Death Bloom Circle (5e Subclass)
Death Bloom Circle[edit]
Druid Subclass
Druids, as guardians of nature, typically oppose undead, constructs, and other unnatural creatures. However, Necrotic Druids view these beings differently. They recognize them as part of nature's cycle. The magical weave that fuels life also imbues lifeless corpses with a form of vitality, and the Necrotic Druid seeks to understand and connect with this aspect of nature. They merge with undead flesh and blood, mastering necrotic forces and gaining the ability to raise the dead, much like a necromancer.
- Expanded Spells
At 2nd level, you deepen your connection to death, gaining access to the following spells. These spells are considered druid spells and do not count against the number of spells you can prepare:
Druid Level | Spells |
3rd | inflict wounds |
5th | ray of enfeeblement |
9th | animate dead |
13th | shadow of moil |
17th | raise dead |
- Spreading Death
At 2nd level, you can accelerate the growth of fungi and infect enemies with draining spores. As a bonus action, you can perform a melee spell attack to infect an enemy within 5 feet spores. The fungus grows instantly, causing 5 necrotic damage at the start of each of the target's turns for 1 minute.
As you gain levels, the damage increases: 6th level: 7 damage; 10th level: 9 damage; 14th level: 12 damage; 18th level: 15 damage.
A creature can make a Constitution saving throw against your spell save DC at the end of each of its turns to end this effect.
You can use this ability a number of times equal to your Wisdom modifier (minimum of once), and regain uses after finishing a long rest.
- Flesh Graft
Also at 2nd level, you gain the ability to graft yourself with monstrous body parts, enhancing your form. When you kill a creature with a CR of 1 or lower, you can merge one of its body parts with your own. Over the course of a short rest, you choose a number of the creature's traits, actions, senses, resistances, immunities, and vulnerabilities equal to your proficiency bonus.
You can use your Wild Shape as a bonus action to activate the chosen traits, which last for 1 minute. When using the creature’s actions, you use your proficiency bonus for attack rolls, and your spell save DC for abilities that require a saving throw.
You can have a number of grafts equal to your proficiency bonus. Grafts can be from different creatures, but you can only use one graft at a time. At 6th level, the maximum CR of creatures you can graft from increases to a third your druid level (rounded down).
- Blood Charged Magic
At 6th level, you can empower your spells by drawing from your connection to death. When you cast a spell that requires a saving throw, you can spend 15 hit points to force one target affected by the spell to roll that save with Disadvantage.
- Dread Master
Also at 6th level, you learn to channel the energies of life and death to create Myconid servants. You can use your energy to grow Myconid sprouts, adults, and sovereigns. You have a number of charges equal to your Wisdom modifier (minimum 1) which you can spend in the following ways:
- 1 charge creates Myconid Sprouts
- 2 charges create Myconid Adults
- 5 charges create Myconid Sovereigns
These servants last for 24 hours, after which they shrivel into psychedelic mushrooms. Once you spend your charges, you can't use this feature again until you finish a long rest.
Myconids created this way are psychically linked to you and can communicate with you regardless of distance, as long as you're on the same plane of existence. You can control and speak through a Myconid Sovereign as if you were in its place. The myconids behave as if created by the Animated Dead spell.
Additionally, if you cast a spell within 200 feet of a Myconid Sovereign, it can use its reaction to cast the spell on your behalf, with the Sovereign acting as the origin point for the spell's range.
- Craft Construct
Starting at 10th level, you can merge dead body parts into a flesh construct. Over the course of a short or long rest, you can spend two uses of your Wild Shape to create a flesh golem from a pile of corpses. The golem is loyal to you and obeys your verbal commands, but it will only take the Dodge action unless you command it to do so using a bonus action. You must be within 30 feet of the golem to command it.
If you are knocked unconscious, your golem can act on its own and will do whatever it takes to protect you. The golem will act on your initiative, before or after you (your choice).
You can only have one golem at a time. Creating a new golem destroys the previous one. You can choose to destroy the golem at any time as an action. You can't recover your uses of Wild Shape while the Flesh Golem remains active.
- Deathless Master’s Call
At 14th level, you learn to create a powerful beast by combining your previous creations. By merging the flesh golem and two Myconid Sovereigns, you can create a Young Red Shadow Dragon. This dragon requires a significant portion of your magical energy, so while it is alive, you cannot create another flesh golem or spawn new Myconids.
The dragon remains under your control for 48 hours. You can destroy its body as an action and consume its necrotic energy, restoring half of your maximum number of hit points and gaining a temporary flying speed of 40 feet for 10 minutes.
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