Wrath Domain (5e Subclass)
Wrath Domain[edit]
Cleric Subclass
A tall imposing man clad in Adamantine plate armor walks up to the heretics castle walls, and slams his shield into it making a reverberating sound whilst shouting "Surrender now and only most of you will die", A voice heard from atop the walls shouts "You will never win! We will never give up hope, and we make our final stand here and now!" A rallying cry an be heard from a small battalion of soldiers. Motioning his hand several soldiers move the battering ram closer to the fortified gate, and Smash, Crack, Boom! the fortified door fell from it's hinges, the plate knight now had his chance to finish the campaign he had begun years ago. With a rallying cry he unsheathes his longsword, and charges into the castle with many men following behind him. He kills every warrior in his path until he finds the opposing forces heretic leader "It is over! I have won, and your forces diminish. What do you seek to prove by wasting all of these lives in your heretical cause?" without word the man dressed as a king stands up, and charges him with his ornate mace, stepping into the line of the blade the plate knight winces in pain, but smiles knowing his work was done. The heretic king freezes up, and with the force of the plate knights blade he cuts into the king, every inch the blade continues leaving mangled, and decayed flesh behind. After this attack the king slumps to the ground dead, but it was not enough to merely kill the king; the plate knight cuts off the former rulers head, and touts it in the air shouting "your foolish king is dead, lay down your arms, or die like the heretical dogs your are!". Upon seeing their leaders defeat the small battalion of soldiers lay down their arms in defeat whilst the victorious conquerors shout cries of victory.
Spell Level | Spells |
1st | heroism, wrathful smite |
3rd | enlarge/reduce, magic weapon |
5th | fear, haste |
7th | death ward, stoneskin |
9th | destructive wave, swift quiver |
- Bonus Proficiency
When you choose this domain at 1st level, you gain proficiency with martial weapons.
- Inspire Anger
Also at 1st level, you can awaken fury inside a creature of your choice within 60 feet using a bonus action. That creature must succeed on a Wisdom saving throw, or move up to its movement speed and make a melee attack against the closest creature from it within 5 feet. If there's more than one creature close to it, choose the target randomly.
You can use this feature a number of times equal to your Wisdom modifier, and regain your uses after finishing a long rest.
Channel Divinity: Righteous Wrath
Starting at 2nd level, you can spend a use of Channel Divinity as a bonus action to enter in a enraged state. For 1 minute, you gain the following benefits:
- You gain temporary hit points equal to your Wisdom modifier when you use this feature, and at the start of each turn for the duration.
- You cause additional damage equal to your Wisdom modifier with your melee weapon attacks.
- You become immune to the frightened and charmed condition. If you are under the effects of such conditions, the effects are suppressed for the duration.
You can't cast or concentrate on spells for the duration.
- Vengeful Anger
At 6th level, you can use your Righteous Wrath channel divinity as a reaction when you are hit by an attack.
In addition, during your righteous wrath, whenever you take damage from an attack made by a creature within 5 feet, you can make an opportunity attack against that creature.
- Furious Strikes
At 8th level, whenever you take the Attack action while wielding a melee weapon, you can use a bonus action to make an additional attack with a melee weapon as part of that action.
At 14th level, you no longer need to use your bonus action to do that.
- Awaken Fury
At 17th level, you can inspire divine wrath in creatures within 60 feet. All friendly creatures within range gain the benefits of Righteous Wrath and Vengeful Anger for 1 minute.
Once you do so, you can't use this ability again until you finish a long rest.
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