Devil Fruit (5e Subclass)
Work In Progress |
Wondrous item, varies Devil Fruits are rare, supernatural fruits that bestow incredible abilities upon consumption. However, eating one curses the user with the inability to swim. If submerged in ocean or sea water deeper than **60 feet**, you immediately begin suffocating and lose access to all Devil Fruit abilities until removed from the water. Types of Devil FruitsDevil Fruits are classified into three major categories: Created Bye Killer Queen (talk
These fruits grant a variety of superhuman abilities, such as altering one's body, affecting the environment, or manipulating external forces.
Users of Logia fruits can transform into and control a specific element, effectively becoming intangible and reforming from attacks that do not counter their element.
Zoan fruits allow the consumer to transform into a specific animal or a hybrid form between their original species and the chosen animal. Devil Fruit Mechanics
If your Devil Fruit ability requires a saving throw, the DC is calculated as follows:
If you make an attack roll with a Devil Fruit ability, your attack bonus is calculated as:
Upon consuming a Devil Fruit, you permanently lose the ability to swim. If submerged in ocean or sea water deeper than **60 feet**, you immediately begin suffocating and lose access to all Devil Fruit abilities until removed from the water.
Gomu Gomu no Mi
At 3rd level, your body is made entirely by rubber, which makes your body stretchy. Your body can stretch 75ft + 5ft for each level in this class. and you have immunity to Lighting Bludgeoning and fall damage.
At 3rd level, you decide to use your stretchiness for attacks. Your fist stretches to hit someone as a ranged attack this has the range of how many feet you can stretch up to and the damage done is 1d8 + your unarmed strikes + Constitution modifier Bludgeoning Damage. The damage for this technique increases as you level up your class, with it being 2d8 at 5th level, 3d8 at 10th level, and 4d8 at 14th level.
At 3rd level, as an reaction you can swallow air inside your elastic body making you grow to a 10ft circle, giving you +5 AC for the turn and reducing all the incoming damage by half. While in this form any non magical piercing and bludgeoning damage will be reflected back to the sender. While in Gear five, your body becomes extremely buoyant, like a helium balloon. By using this ability you can leave the inside of a creature that has swallowed you.
At 5th level, as an action, you can focus on a target when you do this your throw your hands back so hard that when they come back they stretch forward with an enormous amount of force when you do this your target has to make a Dexterity saving throw if they succeed they take half damage, if they fail they take 2d10 + Two unarmed strikes + your Strength modifier bludgeoning damage. You may waste your bonus action to increase the range of this skill to 10, and to increase it's first damage by 1d10. You can only use this three-time before taking a short or long rest. The damage of your bazooka increase to 3d10 at 7th level, 4d10 at 10th level and 5d10 at 17th level.
At 5th level, as an action you can choose a place in 20ft infront of you to give an barrage of multiple punches using your Rubber abilities along with your speed making it look like you have multiple arms. Everything within the 20ft has to make a Dexterity saving throw if they succeed they take your unarmed strike damage, if they fail they take 2d10 + Your unarmed strike bludgeoning damage. When you use this ability, you attack with it 3 times in one attack action. This attack cannot be used in succession to itself
At 5th level, as an action you can grab something and pull your body back as far as you can (With it being your movement speed), and if you release your body after it you propel yourself in the air. The amount of distance you propelled is 5 + The amount of feet you have been pulled back + your movement speed. For each 5ft you have passed in this manner, you will deal 1d8 Bludgeoning Damage. You can only use this ability 4 times before taking a short or long rest.
At 7th level, as an action you can twist your arm behind you for 5ft, which makes the opponent in 5ft makes a Dexterity Saving Throw, in a sucess he takes half damage, on a failure he gets knocked Back and receives triple of your unarmed strike damage + Strength and Constitution. You can use this 3 times before a long or short rest.
At 7th level, as an action you can lift your leg in 30ft to kick your opponent, dealing your unarmed strike damage + 1d8 Bludgeoning Damage. You may also do this with both of your legs, which deals double the damage but will take your whole attack action, if it hits then the target must make a Constitution saving Throw, on a success nothing happens, on a failure you will leave the creature stunned. You may do this equal to your Constitution modifier.
At 7th level, you can extremely increase your heart but because you are made of rubber it doesn’t burst, and increases your phisical abilities. For 1 minute you will gain a +2 to your Dexterity and Strength score, your movement speed is doubled and your unarmed strikes will now deal 1 extra dice of damage, and some of your techniques evolve to a faster and stronger version. After this ability ends you gain 2 levels of exhaustion, and you can only use this ability equal to your Constitution modifier before taking a long rest. At 14th level, you can use this ability equal to Double your Constitution modifier before taking a long rest.
At 10th level, you can bite your hand and blow it up with air causing your hand to grow giant for 1 minute, giving you new giant techniques. Your unarmed strikes will deal triple the damage, and after the transformation end your size will decrease by two categories for 1 round, in which you cannot use your abilities. You can use this a number of times equal to your Constitution modifier before taking a long rest.
At 14th level, your attacks do 4 times the damage, this ability last for 3 minutes. While in gear fourth, you gain +3 to Strength and Constitution, your movement speed increases by 30, and you can transform your full movement speed into flying speed. While you're transformed into bound Man, you gain the skills bellow:
You can only use this ability twice before taking a long rest and you can’t use any of your abilities for 2 minutes. You have also mastered 2nd gear meaning can use it infinitely but the affects only last for 3 turns after that you can not use it until after three turns and you don’t suffer any consequences (this is a choice you can choose to use the full use but you will suffer the down sides).
At 14th level, you can transform as a bonus action in a much bigger and larger form of yourself. When you have this form active, you gain +10 to AC and +5 to Constitution and will reduce your movement speed by half for 1 minutes. You can use this once per long rest and you can't use any of your ability for 2 minutes
At 17th level, all your attacks do 3 times the damage and your speed is triples and you can re roll an attack once on your turn, this ability last for 3 minutes and you can only use this ability once before taking a long rest and you can’t use any of your abilities for 2 minutes.
At 20th level, you awaken the true nature of the Rubber fruit, and unlock the ability to rubberize anything and unrubberize anything. While in the Gear 5 state, you will gain +10 to Strength Constitution and Dexterity, and your AC increases by 10 but every time you use this you lose five years of life. The power can only be used for one minute without drawbacks, after the minute passes you will gain 1 level of exhaustion for every 6 seconds that passes. When you die after failing your death saving throws or being killed immediately outside of this gear, you enter this gear automatically, and gain all the benefits from a long rest. If your hit points are reduced to 0 again, instead of making death saving throws, you are stable and stunned for 3 turns. All the initial conditions of the Gear 5 still applies every time you use it. While you're transformed into Gear 5 state, you gain the following skills bellow:
Bara Bara no Mi
At 3rd level, you can detach body parts without taking damage, and dropped body parts can float with a flying speed of 30 feet. You can do this with any part of your body except your feet because they can't float. Parts of your body can only float within 60 feet of you; If they float out of your reach, you will lose control of them and they will fall to the ground. You also cannot take cutting damage, because every time you are cut, you simply separate the cut part from the body and can put it back in place freely.
At 3rd level, as an reaction when you would be hit by an attack, you can spread all of your parts to reduce the damage by half. You can only do this twice per long rest.
