Librarian of Stolen Souls (5e Subclass)

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Librarian of Stolen Souls[edit]

Wizard Subclass

Librarians of Stolen Souls are mages who specialize in capturing and mastering the abilities of others, using a unique magical book to archive them and use them to their advantage. Strategic observers, they study their enemies for opportunities to seize their power, transforming the stolen knowledge into their greatest

Considered both usurpers and archivists, they see the world as an infinite library of talents waiting to be explored. They act with calm and precision, motivated by an insatiable ambition to understand and control everything around them.

Source: Angle on Pinterest

Book of the Soul Stealer at level 2, You receive a unique magical book that functions as your arcane focus. This book can contain up to 3 + (half your Intelligence bonus) stolen abilities (increasing with level). To steal an ability, you must meet the following conditions:

Be within 30 feet of the target creature. Observe the creature use a special ability (racial ability, spell, or class ability). Make an Intelligence (Arcana) check opposed against the target's Wisdom saving throw. If you succeed, you "record" the ability in your book and can use it a limited number of times (According to your intelligence bonus). The original creature retains its ability.

Adaptive Mastery[edit]

At level 6, your connection to stolen skills improves:

  • You can copy skills from your book to a second book, allowing an ally to use the skill (consuming their action).
  • You can have a total of 5 + (half your Intelligence bonus) skills registered.
  • You gain advantage on Intelligence checks to identify magical or supernatural abilities.

Rune Rewriting[edit]

also at level 6 You have learned to temporarily manipulate the abilities stored in your spellbook. You gain the following options:

Power Swap: You can replace an ability recorded in your book with another ability that you see in a creature within 30 feet as an action. This doesn't require the usual conditions for stealing abilities, but you can only do it once per long rest.

Temporary Adjustment: You can expend a spell slot to modify the effect of a stored ability. For example:

  • Increase the damage (1d8 extra per spell slot level).
  • Increase the ability's range by double.
  • Extend the duration of an effect by up to 10 additional minutes.

Talent Mirror[edit]

At level 10, by expending a spell slot, you can "copy" one ability used by an enemy within the last 10 minutes, without needing to have registered it. The level of the spell slot determines the strength of the copied ability. In addition, you can have up to 7 + (half your Intelligence bonus) abilities in your spellbook.

infinite Library[edit]

At level 14, your soulstealer's book becomes a legendary artifact:

You may have an unlimited number of abilities recorded in the book. Once per day, you may call upon a stolen ability without consuming a resource or time. Creatures whose abilities you clothe have disadvantage on their saving throws to resist your effects.

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