Path of the Spellbreaker (5e Subclass)
Path of the Spellbreaker[edit]
<Barbarian> Subclass
Magic is a fundamental part of the world, but so is violence, and just like violence, too many skilled in magic have used it to crush, oppress, and lord over those lacking in such skills. The Path of the Spellbreaker was born from the rage in the hearts of those abused by magic, and those who reject its centrality to the world. Part martial art, part weaponized spiritual distortion, those who practice it are varied, from superstitious rural isolationists who shun sorcery to city dwellers all too familiar with magic's ability to enslave and control.
While evil barbarians on this Path might be fanatics devoted to the slaughter of all mages and the destruction of all magical objects, most are able to take a more nuanced view. After all, swords can also do great harm, but it is the men holding them and using them for evil who're the problem more than the swords themselves, and while the world would be a better place if people didn't take up weapons against one another, every swordsman isn't evil. Still, the idea that the world would be a better place without magic is far from uncommon amongst adherents, and in time, those faithful to the Path of the Spellbreaker become avatars of anti-magic, living wounds in the mystical fabric of reality that terrify those who wield sorcerous might against those without.
- Strike Faster, Strike Harder
Those who start on the Path of the Spellbreaker learn one of its simplest and most important lessons first: the most important part of defeating a witch is taking them by surprise and hitting them before they have a chance to draw upon their powers to hit you!
Starting when you choose this path at 3rd level, you may add your proficiency bonus whenever you make a Dexterity ability score test to determine Initiative.
- Reactive Rage
One of the earliest abilities of the Path of the Spellbreaker is also one of the most fearsome, preparing the Spellbreaker for whatever strange abilities his quarry might bring to bear.
Also at 3rd level, while you are raging you gain a bonus on all saving throws equal to your damage bonus from raging.
- Wound in the Weave
At 6th level, your body undergoes a bizarre transformation as you begin to disconnect from the natural magic of the world.
- You cannot attune to magic items, cannot cast spells, and cannot benefit from any kind of magical potion that does not restore lost hitpoints.
- Whenever you attempt to damage a creature that is not a humanoid or beast with a melee attack using Strength, the damage cannot be resisted and creatures that would be immune to it instead take damage as normal.
- When you make melee attacks using Strength against magical structures or objects, ignore their threshold and treat them as vulnerable to your weapon damage.
- Whenever you reduce a creature capable of spellcasting to 0 hitpoints or destroy a magical object with a weapon attack, gain temporary hitpoints equal to your Barbarian Level.
- Know the Enemy
Also at 6th level, you have gained an understanding of the methods of your enemy, so as to more effectively destroy them.
- You gain proficiency in the Arcana skill.
- You may add your proficiency bonus to any check made to determine how to destroy or damage a vehicle, object, or structure.
- You make ability score checks based on proficiencies gained from this skill even while you are raging. When you do you gain a bonus on the check equal to your damage bonus while raging.
- Splinter Spell
At 10th level, you can cleave through magic itself.
If you are the target or if your being hit by any kind of spell , you can try to shatter the spell affecting or hitting you by making a Strength Ability Check with a DC of 10 plus the spell's level. On a successful check, the spell ends, and you gain temporary hitpoints equal to 5 times the highest level spell you ended this way.
Once you have destroyed spells this way a number of times equal to twice your proficiency bonus, you can't do it again until you finish a long rest.
- Witch Breaker
At 14 level, your fury is a constant impediment to your sorcerous foes, and the anti-magic of your being tears into them cruelly.
When you are raging, if you damage a creature with a weapon attack it suffers a penalty on all Constitution saving throws to maintain Concentration equal to your damage bonus from raging until the start of your next turn.
If you're raging and hit with a weapon attack against an enemy that is not a humanoid or beast or that is capable of spellcasting, double the damage caused by your damage bonus from raging. This only applies to the damage you deal, not to any other class features involving your damage bonus from raging.
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