At 5th level, you can pop off your hand to punch someone or to hit them with a weapon, dealing additional 2d6 Bludgeoning Damage and having an increased 60ft of range.
At 5th level, you learned how to fly leaving only your feet behind. You gain flying speed equal to your movement speed, but you may only do this from at least 60ft from your feet. If someone is carrying them around the radius will move with you.
At 7th level, you can pop off every single body part you can pop off making it really hard to hit and to see where you're attacking. When you do this as an bonus action you temporarily have an advantage over hitting someone and they have a disadvantage on hitting you, this will last for 3 rounds after that you become tired from controlling so many body parts that you have to put them all together again which ends the effect. You can use this ability 2 times before taking a short or long rest, this evolves into 4 times when you reach 10th level.
At 10th level, you can pop off your hands and make them spin rapidly making a deadly hand wheel when you do this choose a target to throw this hand wheel at when you choose your target they must make a Dexterity saving throw if they fail they take 4d8 bludgeoning damage (if your hands or holding a weapon whenever the type of damage that weapon does is the type of damage this attack does) if they succeed they take half damage. You can only use this ability 3 times before taking a long rest.
At 14th level, you grab your target (that is within 60ft of you) and you fly up 60ft and force them to the ground at full speed when you do this your opponent must make a Strength saving throw if they fail they take the full force of hitting the ground and take 5d12 bludgeoned if they succeed they manage to slightly slip out of your grip and only take half damage.
At 17th level, you can pop off your finger and shoot it into your target's mouth that is within 60ft of you when you do this your target must make a con saving throw if they succeed they take 100 damage from your finger messing around in their body parts, if they fail they amendment drop to 0 hit points because you under-up absolutely recking their body. After using this ability you can’t attack for 7 turns due to you tiring yourself out after controlling your finger so thoroughly through someone’s body. Moku Moku no mi
At 3rd level, you are a smoke human, which means you can shapeshift, conjure, and manipulate smoke. This always allows you to fly at a speed of 30 feet and cannot be hit by all non-magical attacks and you can move through solids.
At 3rd level, you can turn your arm into smoke but not your fist allowing you to shoot your fist making your unarmed strike, or whatever attack you use with your hand to have a 60ft range (if you unarmed strikes only do 1 it now does 2d8 bludgeoning damage for this attack).
At 5th level, you shoot smoke at a target that is 60ft and cover them into smoke when you do this they must make a Dexterity saving throw if they succeed they dodge your attack, if they fail they are grappled for 3 rounds. When you reach 10th level if they fail they are grappled for 5 rounds instead of 3.
At 7th level, you can shoot a giant amount as your opponent causing them to make a Constitution saving throw if they fail, they are can't see making all attacks against this creature have an advantage and all the creatures attacks have disadvantage for 4 rounds if they succeed, they can't see for 2 rounds. You can use this ability 3 times At 10th level, you can use this ability 5 times At 12th level, you can use this ability 6 times and your ability lasts for 2 more rounds than it usually does 14th level, you can use this ability 8 times At 16th level, you can use this ability 10 times.
At 20th level, you have awakened your devil fruit meaning everything within 400ft is in a permanent fog making when every you go into your smoke form you are undetectable by normal means it also always you can use abilities limitlessly and your unarmed strikes do triple damage although once you step out of your fog area all these buffs go away. You can only use this once a day and you can't make multiple if you try the previous one disappears. Sube Sube no mi
At 3rd level, you have become very slippery making you harder to hit. Due to your slippery nature you can’t be grappled and gain resistance to bludgeoning damage, and if you try sliding you will have a sliding speed equal to your normal walking speed +20ft.
At 3rd level, your slippery skin helps you out in battle. For any non-magical attacks you receive, you reduce the damage by 1d12. This increases to 2d12 at 7th level, 3d12 at 10th level, 4d12 at 14th level and 5d12 at 17th level.
At 5th level, if you have slided in at least 20ft you can make one creature infront of you make a Dexterity saving throw, on a sucess they take half damage, on a failure they take the full xd8 + your unarmed strike + your Constitution modifier Bludgeoning Damage(With x gaining 1 dice of damage by each 5ft you slided with the skill outside the first initial 20). Bomu Bomu no mi
At 3rd level you have the ability to turn any part of your body into a bomb.
At 3rd level, you can punch or kick someone and you detonate that body part your bombs in combination with your attack you just add the damage of the bomb to the original attack also when you detonate your parts of your body anyone within 20ft of you has to make a Dexterity saving throw if they fail they take as much damage as your bombs do if they succeed they take half. Your bombs right now do 1d10 fire damage this increases as you level up, at 5th level your bombs do 2d10 fire damage, at 11th level your 3d10 fire damage, at 17th level, your bombs do 4d10 fire damage.
At 3rd level, you can shoot your booger at someone and because it is a part of your body it is a bomb when you shoot this booger you can choose a target who is within 60ft once you do that you shoot the booger at them when you do this they will make a Dexterity saving throw if they fail they take as much as your bombs do +8 if they succeed they take half damage. You can use this ability 3 times before taking a short or long rest, at 6th level you can use it 6 times before taking a short or long rest, at 9th level you can use it 9 times before taking a short or long rest.
At 5th level, you can detonate your hands and feet repeatedly to allow you to fly at a speed of 40ft.
At 5th level, you can turn your breath into a bomb (you can contain your breath in an object and explode it remotely) your breath can travel 90ft before you lose track of it and can’t detonate it when you detonate it anyone within 45ft radius of it must make a Dexterity saving throw with a disadvantage because your breath is invisible if they fail they take as much damage as your bombs do times 2 if they succeed they take half damage. You can use this 3 times before taking a long rest, at 15th level you can use this 6 times before taking a long rest.
At 7th level, you throw your sweat every was and because your body made it, it is a bomb when you detonate everyone within a 100ft radius must make a Dexterity saving throw if they fail they take as much damage as your bombs to do time 4 if they succeed they take half damage and after this, the blast area becomes difficult terrain to everyone but you because of this difficult terrain everyone’s attack have disadvantage except you. You can use this once before taking a long rest, at 14th level you can use it 2 times before taking a long rest and at 20th level you can use it 4 times before taking a long rest.
At 10th level, you can make your entire body explode but you make it a none lethal bomb and make it only a flash making your entire body into a flash bomb when you do this any creature within 80ft of you has to make a Constitution saving throw (they get disadvantage if they were within 40ft of you) if they succeed they are stunned and can’t see for 2 rounds if they fail they are stunned and can’t see for 4 rounds. You can use this twice after that you have to wait for 2 rounds to use it again.
At 14th level, you can literally plow up your entire body but lethally this time causing everything in a 60ft range of you have to make a Dexterity saving throw if they fail, they take 10d10 fire damage if they succeed, they take half damage. You use this 2 times before taking a long rest.
At 17th level, you are an expert at using your bombs making all current use limits doubled.
At 20th level, you may surround yourself with energy, to unleash a huge explosion in a 100ft range, everything in that range must make a Dexterity saving throw if they fail, they take 30d12 fire damage if they succeed, they take half damage. The side effect of using this move is that you take half of the damage dealt, it may be used once per long rest. Kiro Kiro no mi
At 3rd level, you can alter your weight by kilos causing you to have the ability to float or fly, if you fly you gain 15ft of flying speed.
