The Dream Dweller, Variant (5e Subclass)

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Dream Dweller, Variant[edit]

Warlock Subclass

Your patron has domain within or resides in the realm of dreams. Maybe you met them while in an elvish trance, and they pervaded your mind, or perhaps you’d been cursed to sleep eternally, and your patron saved you from such a fate. The realm of dreams often don’t interfere with the Prime Material, but your patron has given you abilities that close the gap. These patrons are often mysterious and ethereal, possibly posing as a loved-one, a lustful desire, or close friend. Perhaps, these patrons are gods, forgotten by all but few, who still visits them in their dreams. Perhaps they are deities who rule desire or fear, watching the fantasies or nightmares of all who visit in their sleep.

Expanded Spell List[edit]

Your patron has bestowed upon you a handful of spells that influence the waking world as if you were in a dream.

Spell Level Spells
1st find familiar, sleep
2nd alter self, phantasmal force
3rd pulse wave, hypnotic pattern
4th death ward, phantasmal killer
5th modify memory, dream

Eldritch Dreams[edit]

Beginning at 1st level, the amount of time it takes for you to finish a Long Rest is halved.

Eyes of the Dreamer[edit]

At 1st level, you gain darkvision out to a range of 60ft. If you already possess darkvision, increase its range by 30ft.

Eldritch Torpidity[edit]

Starting at 6th level, when attacking a creature with a cantrip that uses an attack roll, you may forgo rolling damage and attempt to force the creature to sleep. The creature must make a Wisdom saving throw equal to your Spell Save DC. On a failed save, they fall unconscious for one minute, until they take damage, or a creature uses its action to shakes them awake.

As a bonus action choose 2 creatures within 100ft currently effected by a feature or spell causing them to fall unconscious. You may cause 1d10 + your Charisma modifier psychic damage to these creatures. This damage wakes up these creatures.

Eldritch Nightmare[edit]

At 10th level, as an action, you may turn your body into pure psychic energy and enter the mind of a sleeping creature. The duration of any sleep effect you cast on them is extended to 8 hours. During this time you may freely twist the dreams of the effected creature as per the Dream spell. If you spend at least 2 hours inside the dream of an effected creature you gain the benefit of a long rest. At any point during your invasion of their mind you can choose to forcefully rip at their mind dealing 3d12 psychic damage + your Charisma modifier. Doing this will eject you from their mind early and cause the creature to wake up. Creatures who drop to 0 hp from this effect are not outright killed but instead are forced into a coma until a greater restoration spell or wish spell is used to end the effect.

You may use this feature once per long rest.

Eldritch Respite[edit]

As an action, at 14th level you may choose to fall unconscious until the end of your next turn. After which, two of the following benefits that you choose occur:

  • You regain a number of hit points equal to twice your warlock Level.
  • You remove one level of Exhaustion and neutralize any poisons and diseases currently afflicting you.
  • You gain a number of temporary spell slots equal to half your Charisma modifier. These spell slots go away after a long rest.

You must complete a long rest before you can use this feature again.

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