Way of the Lightning God (5e Subclass)

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Way of the Lightning God[edit]

Monk Subclass

You have been taught the raishin style from your father, who learnt it from his father, who learnt from his father, and so on.

The raishin style is focused in archieving extreme speeds for short amounts of time to kill the enemy in the quickest way posible, this style was born in a country with strict weapon measures, so a certain clan of assasins for hire developed a way to assasinate with their bare hands.

As soon as a son of the RaienRyuno clan learns to walk he's submitted to a brutal conditioning training to create legs capable of reaching and withstanding moving at inmense speeds, mixed with a strong suggestion that is placed upon the young since they are born to make them believe theirselves a lighting god, thus removing some of the natural limits the brain imposses to the body and reaching borderline superhuman reflexes and even greater speeds.

As a final part of the training, you may challenge the current Grand master. Alone in a forest for 3 days in wich the Grand master will attack you with killing intent at any time, exhausted to the limit, deprived of any sleep, food or water. Your mind is more awake than ever.

You feel like your toughts, your doubts, your fears and your whole being starts to vanish to let room for the lightning god that starts inhabiting your body.

Then, you wake up.

A crack resounds in the distance, in the blink of an eye you dodged your master's attack and striked back stoping your fist just a few millimeters away from his face, he quits developing the Raishin style and recognizes you as its new Grand master, being able to create new techniques and orient it at your will.

The Raishin style is only taught by the clan of the RaienRyuno to those born in it, a clan of assasins often taking charges to kill the some of the most influential people on the plane.

Most of the clan trains to master the Raishin style while taking murder contracts but only one can become the Grand master of this martial art, even if he does not lead the clan. At all times, only one Grand master can exist and its referred as Rasetsho, after the new master dethrones the old one, (Usually his son) The old Grand master retires from the assasination business and becomes a teacher for the new generation.

The only weapons you need

"Weapons only slow me down"

This subclass and its abilities cannot be used while you weild any kind of weapon or shield, you can still throw knifes and weapons you are proficienct with, this does not apply to armor. Meaning you can use gloves or gauntlets that buff you in any way since it still counts as your fists.

Raishin Ryu

"I am lightning itself"

Godspeed At level 3 your training has paid off, while you are not using weapons nor armor, you have a moving speed of 45 feet, this raises at 60 feet at level 5, 70 feet at level 11 and 90 feet at lvl 17.

Flash fist Beggining at level 3, when you use Flurry of Blows you may hit four times instead of two.

Step of thunder

"Faster, lower"

At level 6 when you use step of the wind and choose the dash bonus action, you triple your speed until the end of your turn. You may keep running at this speed spending 3 ki points per turn.

If you choose to walk, instead of running, the movement Will still be spent, the remaining feet will be gone at the start of the next turn unless you use 3 ki points to maintain that speed in wich case your movement will automatically be reset to the triple of your usual movement.

Lightning flash

"The shortest distance is a straight line"

At 6th level, you can spend 1 ki point to adopt a low and deep stance to run in a straight line striking with your fist dealing 2D8+ your dexterity of lightning or bludgeoning damage, your choice, adding 1D8 per 10 feet traveled to a limit of 40 feet traveled. If you still have movement at the end of this attack, you may move past the enemy and end the attack there, the distance you move past the enemy depends on how much movement you have left. Damage increases to 3D8 at level 6, 4D8 at level 11 and 5D8 at level 17.

Celerity demon

Beggining at level 6, when you perform a saving throw that requires strenth or constitution you can instead use your dexterity.

Possesed by a god

"You dont have to be like lighting, you must become lighting."

At a level 11 Because of the strong suggestion you were subjected as a child and upon seeing the evolution of your abilities, your sugestiĆ³n kicks up a notch and you truly believe you are the god of lightning, removing the limits of your brain to move faster than you tought posible.

You get resistance to lightning damage

Your dexterity maximum increases to 26 (+8).

At level 11 you may hit 6 times instead of 4 with flurry of blows if your dexterity is 24 or higher.

Also if your dexterity is 24 or higher you get advantage on dex saving throws.

Assasin fist, Black flash

"Strikes faster than light, leaving only darkness"

At level 17, using 5 points of ki, you go into an even deeper and lower stance than usual, for a moment and while having atleast 200 feet of movement left (Step of thunder), you charge at your opponent breaking the barrier of sound, a fist virtually imposible to dodge and with a range of 80 feet, the target will do a constitution throw dc 15 + your dexterity + your proficiency bonus, on a failed save the target will receive 8D10 + your monk level of lightning damage, or half as much on a succeed, you can expend more ki points to enhance the attack, adding 1d10 per 2 ki points, this attack surpasses any resistances and immunities, if the target fails the constitution save and is left with 50 or less hitpoints, his heart stops and instantly dies. If you kill an opponent this way you recover 3 ki points. You may do this once per turn.

You can end the attack past the enemy like your did with lightning flash.

This attack may be used as a reaction if you spend 7 ki points instead of 5.

You can maintain the speed given by "step of thunder" by spending only 1 ki point per turn.

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