At 3rd level, you can decrease your weight and fly up 30ft and then increase your weight to the equivalent of a bison causing your target to make a Dexterity saving throw if they succeed, they dodge your attack if they fail, they take 2d6 bludgeoning damage.
At 5th level, you can decrease your weight and fly up 30ft and then increase your weight to the equivalent of an elephant causing your target to make a Dexterity saving throw if they fail, they take 4d6 bludgeoning damage if they succeed, they dodge your attack but because you hit the ground so hard you create a shock wave making them take half damage. You can use this ability 4 times before taking a long rest.
At 7th level, you learned how to increase the weight of specific parts of your body, making your unarmed Strikes gain 1 bonus dice of damage. At 10th level this increases by two, you may use this ability 2 times before a long rest.
At 10th level, your flying speed will now increase to 100ft instead of 15ft. Also once per turn you can use your reaction to fly and dodge an attack that involved a Dexterity Saving Throw.
At 14th level, you can decrease your weight and fly up to 60ft and then increase your weight to the equivalent of a meteor, saving throw if they fail, they take 7d8 + Constitution bludgeoning damage if they succeed, they dodge your attack but because you hit the ground so hard you create a shock wave making them take half damage. Hana Hana no mi
At 3rd level, you can plant your body parts anywhere.
At 3rd level, you can create an extra hand on your target. You are making your unarmed strikes (if your unarmed strikes do 1 damage, they now do 1d8 bludgeoning for this attack) do double damage for 3 turns. After that you can't use this ability for 2 turns before you can use this ability again.
At 5th level, you sprout hands on someone and make all the hands grab that person causing them to make a Strength saving throw if they succeed, they escape from your grasp if they fail you hold them for 2 rounds while they are held by you, they are considered grappled. You can use this ability 3 times before taking a short or long rest your usage number doubles when you reach 10th level.
At 5th level, you can create so many hands-on your back to make wings when you do this you have a flying speed of 30ft.
At 7th level, you can grow your arms on someone's back and use those arms to break their spine (ask your DM if this will actually affect the enemy after the attack) when you do this they must make a Strength saving throw if they fail, you fully break there back making them take 4d8 damage if they succeed, you almost break there back but they manage to get out of your grip just in time causing them to take half damage. You can use this ability 2 times before taking a short or long rest At 14th level this doubles.
At 10th level, you can create a giant wall made out of arms that is 100ft tall and has a width of 80ft this arm wall has 30 hit points and an AC of 17 once the wall falls to 0 hit points your hands disappear into peddles. You can use this ability 4 times before taking a long rest.
At 10th level, you can sprout a version of yourself this clone can not move but you can control it and its unarmed strike does just as much as you do and has half of your AC and Hitpoint when it drops to 0 hit point it disappears into flower. You can use this ability 3 times before a long rest at 18th level you can use this ability 7 times before a long rest.
At 14th level, you can create 2 giant legs to stomp everywhere causing every creature within 75ft of the place you create your giant feet when you do that everyone within the range has to make a Dexterity saving throw if they fail, they take 6d10 Bludgeoning damage if they succeed, they take half.
AT 17th level, you can generate a giant version of yourself when you do this you can not move, you can order your giant self as a bonus action when you make your giant self attack everyone within 80ft of that attack must make a Dexterity saving throw if they fail, they take 5d8 bludgeoning damage if they succeed, they take half damage. If you get hit while using this ability you will lose concentration and your giant version of you will disintegrate, also this giant version of you has 200 hit points and has an AC equal to half of yours if your giant drops to 0 hit points you will no longer be able to stabilize it and it will disintegrate after that happens you will be able to move again. You can use this ability 2 times this will increase to 3 times when you reach 20th level. Doru Doru no mi
At 3rd level, you are a wax wax human meaning you can produce and manipulate wax allowing you to shape it in any way, also you can control when it hardens and your wax is at hard as steel but it still has the properties of wax so if the fire gets near it, it will melt.
At 3rd level, you can create a toon of wax around your body to increase your durability if you use this ability your AC gets a +3 but because hardened wax can't move so your movement speed is halved and creatures have an advantage on hitting you. At 10th level, your AC increases to +6 instead of +3.
At 3rd level, you create knives made out of wax when you use this ability it counts as a ranged attack with a range of 40ft if you hit your target they take 1d8 piercing damage. At 6th level your wax knives do 2d8, at 12th level your wax knives do 3d10 and at 18th level they d0 4d10.
At 5th level, as an action you can shoot and create wax restates at someone to capture them as long as they are within 30ft when you do this they have to make a Strength saving throw if they succeed, they break out of the wax if they fail, they are stuck in the wax and all attack made by them have disadvantage and all attacks against them have an advantage they will reroll the saving throw until they succeed. You can use this ability 5 times at 10th level, you can use this ability 7 times if you are at 15th level you can use this ability 10 times.
At 7th level, you can coot your hand in wax making your unarmed strikes to get a 5+ bonus on damage (if you are playing a class that only makes your unarmed strikes only do 1 damage now your unarmed strikes while your hands are covered in wax do 1d8 bludgeoning damage) but while your hands are covered in wax they can not grab things and you can use this ability on other people. You can use this ability 3 times before taking a long rest if you are at 10th level you can use this ability 6 times before taking a long rest.
At 7th level, as you can create a wall made of wax this wall has 100 hit points and is 80ft tall and 70ft long, once the wall drop to 0 hit points the wax breaks and falls apart. You can use this ability 5 times before taking a long rest. The hit points of this wax wall increase as you level up at 13th level your wall has 150 hit points at 16th level the wall has 200 hit points.
At 10th level, as a bonus action, you can create any melee weapon you've seen and used and the wax weapon gets a +Double your proficiency bonus to the damage.
At 10th level, you can fire a giant wax harpoon when you do this you have to make a ranged attack with a range of 80ft if you hit you can they take 1d6xHalf your Class Level. You can use this ability 2 times at 15th level you can use this ability 3 times before taking a long rest at 20th level you can use this ability 4 times before taking a long rest.
At 14th level, you can create a hundred Wax Clones when you do this as long as you don't move any creature trying to attack you have a disadvantage and you subtract their attack roll from your proficiency bonus and all your attacks have an advantage, but if you move or do a ranged attack you must make a stealth check against the person you attacked perception roll if they succeed they see where you are and their first attack will automatically hit you and their second attack has an advantage if they fail then if they attack they hit a wax version of you and you can attack again. You can use this ability 2 times before taking a long rest.
At 20th level, you have awaked your devil fruit you know have the ability to turn inanimate objects into wax you can use this ability on the floor if you do anyone within 200ft of you must make a Strength saving throw if they succeed, there get stuck in the wax but they break if they fail, they are stuck in the wax and can't get out making them stunned until they get out every time they fail they will redo the saving throw their next turn until they succeed and while you are in the 100ft radius of your wax world you can use any of your ability with now use limit meaning you can use the abilities without worrying about it running out. This lasts for 5 minutes once it runs out you can not use any of your abilities for the rest of the next 24 hours. Suna Suna no mi
At 3rd level, you are a sand human, which means you can transform, conjure and manipulate sand, being able to move through small cracks in some places and in the sand, in addition to not taking any non-magical damage, all of these abilities are unified if you are covered in water or any type of liquid.
