College of the Choir (5e Subclass)

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College of the Choir[edit]

Bard Subclass

Bard of this College rarely travel alone, usually found with a group of other Bards who sing in unison.

Leader of the Choir
Starting at 3rd Level, whenever you roll for a performance check you can get a bonus equal to the amount of people performing with you.(these people must have proficency in performance to get this bonus). You also get expertise in performance if you don't already have it.

Peer Pressure
Also at 3rd Level, whenever you make a persuasion check you can treat any roll lower than twice the amount of people with you as a roll equal to twice the amount of people with you.
An affected creature can make a Wisdom Saving throw against you Spellsave DC to negate this effect.

Inspiration of the Choir
At 6th Level you can in Battle start to sing with you group(only those who have proficency in performance), for one minute, giving all of them one use of you bardic inspiration die per round while only expending one use of your bardic inspiration die per round. You have concentrate on this song as if it were a spell and if you lose conentration the people who you sung with have to subtract one use of you bardic inspiration die on their next roll.
The maximum amount of people you can affect with this is equal to you Bard level divided by 3.

Choir Teacher
Staring at 14th Level, When you use your Inspiration of the Choir Feature the individuals whom you sing with no longer need proficency in performance, if they all have expertise in performance you only expend one use of you bardic inspiration die when you start the song.

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