Path of the Huntmaster (5e Subclass)
Path of the Huntmaster[edit]
Barbarian Subclass
Few barbarian tribes are so primitive that they can’t devise a simple bow or crossbow, especially those that rely on hunting for their protein intake. Most such archers are content to follow the path of the fighter for martial prowess or the ranger for naturalistic magics, but both such vocations prioritize agility over aggression when it comes to marksmanship. Some instead focus their inner power and develop their outer power to use raw force and often a certain degree of recklessness to overcome any deficiencies in aim. After all, the faster the arrow flies the harder it is to dodge. They also tend to modify their weapons to maximize firepower at the cost of draw weight, actual weight, and recoil.
- Primal Fletcher
Starting at 3rd level, you have the skills to maintain your equipment. You have proficiency with smith’s tools, tinker’s tools, or woodcarver’s tools (choose 1). You can use your str modifier instead of dex for ability checks made using the tool.
- Hunter’s Reflex
Starting at 3rd level, you end a quarry’s attempts to flee or elude from afar. While your rage is active, you can use your bonus action to target a creature you can see. Until the start of your next turn, you cannot gain disadvantage on ranged weapon attacks against the target from any source.
When a creature you can see uses the dash or disengage action, you can use your reaction to make a weapon attack against the creature if it is within your weapon’s range. If the attack scores a critical hit, the creature’s movement speed is halved until the end of the turn.
- Warbow
Starting at 3rd level, all ranged weapons with the Two-Handed property you wield also have the Finesse property and your Weapon Mastery feature allows you to use the mastery properties of all ranged weapons with the Two-Handed property. While your rage is active, the damage dice of all ranged or thrown weapons you wield are also increased by one size, to a maximum of a d12.
When you score a critical hit with a ranged weapon attack, you can roll one additional damage die when determining the extra damage the target takes.
- Armor Piercer
Starting at 6th level, your shots are mighty enough to ignore all but the most invincible of defenses. While your rage is active, your attack rolls with ranged or thrown weapons gain a bonus equal to your rage damage bonus and the damage they deal ignores all damage resistances.
After you score a critical hit with a ranged weapon attack, reduce the target’s ac by your rage damage bonus until the start of your next turn, to a minimum of 1.
- Broadheads
Starting at 10th level, your projectiles are severe enough for maximum brutality. While your rage is active, using your Brutal Strike feature with a Strength-based ranged weapon attack does not forgo advantage on the attack roll and after a creature takes damage from your Brutal Strike feature, it can’t regain missing hit points until the start of your next turn.
When you score a critical hit with a ranged weapon attack, reduce the damage of the target’s next successful attack by 1d10, increased to 2d10 at 17th level.
- Flank and Flak
Starting at 14th level, since you’re already substituting your brawn for delicacy offensively, why not do so defensively? While your rage is active, when you would make a Dexterity saving throw, you can make a Strength saving throw instead and when you're subjected to an effect that allows you to make a Strength saving throw to take only half damage, you instead take no damage if you succeed on the saving throw and only half damage if you fail.
After you succeed on a Strength saving throw, you can use your reaction to make a weapon attack against a creature you can see in the weapon’s range. If the attack scores a critical hit, the target is knocked prone and stunned until the end of your next turn.
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