At 3rd level, You turn your arm into the sand but not your fist means you can propel your fist at someone as a ranged attack with a range of 30ft this attack does as much as your unarmed strikes do (if you unarmed strikes only do one damage for this attack it does 2d8 bludgeoning damage for this attack).
At 5th level, as a bonus action you can turn your hands into the sand and shape your sand to the shape of the blade making your hands into a melee weapon, your sand blades do 2d6 slashing damage (this attack overcomes resistances) you can deactivate this ability as a bonus action. At 6th level, you shot your blades as a ranged attack with a range of 40ft if it hits it does the same amount of damage your Desert Blade does At 9th level, your Desert Blades now do 3d6 At 12th level, your Dessert Blades now do 4d8 At 15th level, your Dessert Blades now do 4d10.
At 7th level, you can suck the moisture out of a creature you can touch when you do they have to make a Constitution saving throw if they succeed, they take 3d6 damage, and their next attack does half damage because the moisture is out of them if they fail, they take 4d10 damage and there attacks do half damage for 3 turns because of you sucking the moisture out of them. You can use this ability 2 times before taking a short rest at 10th level this increases to 3 times and at 13th level, this increases to 4 times.
At 10th level, any damage done by your sand bypasses resistances.
At 10th level, you can create a large amount of sand and you manipulate it to have the qualities of quicksand this quicksand surrounds 80ft around you, anyone, within that 80ft has to make a Dexterity saving throw if they succeed, they are stuck in the quicksand but get out pretty quickly meaning there only stuck in the sand for 3 turns while they are in the quicksand they are considered grappled and all attack done by this creature had disadvantage and any attack against this creature has an advantage.
At 14th level, you create a massive sandstorm out of your hand and throw it on the ground when you do this everyone in a 60ft radius has to make a Dexterity saving throw if they succeed, they dodge the storm but get hit by the debris and take 4d10 bludgeoning damage if they fail, they directly get hit by the storm making them blinded for 2 of there turn because of the sand and they take 8d10 slashing damage. You can use this ability 2 times.
At 20th level, you have awaked your devil fruit allowing you to permanently change the climate of your surroundings making everywhere within 60000ft is turned into a desert in the desert you can use any of your ability none stop without any use restrictions and you can move through the desert which makes your movement speed 100ft all these benefits go away as soon as you step out of your desert. You can only use this ability once per day can you can't make multiple if you try that the previous one disappears Baku Baku no Mi
At 3rd level, you are a munch munch human always you to literally be able to eat anything and you gain an advantage against poison saving throws that you consume.
At 5th level, you can transform parts of your body into the things you've eaten. Depending on what type of thing you have eaten, your damage increases based on the list bellow: Wood Objects: 1d10 Unarmed Strikes Tiny Creatures: 1d12 Unarmed Strikes Iron Objects: 2d8 Unarmed Strikes Small Creatures: 2d10 Unarmed Strikes Metal Objects: 2d12 Unarmed Strikes Medium Creatures: 3d8 Unarmed Strikes Large Creatures: 4d10 Unarmed Strikes Huge Creatures: 5d8 Unarmed Strikes Garguantuan Creatures: 6d12 Unarmed Strikes
At 7th level, you can transform your body in one of the thing you've eaten, gaining one of their resistances and one of their weakness. Ushi Ushi no Mi, Model:Bison
At 3rd level, you are a bison bison human meaning you have an advantage on perception rolls that involve sent and as an action, you can turn into two forms one being your Human-Bison hybrid form and the other form your Full-Bison form you can only turn into these forms 2 times before taking a long rest this will increase as you level up. At the 6th level, all your stat boosts from turning into your forms get a +2 to their boosts At the 12th level, All your stats boost and your AC buff gets a +2 At 17th level, All your stats boost and your AC buff gets a +1. 6th level, you can turn into your devil fruit forms 3 times 9th level, you can turn into your devil fruit forms 4 times 12th level, you can turn into your devil fruit forms 5 times 15th level, you can turn into your devil fruit forms 6 times 18th level, you can into your devil fruit forms 7 times.
Benefits: Stats: Str:+2 Dex:+2 Con:+2 AC:+1 Unarmed Strikes: 3rd level, 1d4+2 6th level, 1d6+2 12th level, 2d8+4 17th level, 3d8+5 Temporary Hit Points: 3rd level, 10+ 6th level, 20+ 12th level, 40+ 17th level, 80+
Benefits: Stats: Str:+3 Dex:+3 Con:+3 AC:+1 Weakness: Disadvantages on Intelligence saving throw Temporary Hit Points: 3rd level, 15+ 6th level, 30+ 12th level, 60+ 17th level, 100+
At 5th level, as an action you can (you have to be in your Full-Bison form to use this move) charge at a person of your choice when you choose someone they have to make a Dexterity saving throw if they fail they take 3d8 bludgeoning damage if they succeed they take half and they get advantage on hitting you on there next turn.
At 20th level, you have awaked your devil fruit allowing you to turn into a giant bison making all your stat, AC, hit points and Unarmed Strike boost doubled (the stats, AC, and hit points that you are doubling are form the bison-human hybrid) but making you automatically fail in any Intelligence saving throw this last for 2 minutes after that you fall lose half of your hit points and all your buffs and fall unconscious You can only use this ability once before taking a long rest. Hito Hito no Mi
At 3rd level,(this fruit will only affect you if you are not a human) you can turn into a human or human hybrid if you are a creature with no intellect you now gain conciseness because of that you get a +2 to your Intelligence. You also get different forms that you can turn into and you can only turn into any of these forms 2 times these forms last 2 minutes this will improve as you level up. At 6th level, you can turn into your forms 4 times At 9th level, you can turn into your forms 5 times and the amount of time you can stay in your forms is now 4 minutes At 12th level, you can turn into your forms 7 times At 15th level, you can turn into your forms 8 times and the amout of time you can stay in your forms is now 6 minutes At 18th level, you can turn into your forms 10 times.
At 3rd level, as an action, you turn into a form that specifically is made to make you faster meaning when you turn into this form your speed increases by 10ft (if you have a flying speed that increases as well), and your AC gets a +1 this will improve as you level up. At 6th level, your speed boost increase to 20ft At 9th level, your speed boost increase to 25ft, and your AC boost increases to AC +2, At 12th level, your speed boost increases to 35ft At 15th level, your speed boost increases to 40ft and your AC boost increases to AC +3.
At 5th level, as an action, you turn into a form that specifically is made to make you stronger meaning when you turn into this form your unarmed strikes now does 1d6+Strength modifier bulging and your Strength gets a +2 this will improve as you level up and all of these boosts go away when you turn od this form. At 7th level, your unarmed strike boost increases to 1d8+Strength modifier and your Strength boost increase +3 At 9th level, your unarmed strike boost increases to 2d8+Strength modifier At 12th level, your unarmed strike boost to 1d10+Strength modifier and your Strength boost increase +4.
At 7th level, as a bonus action, you turn into a form that specifically is made to make you more defense at the cost of your speed meaning you have resistance to all non-magical attacks, but your speed goes 10ft and all your attacks only do half damage this defensive form will increase as you level up. At 14th level, you will gain immunity to any non-magical damage.
