Path of the Raging Bull (5e Subclass)

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Path of the Raging Bull[edit]

<Barbarian> Subclass

A raging bull, stampeding rhino, trampling mammoth, are all creatures whose rage sends them charging at any or all foes that stand before them. Barbarians who follow this path harness some of this rage and focus it to allow themselves to become a living hammer off the charge.

Hurtling Forwards

From 3rd level, your rage drives you forwards towards your foes. When raging, add 5ft to your walking speed.

Also, whenever you take damage from a creature's attacks or spells, as a reaction you may move up to 10ft towards that creature.

Goring Horns

When you rage, magical forces surge through you, and a pair of horns grows from your head. If you are a creature that already has horns, they grow larger. You gain the horns as a melee weapon which you are proficient with and uses your Str to wield. As a bonus action you may make an attack with this weapon; the horns have 5ft reach and deal 1D8 + your Str modifier + half your Barbarian level (Rounded down) piercing damage. On a turn in which you have moved at least 20ft before attack a creature, add 1D8 piercing damage to attacks made with your horns.

Furious Charge

From 6th level, the fury you carry on the charge is enough to knock back all but the toughest of creatures. On a turn in which you have moved at least 20ft before attacking a creature, any creature hit by a melee attack you make must succeed on a Str saving thow with a DC = 8 + your Str modifier + half your Barbarian level (Rounded down), or be knocked prone by the attack.

Building Fury

From 10th level, as your charge towards you foes, your rage only builds and builds, turning you into an unstoppable force. Whilst raging, whenever you use your full movement or use the Dash action, you gain Temporary Hit Points = 1D8 + your Con modifier.

Seeing Red

From 14th level, as you enter into a rage, all you can see is a haze of red. When you first being to rage, you can Dash as a free action, so long as you move towards an enemy creature you can see.

Also, you can now increase your walking speed by 15ft rather than 5ft.

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