Glutton (5e Subclass)

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<Warlock> Subclass

Expanded Spell list

The Glutton lets you choose from an expanded list of spells when you learn a warlock spell. The following spells have been added to your warlock spell list.

Spell Level Spells
1st create or destroy water, goodberry
2nd locate animals or plants, spiritual weapon
3rd create food and water, galder's tower
4th faithful hound, wall of fire
5th immolation, steel wind strike
Culinary Master

Starting at the 1st level, your culinary training gives you proficiency in Cooking Utensils and gain expertise on Perception and Survival Checks related to food. Once per Short rest you can make food and anyone who eats that food gains hit points equal to 1d4 x your Warlock level + your spellcasting modifier. The food you make soils 24 hours after this point the meal heals half of its original hit points and the consumer must make a Constitution saving throw of 12 this increases by +3 every 24 hours.

Chef's Touch

At 1st level, You also have the ability to add magic spice to give it an effect depending on d10 roll. The number you can use this ability is dependent on the number of cantrips you have. You can use multiple uses to get multiple effects on one meal. The effect of the Magic Spice ends after a long rest.

d10 Magic Spice
1 - Ginger Gain resistance to a damage type of your choice.
2 - Celery Seed Armor Class increases by 2.
3 - Cumin Gain +3 to your initiative.
4 - Cloves You now have truesight for 30ft of range.
5 - Turmeric Double the hit points received from this meal.
6 - Cardamom The consumer enters a state of rage.
7 - Chili Flakes Your mouth is forced to use a fire Breath Weapon you can hold, although every round you hold it you take 1 fire damage.
8 - Sumac The consumer can take one additional action immediately for two turns.
9 - Fenugreek The eater cast Fog Cloud centered on yourself the fog smells like rooting fruit.
10 - Asafoetida The eater doubles all ranged attacks
Daily Special

At 6th level, you gain the ability to infuse magic into your meals. You can spend a spell slot to make a dish, depending on what level of the spell slot you put in it, the person who consumes this dish will gain the spell slot you spent the meal but loses this effect after a long rest. Alternately you can infuse a cantrip into a dish making anyone who eats the food automatically take the damage or effect without any rolls.

Cook Book

At 10th level, you can perform a 4-hour ritual to make a book of your choosing your cookbook and if it is destroyed you have to perform the ritual on another book(If you have Pact Of The Tome you don’t have to do the ritual if you make your cookbook your Book Of Shadows). When you have your cookbook you can write down 2 magic spices that when you use Chef's Touch you can add to any dish without having to roll.

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