At 10th level, as an action (you can only use this ability if you are not in any of your forms but this still counts as a form) you can look at the weaknesses of someone making your next attack will have an advantage to hit this will improve as you level up. At 12th level, instead of getting an advantage when using this ability, it makes your next attack guaranteed to hit, At 14th level, when you use this ability on someone it will also make all your attacks by bass any resistances they have At 18th level, the first time you use this ability it will make your next hit against the person you Eye Scoped take a critical hit by you but after that, you no longer get any crits.
At 14th level, you focus all your strength on your arms making your next two hits do double damage after that your arms turn to normal and you no longer get the damage buff you can use this ability 2 times before taking a long rest this will improve as you level up. At 18th level, you can use this ability 4 times before taking a long rest.
At 17th level, you can turn into a giant version of all you forms mixed together when you turn into this form you are 30 feet tall and you walking speed if 40ft and your unarmed strikes do triple damage and your AC doubles and your Hit points are also doubled this will last for 2 minutes after that you turn into a small form of yourself have to take a long rest before turning into any other forms. Mane Mane no Mi
At 3rd level, you are a copy copy human meaning when you touch someone one there check you can copy their appearance, and when you place your hand on your left check you turn back into your normal form also you can store appearance meaning you can turn into anyone you've touched on there cheek no matter how long it's been since you've touched them.
At 3rd level, when you copy someone you gain their skills and proficiencys, the effect stops when you return to your normal self.
At 5th level, you when you copy someone you gain 10 x your Charisma modifier of temporary hit points. Mera Mera no Mi
At 3rd level, you are a flaming human, which means you can transform, conjure, and manipulate fire, so you don't take any nonmagical damage and fire damage. If you land a critical hit, you burn your opponent, causing them to take 1d6 fire damage each time at the end of the turn until they put out the fire. At 6th level, your burn deals 2d4 fire damage. At 9th level, your burn deals 3d6. At 10th level, your burn deals 4d8 fire damage. In addition to this, you gain the following abilities:
At 3rd level, you can shoot a small fireball out of your fingertip at a rapid speed this attack counts as a ranged attack which you are also proficient in and has a range of 60ft, and does 1d6 + Constitution fire damage. At 6th level, your Flame Bullet does 1d8 fire damage At 9th level, your Flame Bullet does 2d8 fire damage At 12th level, your Flame Bullet does 1d10 fire damage At 15th level, your Flame Bullet does 2d10 fire damage.
At 5th level, you can shoot out small fireballs with the color of your choice these flames track your opponent meaning it has the same effect as Magic Missles. At 10th level, you can shoot 4 at a time At 15th level, you can shoot 8 at a time At 20th level, you can shoot 16 at a time.
At 7th level, as a bonus action, you mark a creature with a fiery cross in its body sending a discharge of flames towards his body, this attack follows the enemy wherever it is and when detonated causes the same effect and damage as a fireball centered on the target. Once the explosion occurs, the target loses the mark. The damage increases by 1d6 for each level in this subclass above 7th.
At 7th level, you make a wall of fire it is 50ft tall, 70ft long, and 60ft in width, it also has 150 hit points and with an AC of 18 it also has resistance to all not magical weapons (except water), and if anyone tries to go throw the wall there walking speed is cut in half and every time they start there to turn in the fire they take 3d10 fire damage. You can use this ability 2 times At 14th level, you can use this ability 4 times At 16th level, you can use this ability 5 times At 18th level, the damage of the firewall is doubled. At 20th level, the hit points of the wall are doubled.
At 10th level, any fire damage you do can bypass resistance and can't be extinguished by normal water. In addition, when you make an attack that affects other creatures that you can see, you can choose a number of them equal to 1 + proficiency bonus. The chosen creatures automatically succeed on their saving throws against the attack, and they take no damage if they would normally take half damage on a successful save.
At 10th level, As an action you make a giant fire fist in a 120-foot line that is 20 feet wide. Each creature in the line must make a Dexterity saving throw if they fail, they take 6d10 fire damage if they succeed they take half damage. At 14th level, your Hiken does 10d10 fire damage At 17th level, your Hiken does 18d6 fire damage. At 20th level, your Hiken does 40d12 fire damage. You can use it a number of times equal to your proficiency bonus before taking a long rest. Whenever this attack hits an object, vehicle or structure, the damage is double.
At 14th level, you amass a large amount of flames around your body preparation for an attack. You can freely absorb the fire damage in an area equal to 75ft + 5ft for each level in this class radius, when you do it, you can make a pool of damage to a maximum of double your maximum HP. You can draw power from the pool to increase the damage of an attack or heal a creature, up to the maximum amount remaining in your pool. In addition, when your pool is full, you can absorb the fire damage and regain a number of HP equal to the damage. In addition, when you have at least 1 point in your pool, all fire damage that you deal bypasses resistance and Immunities.
At 17th level, you create a ginormous ball of fire and throw it at someone when you do that anyone within 100ft has to make Dexterity saving throw if they fail, they take 90d10 fire damage if they succeed, they take half damage. You can use this ability only once At 20th level, you can use this ability 2 times.
At 20th level, you have awakened your devil fruit meaning you can turn everything within 1500ft is instantly turned on fire meaning you get these benefits as long as you are within the area. Benefits:
Supa Supa no Mi
At 3rd level, you are a slice slice human meaning you can turn parts of your body into blades.
At 3rd level, you can turn a body part into blades these blades do 2d4 slashing damage currently. At 6th level, your blades do 2d6 slashing damage At 9th level, your blades do 2d8 slashing damage At 12th level, your blades do 2d10 slashing damage At 15th level, your blades do 2d12 slashing damage.
At 5th level, as a bonus action you can turn parts of the body into blades for defense when you do this you get an AC of 12+Dexterity modifier+Constitution modifier this last for 4 turns after that you can not use this ability for 2 turns after that you can use it again.
At 5th level, you can turn your feet into blades allowing you to skate on your feet making your speed increase by 30ft.
At 7th level, as a bonus action, you turn your wrist into blades and spin your wrist and then turn your hand that is spinning into a blade this makes all your blades strikes do double damage and if it hits anything that is as hard or less hard than steel it immediately rips the thing apart from this last for 1 minute. You can use this ability 2 times At 10th level, you can use this ability 3 times At 12th level, you can use this ability 4 times At 14th level, you can use this ability 5 times, At 16th level, you can use this ability 6 times.
At 10th level, your blades bypass resistance and your blades can not under any circumstance be broken.
At 14th level, you can turn your entire body into blades as a bonus action while in this state you can not move at all but if any creature tries to attack you can have to make a Dexterity saving throw if they fail, they take The Amount Of Damage Your Blades Do x Half your level(rounded down) If they succeed they take half and it takes an action to deactivate this. You can use this ability 1 time At 16th level, you can use this ability 2 times At 18th level, you can use this ability 3 times.
