Spell Breaker (5e Subclass)

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Spell Breaker[edit]

Barbarian, Caster Breaker, Monk, Ranger and Rogue subclass

Be wise before cast this spell or you will regret!
—Huriëm, Drow Spell Breaker

Those might warrior were born under an intensive training reach the perfection and after a lest rite of passage they deny the magic at any form in order to rise their power and became self sufficient and independent of any magic. Spell Breakers can be lone warriors who start a crusade against an evil Spellcaster. Or they can be cruel, heartless villains who slay good and evil Wizards alike.

This subclass is based on the mechanics introduced on the UA 79 - Strixhaven

Adrenal Speed

Level 3+ Spell Breaker Feature

You can use your adrenaline to increase his speed. You have a number of adrenaline points equal to your Constitution modifier (minimum of 1). You can use your adrenaline points in the following manners:

Haste. You can take one of the following actions: Disengage, Dodge, or make a single attack with a weapon. This doesn't require an action.
Dash. You can take the Dash action as a bonus action. In addition, your next attack made after you take this bonus action deals additional damage equal to 1d6 per 10 feet of movement taken before the attack.
Rush. As a bonus action, you can spend 1 adrenaline point to move 15 feet without provoking opportunity attacks. This movement ignore difficult terrain, and this movement can be made in any direction - much like flying speed, but you must end your movement on the ground.

At 11th level, your regain your adrenal points after a short or a long rest.

Adrenal Haste

Level 6+ Spell Breaker Feature

You can spend 5 points of your adrenal speed to cast haste on yourself, as a bonus action, not requiring concentration.

Self Protection

Level 6+ Spell Breaker Feature

You can add your Wisdom modifier to all your saving throw (including Wisdom saves). This effect is not cumulative with similar effects, such as the paladin aura.

Spell Shatter

Level 11+ Spell Breaker Feature

Whenever a spell is cast against you, or you are in an area of effect of a spell, you can use a reaction to disrupt the effect of that spell. You can make a Dexterity saving throw against the spell save DC of the caster. On a success, the spell has no effect and it is lost.

You can use this feature a number of times equal to your proficiency bonus, and regain your uses of it after finishing a long rest.

Energy Resistance

Level 15+ Spell Breaker Feature

You gain resistance to acid, cold, fire, lightning and thunder damage.

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