity and make an attack at the end of the movement. Add your spellcasting modifier to the attack's damage. If the targets of the attacks are surprised by these attacks, or cannot see the attack even if they are not surprised, this damage is doubled.
  • Fog of War: As a Bonus Action, you cast a cloud of smoke (equivalent to the Fog spell in a 10-foot area). All creatures within the area have disadvantage on attacks, except you and your allies, who gain a bonus to their AC equal to half your spellcasting modifier.
  • Encirclement Tactic: As a Reaction, when a creature attempts to move out of your reach, you can use your reaction to command those with sentry battle roles to stop it. They all make an attack. If they hit, the creature has speed 0 until the end of your next turn and can't use their reaction or action bonus.
  • Deadly Trap: As an Action, you place an improvised trap object. When a creature enters the area, it must make a Dexterity saving throw. If it fails, it takes damage equal to your level + your spellcasting modifier for lightning damage, and is also marked. Marked targets automatically fail any means of hiding and take additional damage equal to the damage dealt by this ability. This mark lasts for a number of hours equal to your spellcasting modifier.
* Phantom Strike: As an Action, you order your operatives to Attack an enemy. On a hit, that enemy cannot use that enemy's reactions until the end of your next turn.
  • Guerrilla Strategy: As a bonus Action, you can order all of your allies under the effects of battle rolls to move at half your speed and hide as part of the same movement, even if you are under observation. Add your spellcasting modifier to the Stealth roll. Additionally, Operatives are under the effects of the undetectable spell with this ability. This maneuver lasts 1 hour
  • Crossfire Barrier: As an Action, you and up to three allies within 10 feet can make a ranged attack against an enemy within range. For Vanguards and Sentinels, this attack has advantage and a bonus to the attack roll equal to your spellcasting, plus on a hit, the enemy has disadvantage on their next attack roll.
* Chemical Attack: As an Action, you hurl a flask of poison or acid. All creatures within 10 feet of the area must make a Constitution saving throw. If they fail, they take 7d8+ your spellcasting modifier acid or poison damage (your choice), become poisoned, and have disadvantage on their next attack roll. Creatures affected by this ability cannot avoid or mitigate any hit point healing generated by field healers.
  • Tactical Strike: As an Action You can target your vanguard within 30 feet. That ally can make an attack as part of your action, adding your spellcasting modifier to the attack's damage. On a hit, the creature cannot attack any creature in the operative or the head role as long as it has another target to attack. If it has no other targets, this ability is nullified. This ability lasts 1 minute
  • Moral Fracture: As an Action, when you hit an enemy, you may force a Wisdom save. If it fails, the creature is frightened until the end of your next turn. Additionally, all of this creature's attacks are halved whenever there is a Sentinel ally or field healer within 30 feet of it.
  • Saturation Strike: As an Action, you command all creatures in a 60-foot cone in front of you to strike. Each target must make a Dexterity save or take damage equal to your spellcasting modifier plus its weapon damage.
  • ‘’’Chemical Attack:’’’ As an Action, you hurl a flask of poison or acid. All creatures within 10 feet of the area must make a Constitution saving throw. If they fail, they take 7d8+ your spellcasting modifier acid or poison damage (your choice), become poisoned, and have disadvantage on their next attack roll. Creatures affected by this ability cannot avoid or mitigate any hit point healing generated by field healers.

• ‘’’Tactical Strike:’’’ As an Action You can target your vanguard within 30 feet. That ally can make an attack as part of your action, adding your spellcasting modifier to the attack’s damage. On a hit, the creature cannot attack any creature in the operative or the head role as long as it has another target to attack. If it has no other targets, this ability is nullified. This ability lasts 1 minute

• ‘’’Moral Fracture:’’’ As an Action, when you hit an enemy, you can force a Wisdom save. If it fails, the creature is frightened until the end of your next turn. Additionally, all of this creature’s attacks are halved whenever there is a Sentinel ally or field healer within 30 feet of it.

• ‘’’Saturation Strike:’’’ As an Action, you command all creatures in a 60-foot cone in front of you to move. Each target must make a Dexterity save or take damage equal to your spellcasting modifier plus its weapon damage.

• ‘’’Tactical Overload:’’’ As a bonus Action, any operative or sentinel ally within 30 feet to move up to half their speed without provoking attacks of opportunity as part of your bonus action. Add your spellcasting modifier to their AC until the end of your next turn.

• ‘’’Deadly Bait:’’’ As a bonus action, you trick an enemy within 30 feet, forcing it to attack one of your Sentinels on its next turn. If the enemy misses its attack, both the head and the vanguard may use their reaction to make an attack with advantage against it.

  • ‘’’Blood Pact:’’’ As a bonus action and expending 1 additional spell slot, when an ally within 10 feet drops to 0 hit points, you can use your reaction to make an attack against an enemy. If you hit, you restore hit points to the ally equal to your Intelligence modifier. If you have a Field Healer within 15 feet of you, you can use this ability on 3 creatures at once.
  • ‘’’Tactical Overload:’’’ As a bonus action, any operative or sentry allies within 30 feet of you move up to half their speed without provoking attacks of opportunity as part of your bonus action. Add your spellcasting modifier to their AC until the end of your next turn.

• ‘’’Deadly Bait:’’’ As a bonus action, you trick an enemy within 30 feet, forcing them to attack one of your Sentinels on their next turn. If the enemy misses their attack, both the head and the vanguard can use their reaction to make an attack with advantage against them.

• ‘’’Blood Pact:’’’ As a bonus action and expending 1 additional spell slot, when an ally within 10 feet drops to 0 hit points, you can use your reaction to make an attack against an enemy. If you hit, you restore hit points to the ally equal to your Intelligence modifier. If you have a Field Healer within 15 feet of you, you can use this ability on 3 creatures at once.

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