At 17th level, have awakened your devil fruit now using your own body heat to heat up your blades to insane temperatures making all damage done by your blades do triple damage, and now not only will it do slashing damage it will as well do fire damage this last for 3 minutes after that you get a 3rd level of exhaustion. You can use this ability 1 time. Tori Tori no Mi, Model:Falcon
At 3rd level, you are a Falcon Falcon human meaning you have an advantage on perception rolls that have to do with sight and can turn into a falcon and a falcon human hybrid you can turn into these 2 times before taking a long rest this will increase as you level up. At the 6th level, all your stat boosts from turning into your forms get a +2 to their boosts At 12th level, All your stats boost and your AC buff gets a +2 At 17th level, All your stats boost and your AC buff gets a +1. 6th level, you can turn into your devil fruit forms 3 times 9th level, you can turn into your devil fruit forms 4 times 12th level, you can turn into your devil fruit forms 5 times 15th level, you can turn into your devil fruit forms 6 times 18th level, you can into your devil fruit forms 7 times.
Benefits: Flight: 50ft flying speed Stats: Str:+1 Dex:+3 Con:+2 AC:+2 Talons Strikes(Are unarmed strikes but your hands are talons): 3rd level, 1d4+2 6th level, 1d6+2 12th level, 2d8+4 17th level, 3d8+5 Temporary Hit Points: 3rd level, 5+ 6th level, 15+ 12th level, 30+ 17th level, 60+
Benefits: Stats: Str:+0 Dex:+6 Con:+3 AC:+3 Skills: Perception:10+ Talons Strike: 1d4+1 6th level, 1d6+1 12th level, 2d8+2 17th level, 3d8+2 Weakness: Disadvantages on Intelligence saving throw Temporary Hit Points: 3rd level, 5+ 6th level, 10+ 12th level, 20+ 17th level, 40+
At 5th level, if you are in the air and are in one of your forms you can dive down at a creature making them do a Dexterity saving throw if they fail, you strike into them with your talons making them take 2 X Your Talon Strikes damage piercing damage if they succeed they take the half amount of damage and if you want you can make them take a Strength saving throw and if they fail that then you can pick them up if they succeed you can't pick them up.
At 20th level, you have awakened your devil fruit allowing you to turn into a giant Falcon meaning your all stat boosts are doubled(the AC, Hitpoints, and Talon strikes damage that you are doubling is from the Falcon-Human hybrid form) along with AC, Talon Strikes damage and hit points also you automatically succeed in any perception roll that has to do with sight and your flying speed is doubled but you automatically fail any Intelligence saving throws this last for 2 minutes after all your boost are gone and you fall unconscious and lose half of your hit points and you can't use any of you abilities before taking a long rest. Tori Tori no Mi, Model: Phoenix
At 3rd level, you are a Human-Phoenix Hybrid, which means you have immunity to radiant and fire damage, and you can transform into a Human-Phoenix Hybrid at 5th level and a full Phoenix at 8th level, with no limit on time or intervals between changes. (during combat, a bonus action is used to transform) Flame Strikes (These are unarmed attacks, but they have a range of 30 feet and count as radiant/fire damage): 3rd level: 1d4+2, 6th level: 1d6+2, 12th level: 1d8+4, 15th level: 2d8 +5 (burns the target causing them to take 1d4 fire damage at the start of the turn until they put out the fire).
Benefits: Skill: Perception 2+, Athletics 6+, Acrobatics 7+, Medicine 10+ Stats: Str:+3 Dex:+4 Con:+4 Wis:+3 AC:+3 Flame Strikes: 5th level: 2d6+2, 10th level: 2d8+4, 15th level: 3d10+5 (burns target making them take 1d4 fire damage at the start of their turn until they put out the fire). Temporary Hit Points: 5th level, 15+ 10th level, 30+ 15th level, 60+ (temporary hit points disappear when not in combat) Fly speed 60ft
Benefits: Skill: Perception 5+, Athletics 11+, Acrobatics 15+, Stats: Str:+5 Dex:+6 Con:+6 Wis:+5 AC:+5 Flame Strike: 8th level: 2d6+1+wis mod, 11th level: 3d8+2+wis mod, 14th level: 4d10+4+wis mod (burns target making them take 1d4 fire damage at the start of their turn until they put out the fire). Temporary Hit Points: 10th level, 45+ 15th level, 90+ (temporary hit points disappear when not in combat) Fly speed 80ft
At 3rd level, you can choose any damage you deal to allies heals them instead.
At 5th level, Your flames knit your body back together, at the start of your turn you regenerate your wis mod + prof bonus + level hp
At 6th level, when you are hit by a ranged, melee or spell attack, if you want, you can roll a d20 (as a natural defense, which does not waste actions/reactions) if you get a 10 or more, the flames consume you, thus negating the attack. (the number of times you can roll the die per attack that hits is )
At level 8, as an action you soar into the air and send an enemy flying dex + Prof x10 feet into the air, then you fly to the airborne enemy and kick it down to the ground.— At the end of a fall, the enemy takes 1d6 bludgeoning damage for every 10 feet it fell, to a maximum of 20d6. The user can do this equal to their proficiency bonus
At 10th level, when you are in full phoenix form as an action you can cast Fireball (5e Spell) at 5th level twice before needing to take a long rest to use it again. At 15th level this increases to Fireball (5e Spell) at 7th level and can be used 5 times before needing to take a long rest to use it again.
At 11th level, when you are in the Hybrid phoenix form you flaps your wings, restoring life around you while sending out a shockwave.3 (1d6) bludgeoning damage for every 10 full feet.
At level 12th When you are in the full phoenix form you spirals around enemies to gather them into the air, then charges into the ground from a very high altitude, causing a shockwave.3 (1d6) bludgeoning damage for every 10 full feet.
At level 13, you shoots a powerful, fiery shockwave forward from his wings while airborne, thereby suffering from some slight recoil.1d4 points of nonlethal damage per caster level (maximum 10d4)
At level 14, A defensive move that has you in your phoenix form, jump in front of someone you wish to shield from an attack. While midair, you form a protective swirl of fire in front of you out of your wings. You can only use the attack for 1 turn before a long rest and, at level 16 you can use it 2 times before a long rest.
At level 15, While midair, you ready your phoenix talons in front of the enemy, and then deliver an extremely forceful, two-legged kick to a target. After the attack the enemy goes flying into the ground.3 (1d6) bludgeoning damage for every 10 feet before hitting the ground.
At level 16, An attack where you uses your outstretched index and middle fingers to make a dense, flaming swirl of phoenix feathers in front of yourself, remotely shaping it into a large fireball that you launches straight toward an enemy in a thrust-like, concussive attack. When first shown performing this technique sending them into a object.3 (1d6) bludgeoning damage for every 10 full feet.
At level 17,melee attack where you use your phoenix leg to kick an opponent, with your four sharp talons doing slashing damage.
At level 18,when you die can rebirth after some time you will grow back into your old self, you can use this ability
At level 19, you can shoot your healing flames at an ally within 80ft of you healing them 10d10+con +prof.
At level 20, your phoenix fruit has fully awakened you get +50 feet to your flying speed and when you are in rage you can go black and red. your flames heal someone double what it normally would. You can use Undying Thistle without restrictions. Inu Inu no Mi, Model: Dachshund
At 3rd level, you are a Dachshund Dachshund Human meaning you have an advantage in perception roles that have to do with smell and you can turn into a Dachshund and a Dachshund human hybrid you can turn into your forms 2 times. At the 6th level, all your stat boosts from turning into your forms get a +2 to their boosts At 12th level, All your stats boost and your AC buff gets a +2 At 17th level, All your stats boost and your AC buff gets a +1. 6th level, you can turn into your devil fruit forms 3 times 9th level, you can turn into your devil fruit forms 4 times 12th level, you can turn into your devil fruit forms 5 times 15th level, you can turn into your devil fruit forms 6 times 18th level, you can into your devil fruit forms 7 times.
