Erlking of Hate (5e Subclass)

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This subclass is much more powerful than a normal one, notify your DM before using it as it could alter the game.

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Erlking of Hate[edit]

Fighter Subclass

Again!, again and again until the storm sleeps
—Erlking Heathcliff

The Erlking is the figure of suffering of someone who did not make it, but whose will is governed to fulfill his purpose in his option even if it is the last thing he does and even if he has to eliminate all versions of himself from existence, then? will you fall into absolute evil or will you rise from the ashes so that your power makes the vast multiverse tremble.

He Who Stands Tall on the Mountain of Corpses (It's an optional skill, just ignore it if you're not allowed to use it.)

at level 3 there can only be 1 of you to fix this whole mess. If your existence is suppressed, existence can flow on. Every time you kill another version of yourself from any universe, you gain 1/4 of their power, as described by the DM.

Absolute Despair

At level 3, the one facing the end knows how to do it. Their sword causes death both physically and to the soul. When you hit an enemy with an attack you apply 1 point of sinking. Sinking at the beginning of the enemy's turn causes psychic damage that cannot be avoided by any means, bypassing characteristics such as false life, and no resistance can reduce it (example: if you make 3 successful attacks the enemy will gain 3 points of sinking and at the beginning of their turn they will receive 3 points of psychic damage). If you reach 45 points of sinking, your enemy's mind begins to collapse, causing your enemies to roll for Wisdom with disadvantage. If they fail, they enter a state of panic, making them unable to use any ability unless it is racial until they regain their mentality. Their actions cost more (example: their reaction is a bonus action, their bonus action is a normal action, and their normal action is a full action) this state lasts 1 minute and at the beginning of the victim's turn they must roll a Willpower (Wisdom) roll to try to come back to their senses. If the enemy suffers 50 points of sinking, they must roll 1D100, and if they roll 40 or less, they suffer long-term Madness as the combat took its toll on even their very soul.

All sinking burdens are removed when you leave the danger, and half of the burdens are gone if a lesser restoration is used, and all are gone if a greater restoration is used, but the effects of the madness will be up to the DM. The save DC is 10 + proficiency bonus + strength bonus.

Master of Unique Style
Ultra Greatsword

Your path of death has led you to master a weapon as heavy as your destiny, all that opposes you will die under the ultimate art of the sword

At level 3 When you use an Ultra Greatsword your weapon damage die becomes a d12 and you have a +3 to attack and damage, you cannot be disarmed normally and magically, your attack range increases by 15 feet, you ignore the two-handed weapon property, your attacks have weight making your attacks push your enemies 10 feet for each hit

Coffin of Miserable Memories

at level 7 On your back your burdens, your mistakes, your sins and your doubts are manifested, your miserable journey has a purpose and an end and that is the victory for everything you have lost.

All your sins manifest as an iron maiden on your back tied with chains that you can use as a shield giving you a +4 to your AC

Additionally, whenever you kill an enemy, or use the Requiem ability, or manage to accumulate 20 points of sinking on an enemy, you gain 1 coffin level (maximum 10), increasing your power and madness while emitting an aura of intimacy as if reality were breaking apart in your presence as the massacre progresses:

  • At level 1 you gain a +3 to attack and damage
  • At level 2 you gain a +3 to saving throws and skill checks
  • At level 3 you gain a +3 to AC
  • At level 4 you gain nothing
  • At level 5 you gain a +5 bonus to damage as well as advantage on your attacks, and your attack range increases by 10 feet
  • At level 6 you gain nothing
  • At level 7 you gain nothing
  • At level 8 you gain 10% damage reduction
  • At level 9 you gain an extra +3 to everything from the Level 1 to 3
  • At level 10 you get another 10% damage reduction, another +5 to damage, your attack range increases by 10 feet, and you gain an action and a bonus action and also an extra reaction.

Reaching high levels can affect your sanity, you must make a will (wisdom) check to stand firm or when the DM decides you will have to roll for wisdom to not enter a state of Purge violence and madness to attack every living being that is in your vision, if you fall into this state every 3 turns you can roll for will (wisdom) to see if you can regain your composure, the other way to end the state is that there is nothing alive left nearby.

Come Dullahan

At 7th level from the depths of your hatred and despair a kindred spirit that will accompany you in your purpose you summon a shadow horse, when you are on the horse your attack range increases by 10 feet, you gain an extra damage die of your weapon type, the horse cannot be hurt since it is not corporeal but has the statistics of a war horse, but it can run 120 feet plus your movement speed, and you triple its movement in jumping distance, and it is immune to falling damage, when you use this horse for combat you have advantage on your attacks and enemies have disadvantage when attacking you, in addition to the horse giving you u + 5 on saving throws, but if you use it in combat for more than 4 rounds your sanity will suffer and when you must roll for the sanity of Coffin of Miserable Memories you must roll with disadvantage, and if you still continue using it you will begin to receive psychic damage or even slight insanity if you take it to the extreme.

Requiem/ Lament, Lament, Despair

At level 10 your path of blood has only begun, until you fulfill your purpose your coffin will not only be your manifest of the guilt that eats away at you but also the end of your enemies, this ability is divided into 2 versions, Lament can only be used when you are in the Dullahan and you are about to or in the state of purge, this ability takes you out of that condition, but you can only use it once per minute, and the limit of uses is equal to your competence bonus:

Requiem: As part of your attack action you launch the iron maiden with dark purposes, the victim will have to make a dexterity save, in case of failure it will be trapped in the airon maiden and attracted to you to deal a fatal blow in case it is medium sized, if it is larger it will be hit with the airon maiden and bringing dark rays to its enemy, dealing: 12d10 + 10d10 and 5 times your damage bonus

lament: As an action while on the Dullahan horse you attack with the iron maiden doing the same as in Requiem, but with your companion here your devastating power increases causing an even more devastating blow dealing 12d10+10d10+6d6 +10 times your damage bonus + for every 10 sinks the enemy has, the damage is multiplied.

Patches of Violets

through your path, you have learned to break both reality and your mind, advancing towards the abyss of an unknown destiny where the only thing you can do is advance to see the end, also at level 10, you become immune to fear and the state of charmed even your alignment can decay at the decision of the DM, you also suffer from visions of your other self of the multiverse, and you learn to create and close breaches in reality that serve to travel short distances or to other dimensions if your DM allows it, as an additional action you create a breach in reality that connects with another point in a zone of 300 feet, you can only open breaches equal to your strength bonus, and they disappear after 10 minutes,

Echoes of the Mansion

At level 15 the burdens of your failures are heavy but you have begun to understand the weight of your own misery, adapting it, concentrating it, when an ally dies, or an enemy you can spend 2 levels of coffin, to raise it as a shadow echo of its life, before dying and it will be totally loyal to you, until it is killed again or the fight ends, when it dies its echo is trapped in your coffin and can be summoned again by spending 2 levels of coffin, you dog only save up to 6 different echoes.

When you make an attack instead of applying 1 sinking you apply 3

The Will to Hunt

At level 18 you have reached the peak, and you are ready to end this. You have unleashed all the darkness, fears, hatred, doubts that dwell in your iron maiden and the echoes come to your call. As an action you make the call to the hunt and you can summon an army made of echoes, bringing 12 echoes even if they are copies of themselves to fight in battle. Spending 5 coffin points, and 1 by recovering a point of exhaustion you can summon 12 more, they will be alive until the fight is over, they are killed, or you die.

You can only use this ability once per week.

(4 votes)

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