True Archer (5e Subclass)

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True Archer[edit]

Fighter Subclass

True archers are warriors specialize in the use of the bow. They have been trained in the art of archery, and use from archery tricks to gain the upper hand against their enemies.

Trick Shots

When you reach 3rd level, you learn trick shots. These shots are fueled by shot points that can be used to activate certain moves that you can perform while using your weapon of choice. The maximum amount of points you have increases with your level (1 + Wisdom Modifier + proficiency bonus), and you regain shot points after a short rest or a long rest.

You can choose 2 trick shots at 3rd level, and add another trick shots when you are 7th, 10th, 15th and 18th levels.

Whenever you learn a new trick shot, you can replace a trick shot you knew by a new one.

Weapon of Choice

Starting at 7th level, choose one ranged weapon. You gain +2 on damage rolls with that weapon, and score critical hits on a 19-20 with it.

In addition, you also add your proficiency bonus to your initiative rolls if you are wielding the weapon when rolling for initiative.

Weapon Prowess

At 10th level, after you've chosen your weapon of choice, you adopt a particular style of ranged combat as your specialty. You gain one of the options below. You can learn another option in place of gaining an Ability Score Improvement.

Aiming. If you haven't moved on your turn, you can use a bonus action to give yourself advantage on your next ranged weapon attack. Your movement speed is then reduced to 0 for the rest of the turn.
Called Shot. As a bonus action, you can aim for your target's leg or wing. If your next attack on this turn made after this bonus action hits, your target must succeed on a Constitution save or is knocked prone and have its movement speed reduced by half until the end of its next turn.
Close Range. You no longer have disadvantage for shooting at melee. In addition, whenever a creature leaves the short range of your ranged weapon, you can make an opportunity attack against it, using the bow.
Multi-Shot. Once per turn, you can fire two arrows at once, at two distinct targets within 5 feet of one another, using one of your attacks made as part of the Attack action.
Quick Draw. You can draw or stow a ranged weapon once per turn without using an Action, and you have Advantage on your initiative rolls. In addition, when you roll initiative, you can use a reaction to draw a ranged weapon make a ranged attack, before your turn starts.
'Guardian Angel When you roll initiative, designate an ally. Whenever that ally is the target of a ranged attack for the remainder of the encounter, you can make an opportunity attack against the attacker. On a hit, that enemy attack has disadvantage.
One With the Arrows

At 15th level, you can increase the power of your shots. Until the end of this turn, all your attacks with a ranged weapon cause maximum damage.

The first time you do so you suffer no adverse effect. If you use this feature again before you finish a long rest, you suffer 1 level of exhaustion.

Nock Nock

At 18th level, once per turn if you have Advantage on an attack, you can forgo that Advantage to, instead, fire two arrows in the same attack.

Trick Shot List[edit]

Field Repairs

As a bonus action, you can spend 1 shot point to fix a broken non-magical ranged weapon. When you learn this trick, you also gain proficiency with Woodcarvers tools, and have Advantage on checks with this tool to craft and repair bows, crossbows and their projectiles.


You can spend 1 shot point as a bonus action to take the Dash action.

Damaging Shot

You can spend 1 shot point to roll the damage die of your bow one additional time when calculating damage.

Pinning Shot

You fire an arrow that pins the target to the ground. When you make an attack, you can spend 1 shot point to make a pinning shot. On a hit, instead of causing damage, the target is considered grappled by your arrow. The target can get out of the grapple with a DC 10 Strength (Athletics) check, using its action.

You can't target creatures larger than Large.

Disarming Shot

As a bonus action, you can spend 1 shot point to aim for the weapon a creature is holding. Your next attack, on a hit, don't cause damage, and instead cause the weapon or object to either drop to the ground, or to be carried by the arrow up to a distance equal to the short range of your bow.

Intercepting Shot

As a reaction when a friendly creature is targeted by a thrown weapon or projectile, you can spend 1 shot point to fire an arrow, reducing the damage taken by that ally by your weapon damage die + your Dexterity modifier + your Fighter level.

Double Take

When you miss an attack with a ranged weapon, you can spend 1 shot points a a reaction to make another attack.

Shot on the Run

When you take the Dash or Disengage actions, you can spend 1 shot point as a reaction to make an attack with a ranged weapon.

Rapid Fire

When you take the Attack action and make an attack with a ranged weapon, you can spend 1 shot point to make an additional attack as part of that action.

Hamstring Shot

When you hit a creature with a ranged weapon attack, you can spend 1 shot point to reduce its movement speed by 10 feet, until the end of your next turn.

Stylish Evasion

As a reaction, you can spend 2 shot points to perform an impressive acrobatic move to harmlessly leap away from an opponent's attack, up to half your movement speed, without provoking opportunity attacks, causing that attack to miss.

Disruptive Shot

As a bonus action, you can spend 2 shot points to aim a arrow that screeches at its target and explodes sending pepper and nettles into the the creatures sinuses. On a hit, in addition to the damage, the target lose concentration on a spell.

Dose Delivery

As a bonus action, you can spend 2 shot points to place a potion or poultice on your arrow. In place of making an attack, you can then choose a creature within the short range of your bow and target with that potion or poultice.

If the potion is harmful (such as poisons, alchemist fire, holy water and others), you must make an attack and, on a hit, you cause both the effects of the attack and of the potion.

Bolt Shot (Prerequisite 7th level)

When you hit a creature with a ranged attack from your bow, you can spend 3 shot points to cause additional 2d6 lightning damage, and force your target to make a Constitution saving throw, or be stunned until the end of your next turn.

Defensive Cordon (Prerequisite 7th level)

You can spend 3 shot points to cast cordon of arrows.

Wounding Shot (Prerequisite 7th level)

When you hit a creature with a ranged attack, you can spend 3 shot points to cause a bleeding wound. The target takes 1d6 necrotic damage at the end of each turn, unless someone succeeds on a Wisdom (Medicine) check with a DC equal to your Shot Save DC, or until the creature regains 1 hit point.

Piercing Shot (Prerequisite 7th level)

You can spend 3 shot points when you make an attack to ignore up to 5 points of AC a creature has (to a minimum of 10) if the AC is based on armor or natural armor. On a hit, you also ignore resistance and immunity to piercing damage or nonmagical piercing damage.

Finally, this arrow will target up to two additional targets in a 10 feet line coming from your target and in a straight line, if the attack would surpass their AC.

Burst Shot (Prerequisite 10th level)

As a bonus action, you can spend 5 shot points to charge your shot. Hit or miss, your target and all creatures within 10 feet of him must succeed on a Dexterity saving throw, or take 4d6 fire damage and is knocked prone if it is Large or smaller.

Conjure Barrage (Prerequisite 10th level)

You can spend 5 shot points to cast barrage.

Conjure Volley (Prerequisite 18th level)

You can spend 7 shot points to cast conjure volley. Once you use this trick, you can't do it again until you finish a long rest.

Swift Quiver (Prerequisite 18th level)

You can spend 7 shot points to cast swift quiver. Once you use this trick, you can't do it again until you finish a long rest.


When you hit a creature with a ranged attack, you can spend 7 shot points to force the creature to make a Constitution saving throw. On a failure, the target is reduced to 0 hit points. On a success, it takes additional 7d10 necrotic damage.

Once you use this trick, you can't do it again until you finish a long rest.

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