Benefits: Stats: Str:+1 Dex:+2 Con:+2 AC:+1 Bite Strikes(Are unarmed strikes but with your teeth): 3rd level, 1d4+2 6th level, 1d6+2 12th level, 1d8+4 17th level, 2d8+5 Temporary Hit Points: 3rd level, 5+ 6th level, 15+ 12th level, 30+ 17th level, 60+
Benefits: Skill: Smell Perception 5+ Stats: Str:+0 Dex:+0 Con:+3 AC:+1 Bite Strike: 1d4+1 6th level, 1d6+1 12th level, 1d6+2 17th level, 1d6+3 Weakness: Disadvantages on Intelligence saving throw Temporary Hit Points: 3rd level, 2+ 6th level, 4+ 12th level, 8+ 17th level, 16+
At 5th level, you can tell if a creature is within 60ft of you and you can cast a hunter's mark on a creature you can use it unlimitedly but you can only have one creature and need to touch that creature.
At 20th level, you have awakened your devil fruit allowing you to turn into a giant three-headed dog meaning you can choose one creature to kill when you choose that creature you eat them and they die and after that, you fall unconscious and you can no longer use any of your abilities for 4 days. Mogu Mogu no Mi
At 3rd level, you are a mole mole human meaning you get an advantage on perception rolls that have to do with smell and you can turn into a mole and a mole-hybrid human. You can turn into one of your forms 2 times At the 6th level, all your stat boosts from turning into your forms get a +2 to their boosts At 12th level, All your stats boost and your AC buff gets a +2 At 17th level, All your stats boost and your AC buff gets a +1. 6th level, you can turn into your devil fruit forms 3 times 9th level, you can turn into your devil fruit forms 4 times 12th level, you can turn into your devil fruit forms 5 times 15th level, you can turn into your devil fruit forms 6 times 18th level, you can into your devil fruit forms 7 times.
Benefits: Stats: Str:+1 Dex:+3 Con:+4 AC:+2 Claw Strikes(Are unarmed strikes but with your Claws): 3rd level, 1d6+2 6th level, 2d6+2 12th level, 2d8+4 17th level, 3d8+5 Temporary Hit Points: 3rd level, 20+ 6th level, 40+ 12th level, 60+ 17th level, +80
Benefits: Stats: Str:+2 Dex:+3 Con:+6 AC:+2 Claw Strike: 1d4+1 6th level, 1d6+1 12th level, 2d6+2 17th level, 2d6+3 Weakness: Disadvantages on Intelligence saving throws Disadvantages on Perception rolls that have to do with sight Temporary Hit Points: 3rd level, 10+ 6th level, 20+ 12th level, 30+ 17th level, 40+
At 5th level,(You have to be in your Full-Mole Form or your Human-Mole Hybrid Form) and as an action, you dig underground and while you are underground no physical attacks can hit you but you can't attack them and you have a digging speed of 50ft (60ft if you are in your Full-Mole Form)(Meaning how fast you can move while digging) as a bonus action you can dig out of the ground and make a surprise attack on someone. At 10th level, you can spend 1 minute so you can dig up an area making it difficult terrain for everyone that isn't you.
At 7th level,(You have to be in your Full-Mole Form or your Human-Mole Hybrid Form) you can produce a small amount of paralyzing saliva so as an attack action you choose to store some of your saliva in your mouth and you bite someone which does half your Claw Strikes damage but they have to make them make a Constitution saving throw if they succeed, nothing happens If they fail, they there paralyzed for 3 rounds. You can use this ability once every 3 rounds.
At 20th level, you have awakened your devil fruit allowing you to turn into a giant Mole meaning your all stat boosts are doubled(the AC, Hitpoints, and Claw strike damage that you are doubling are from the Mole-Human hybrid form) along with AC, Talon Strikes damage and hit points also you automatically succeed in any perception roll that has to do with smell and your digging speed is doubled but you automatically fail any Intelligence saving throws this last for 2 minutes after all your boost are gone and you fall unconscious and lose half of your hit points and you can't use any of you abilities before taking a long rest. Toge Toge no Mi
At 3rd level, you are a spike spike human meaning you can turn any part of your body into spikes your spikes do 1d4 piercing damage. At 6th level, your spikes do 2d6 piercing damage At 9th level, your spikes do 2d8 piercing damage At 12th level, your spikes do 2d10 At 15th level, your spikes do 2d12 at 20th level.
At 3rd level, you turn your hand into spikes and punch someone if it hits they take How much your spikes do+Half Your level.
At 5th level, you turn both of your hands into spikes and give 3 Spike Punch attacks. This can be used 4 times before a long rest.
At 7th level, when you would hit someone with one of your spikes, you may use this to hit their vital organs, giving you double the damage on the attack. This can be used 2 times before a long rest.
At 10th level, you turn your entire body into spikes and you can role and move at half the speed if you hit someone with your spikes they take 3xYour Spike Damage.
At 14th level, you strecht your spikes through the ground which forces the target to make a Dexterity Saving Throw to take half damage, or on a failure take your spike damage for each of the 1d8 Spikes. Inu Inu no Mi, Model: Jackal
At 3rd level, you are a Jackal Jackal human meaning you get advantages on perception rolls that have to do with smell and can turn into a Full-Jackal Form or A Human-Jakcal Hybrid form. You can turn into one of your forms 2 times At the 6th level, all your stat boosts from turning into your forms get a +2 to their boosts At 12th level, All your stats boost and your AC buff gets a +2 At 17th level, All your stats boost and your AC buff gets a +1. At 6th level, you can turn into your devil fruit forms 3 times 9th level, you can turn into your devil fruit forms 4 times 12th level, you can turn into your devil fruit forms 5 times 15th level, you can turn into your devil fruit forms 6 times 18th level, you can into your devil fruit forms 7 times.
Benefits: Stats: Str:+4 Dex:+3 Con:+3 AC:+3 Claw Strikes(Are unarmed strikes but with your Claws): 3rd level, 1d6+2 6th level, 2d6+2 12th level, 2d8+4 17th level, 4d8+5 Temporary Hit Points: 3rd level, 25+ 6th level, 50+ 12th level, 75+ 17th level, +100
Benefits: Stats: Str:+3 Dex:+4 Con:+5 AC:+2 Bite Strike: 1d4+1 6th level, 1d6+1 12th level, 2d6+2 17th level, 4d6+3 Weakness: Disadvantages on Intelligence saving throws Temporary Hit Points: 3rd level, 15+ 6th level, 30+ 12th level, 45+ 17th level, 60+
At 5th level, you can tell if a creature is within 60ft of you and you can cast a hunter's mark on a creature you can use it unlimitedly but you can only have one creature and need to touch that creature.
At 7th level, if you move at least 10 feet straight toward a creature and then hit it with a melee attack on the same turn, the target must succeed on a DC 14 Strength saving throw or be knocked prone.
At 20th level, you can turn into a god with a human body and a Jackal Head along with Egyptian clothing when you are in this form you choose someone to kill and someone to revive after doing that you fall unconscious and when you wake up you can not use any of your abilities for a week. Ori Ori no Mi
At 3rd level, you can create cages of 10ft size each, you can force a creature to make a Dexterity Saving Throw to not get stuck inside the cage. On sucess they dodge the cage, on a failure they are stuck for 1d6 turns or until you get unconscious.
