Order of the Deathstalker (5e Subclass)

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Order of the Deathstalker[edit]

Blood Hunter Subclass

Bhaal awaits thee, Bhaal embraces thee, none escape Bhaal.

Sea Of Blood[edit]

Beginning at 3rd level, your control over blood magic allows you to pull blood to you and cause it to orbit your body in crimson strands. Your Sea Of Blood is represented by a 15 foot radius centered on you. You can activate it by spending a Bonus Action and taking necrotic damage equal to one roll of your Hemocraft Die.

While Active: Whenever a creature inside the area takes damage slashing or piercing (yourself included, however damage used in your crimson rites are not counted), put a Blood Counter on that creature. A creature can have a number of Blood Counters equal to its Constitution Score. Whenever a creature's number of Blood Counters would exceed its maximum, the next attack you make against the creature that would deal slashing or piercing damage, deals additional damage equal to a number of rolls of your Hemocraft Die equal to the target's Blood Counter maximum.

Cowled Death[edit]

Beginning at 7th level, you have learned to channel Bhaal's might through the blood taken from others. While your Sea Of Blood feature is active, you can spend Blood Counters of creatures inside it to cast Blood Rituals.

Cost Blood Ritual
1-3 Touch of Death. Whenever you strike a creature with an attack that deals slashing or piercing damage, you can spend up to three Blood Counters to deal necrotic damage equal to a number of rolls of your Hemocraft Die equal to the number of Blood Counters spent.
2+ Bloody Deluge. For an amount of turns equal to the number of Blood Counters spent, the effective radius your Sea of Blood feature is multiplied by your proficiency bonus.
6+ Throne of Blood. The target is transported into a prison warded against teleportation and planar travel in Khalas, the first level of Gehenna. The prison deals 3 rolls of your Hemocraft Die for every turn it starts inside the prison. At the end of its turn, an emprisoned creature can make a Strength saving throw against your Hemocraft save DC. On a success they are transported back to where they were before. For every Blood Counters spend beyond 6, Hemocraft save DC increases by 1 for the affected creature only.

May You Boil In Your Own Blood[edit]

Starting at 11th level, the radius of your Sea Of Blood feature increases to 30 feet. And creatures inside the area gain Disadvantage on Constitution saving throws.

Blood Curse of the Dread Lord[edit]

At 15th level, you hone your hemocraft to such an extent you can instill terror in those around you. You gain the Blood Curse of the Dread Lord for your Blood Maledict feature. This doesn’t count against your number of blood curses known.

Blood Curse of the Dread Lord[edit]

When a creature enters your Sea of Blood you can spend your reaction to force it to succeed on a Constitution saving throw or become Poisoned and take necrotic damage equal to one roll of your Hemocraft Die at the end of its turns. Both effects last a number of turns equal to one roll of your Hemocraft Die.

Amplify. This curse lasts for 1 minute and can affect up to two additional creatures inside your Sea of Blood.


Upon reaching 18th level, you learn to draw sustenance from those you harm. You can spend any number of Blood Counters on any creature inside your Sea of Blood, to heal that same number of rolls of your Hemocraft Dice.

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