Primal Reflector (5e Subclass)

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Picture is ranger using subclass capstone ability.

Inspiration is from Blue Mages from final fantasy,

Primal Reflector[edit]

Rangers who follow the Primal Reflector path attune themselves to the primal forces of nature, drawing upon the abilities of the creatures they encounter. Through keen observation and combat, they learn to absorb and reflect the powerful traits of beasts, fey, and other creatures. This connection to the natural world allows them to momentarily or permanently harness the abilities they witness, channeling the primal energy of those they study.

As they grow in experience, these rangers develop the ability to permanently absorb and internalize the powers they encounter. The fleeting traits they mimic are transformed into lasting parts of their own abilities, infused with azure magic that becomes part of their essence. Their growing mastery allows them to reflect the strengths of the creatures they've studied, becoming a living mirror of the wild forces they've encountered, drawing upon these powers at will.

What can/cannot be mimicked?

  • A special ability performed by a creature, including traits, actions, reactions, or magical effects (e.g., Pack Tactics, Fire Breath) or any other trait or ability that grants a benefit, including movement or speed types that the ranger does not already possess.
  • Abilities that require legendary power (such as Legendary Actions or Lair Actions) can be learned, but not prepared used until 15th level.
  • Abilities that are granted by divine power (such as a deity’s granted abilities), that require spell slots (such as spellcasting abilities) or are class features (such as Action Surge or Bardic Inspiration) cannot be reflected.

Primal Reflection[edit]

At 3rd level, you gain the ability to temporarily mimic the special abilities of creatures you encounter. This ability manifests as a surge of blue or azure-tinted energy, visually reflecting the essence of the power you’ve absorbed.

To learn an ability:

  • Observe It: The creature must use the ability within 60 feet of you during combat or another observed encounter, and;
  • Skill Check: After the observation, roll a Wisdom (Nature or Survival) check (DC = 10 + creature's CR). On success, you can mimic the observed ability.

Learning Limitations:

  • You can learn a number of abilities equal to your Wisdom modifier (minimum of 1) per long rest. Once this limit is reached, you cannot learn any more abilities until you complete another long rest.

Using Reflected Abilities:

  • Single Use: You can use the reflected ability once before it fades. The mimicry of these traits or movement speeds lasts for 1 minute, or until the ranger uses the ability again, whichever comes first.
  • Temporary Duration: If not used within 1 hour, the reflected ability fades and is lost.
  • Saving Throws: If the ability requires a saving throw, the DC is equal to your spell save DC.

Azure Infusion[edit]

At 7th level, your mastery of mimicked abilities deepens, enabling you to retain and recall them with greater efficiency.

Prepared Abilities

  • Any non-legendary/mythic ability you've previously mimicked is added to your repertoire and can be prepared during a long rest, including those learned since 3rd level.
    • Learned abilities must be prepared, similar to a spellcaster preparing spells. During a long rest, you can prepare a number of abilities equal to your Wisdom modifier (minimum of 1).
    • Each prepared ability can be used a number of times equal to your proficiency bonus per long rest.

Learning Process Enhancements:

  • If you fail to learn an ability, you may retry during a short or long rest, provided it occurs before completing your next long rest. Each retry increases the DC by 2 (maximum +6). This DC resets if you re-observe the ability.

Versatile Learning[edit]

At 11th level, your ability to learn and adapt to the abilities of creatures you encounter improves significantly.

Reaction to Learn:

  • You can now use your reaction to instantly learn an ability when a creature within 60 feet uses one ability that is eligible for Primal Reflection. No skill check is required.

Ability Scaling:

  • Damage-based abilities (e.g., breath weapons, melee attacks):
    • The damage increases by 1d6 per three ranger levels (rounded up). For example, a breath weapon that initially deals 3d6 damage will increase to 4d6 at level 9 and 5d6 at level 12.
  • Non-damage abilities (e.g., effects like Frightful Presence or resistances): Their range, duration, or number of targets affected increases based on your proficiency bonus, as follows:
    • Range/Area: Increases by 5 feet per point of your proficiency bonus.
    • Duration: Increases by 1 unit of the original duration for each point of your proficiency bonus (e.g., 1 round, 1 minute, or 1 hour).
    • Number of Targets: Increases by 1 additional target per point of your proficiency bonus.

Master Hunter's Repertoire[edit]

At 15th level, you reach the pinnacle of blue magic assimilation, gaining the unparalleled ability to mimic and prepare epic abilities.

Legendary Assimilation: You can prepare one Legendary or Mythic ability at a time. You can replenish this ability during a long rest.

Sample Blue Magic Abilities (for flavor)[edit]

  • Basilisk’s Gaze (learned from a basilisk): As an action, force a creature to make a Constitution saving throw or become petrified for 1 minute. The creature may repeat the save at the end of each of its turns.
  • Dragon’s Breath (learned from a dragon): As an action, exhale an elemental breath weapon (fire, cold, acid, or lightning) in a 15-foot cone. Deals 2d6 damage (Dex save for half).
  • Beholder’s Eye Ray (learned from a beholder): As an action, target one creature within 60 feet. The creature must make a Wisdom saving throw or become paralyzed for 1 minute.
  • Troll Regeneration (learned from a troll): Regain hit points equal to your Wisdom modifier at the start of each of your turns for 1 minute, unless you take fire or acid damage.
  • Phoenix’s Flame (learned from a phoenix): When you drop to 0 hit points, you can use your reaction to gain 1d10 hit points and immediately stand up, burning enemies in a 5-foot radius for 2d6 fire damage.

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