Mystery Domain (5e Cleric Subclass)

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Mystery Domain[edit]

Cleric Subclass

A woman walks into your office. "Oh my! Please, somebody help! My husband has been murdered!". You take a long draw of your cigar, stand up, and then brush off your trench coat. You face the troubled, monotone streets of Yew Nork.

Mystery Domain Clerics often work as private investigators, shamus, or journalists. These Clerics will journey over the lands just to solve a mystery, some not even caring if it helps the with the problem. Common gods of this subclass are Mystra, Mystryl, and Midnight.

Cleric Level Spells
1st alarm, identify
3rd darkness, see invisibility
5th catnap, incite greed
7th locate creature, arcane eye
9th mislead, legend lore
Investigative Mind

At 1st level, you gain proficiency in the investigation and history skills. If you already have proficiency with Investigation, you gain expertise.

Channel Divinity: Fade to Black

At 2nd level, you create an invisible orb with a radius of 30ft. centered on you. If a creature ever enters the orb, for the duration of its time in the orb, it is under the effects of the orb. Inside the orb, its is fully black-and-white, which nullifies Darkvision. Any creature you choose inside the orb also has half movement speed, and has no reaction. You may also use your reaction to make a opportunity attack with your ranged weapon on anyone in the orb. The orb fades away in 1 minute, or if you are incapacitated, charmed, or die.

Busy Mind

Starting at 6th level, your mind is filled with possibilities. What helps reveal this, and helps you solve the investigation, is a nice cigar. You only sleep for 1 hour a long rest, as long as you have a pack of cigars. One day you'll have time for The Big Sleep.

Vigilant Eyes

Also starting at 6th level, you have advantage on Initiative rolls because of your awareness and readiness for anything.

Potent Spellcasting

Starting at 8th level, you add your Wisdom modifier to the damage you deal with any cleric cantrip.

Detective Extraordinaire

At 17th level, you investigative abilities have become so grand that you can recall minute details about things and places.

Object Detection. If you study an item, you can tell who owned it, how it was treated, where it was created, and if it had ever been rebuilt or repaired.
Area Analysis. In a area no bigger than 100 sq ft., you can tell who had been here throughout the past week, and if you rolled a 20 or higher for this Investigation roll, you can tell key details about the passerby. In addition, you can tell if any major events have happened, though you will not get every detail.
(one vote)

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