At 3rd level, when you punch someone you make the person make a Dexterity saving throw if they succeed, they dodge your cage If they fail, you get captured by the cage and are grappled also any attacks against that creature have an advantage also if they fail they can use an action to redo the saving throw. You can use this ability twice every three turns
At 5th level, you make a giant line of cages and you swipe the line close to making everyone within 80f make a Dexterity saving throw if they dodge your cage If they fail, you get captured by the cage, and are grappled also any attacks against that creature have an advantage also if they fail they can use an action to redo the saving throw.
At 7th level, you can change the property of your cages at certain levels.
At 10th level, when you captured any resistances are bypassed, and any abilities that help their saving throws or stats no longer work.
At 20th level, you have awakened your devil fruit meaning you choose one person you know, and depending on their alignment they take a certain amount of damage, and get trapped inside a unbreakable cage for 24 hours. You can use this ability twice per day once you do that you can not use anymore of your abilities for the day.
Bane Bane no Mi
At 3rd level, you can turn parts of your body into springs
At 3rd level, you can turn your feet into spring making your jump go 10ft higher than usual but as an action, you can charge your jump making go 35ft higher for every round you charge you can also aim where you jump.
A 5th level, you turn your arm into spring but not your fist so every attack you make with your hand now has doubled in range and does a 1d4 extra force damage this will increase as you level up. At 6th level, you now do 1d6 extra force damage At 9th level, you now do 2d6 force damage At 12th level, you now do 3d6 At 15th level, you now do 4d6 force damage At 18th level, you now do 4d8 extra force damage.
At 7th level, you can turn your legs springs, and you jump around making your sporadic and unpredictable making your next attack have an advantage and if your attack hits it does 4d6 blugening damage but if your attack misses you have to make a Dexterity saving throw (with a DC of 11+your proficiency modifier) and if you fail then you just miss but if you succeed your bounce again and get to redo the attack. Uma Uma no Mi
At 3rd level, you are a Horse Horse human meaning you have an advantage on perception rolls that involve sent and as an action, you can turn into two forms one being your Human-Horse hybrid form and the other form your Full-Horse form you can only turn into these forms 2 times before taking a long rest this will increase as you level up. At the 6th level, all your stat boosts from turning into your forms get a +2 to their boosts At the 12th level, All your stats boost and your AC buff gets a +2 At 17th level, All your stats boost and your AC buff gets a +1. 6th level, you can turn into your devil fruit forms 3 times 9th level, you can turn into your devil fruit forms 4 times 12th level, you can turn into your devil fruit forms 5 times 15th level, you can turn into your devil fruit forms 6 times 18th level, you can into your devil fruit forms 7 times.
Benefits: Stats: Str:+4 Dex:+3 Con:+4 AC:+2 Charge Strikes(Are unarmed strikes but with you charging): 3rd level, 1d6+2 6th level, 2d6+2 12th level, 2d8+4 17th level, 3d8+5 Temporary Hit Points: 3rd level, 25+ 6th level, 50+ 12th level, 75+ 17th level, 100+
Benefits: Stats: Str:+5 Dex:+3 Con:+3 AC:+2 Charge Strike: 1d4+1 6th level, 1d6+1 12th level, 2d6+2 17th level, 2d6+3 Weakness: Disadvantages on Intelligence saving throws Temporary Hit Points: 3rd level, 15+ 6th level, 30+ 12th level, 45+ 17th level, 70+
At 3rd level, you can have someone rides you allowing you to attack while also giving the person riding you gain the Mounted Combatant feat.
At 20th level, you awakened your devil fruit allowing you to turn into a unicorn when you do this you can use wish one time once you cast that spell you will not be able to use any of your abilities for 2 days. Goro Goro no Mi
At 3rd level, you can transform, conjure, and manipulate lightning, allowing you to fly at a minimum speed of 120 feet (maximum speed of 5,000 feet at level 20 before being tripled) and also not suffer from bludgeoning, cutting, piercing, or lightning attacks.(Only magical attacks hit him). And your movement speed triples with each attack. You can also pass through solid objects.
At 3rd level, you can read electromagnetic waves making you have 90ft blindsight.
At 3rd level, you can produce 1,000,000 bolts in your hand or in something that conducts electricity when you touch someone with your hand or with the thing you conducted your electricity in they take 5d4 lightning damage along with the damage of hitting them this will improve as you level up. At 6th level, you now do 10d4 lightning damage At 9th level, you now can use 20,000,000 Bolts meaning you now do 10d6 lightning At 12th level, you now can use 100,000,000 Bolts meaning you now do 6d8 lightning damage At 15th level, you can use 125,000,000 Bolts meaning you now do 12d8 lightning damage At 18th level, you can use 200,000,000 Bolts meaning you now do 10d10 lightning damage.
At 5th level, as an action you can shoot lightning at a target's nerve system making it overload, and have to restart making them have to make a Constitution saving throw if they fail they are paralyzed for until the end of their second turn if they succeed they are paralyzed until the end of their next turn. You can use this ability 2 times before taking a short rest.
At 7th level, you shoot everyone within 70ft of you with a lightning bolt making them make a Constitution saving throw if they fail they take 3 times the amount of damage your 1,000,000 Bolt does and are paralyzed if they succeed they take half that much damage and are not paralyzed.
At 10th level, your lightning bypasses resistances and immunities
At 10th level, you shoot a giant thunderbolt at a target that you can hear or see if you target them must make a Dexterity saving throw if they fail they take 4 times the damage to your 1,000,000 Bolt does and they are paralyzed until the end of there next turn. You can use this ability 2 times before making a long rest At 15th level, you can use this ability 4 times.
At 14th level, you shape your thunder into a specific creature and each one of them has a certain effect but you can only use this ability 1 time before making a long rest.
At 17th level, you can create a giant meteor of lighting making everyone within a 200ft make a Constitution saving throw if they fail they take 12d10 lightning damage and are paralyzed for two turns if they succeed they take 12d5 lightning damage and are not affected by the condition You can use this ability twice before taking a long rest.
At 17th level, can use electricity so if you die you can jump your heart causing if you drop to 0 hit points, or lower you can use your lightning to jumpstart your heart pushing you to instead of going unconscious you drop to 1 hit point. You can use this ability thrice before a long rest.
At 20th level, you awakened your devil fruit allowing you to create a giant thunderstorm that covers 60000ft and never ends causing anyone is within this space they roll a 1d4 every time at the beginning of their turn if they get an even number then they take get struck by lightning causing them to take 30d10 lightning damage and your ability don't have a limit. The user can also turn their surroundings into lightning as well as fuse with them. Noro Noro no Mi
At 3rd level, you can shoot a purple beam making your target make a Dexterity saving throw if they succeed they dodge the beam if they fail they get hit by the beam and are slowed down causing their to round to be skipped and for them to be stunned for 1d4 turns. This can be used on objects and can affect yourself.
At 5th level, you can shoot 3 purple beams in a 30ft wide radius to make your targets make a Dexterity saving throw if they succeed they dodge the beam if they fail they get hit by the beam and are slowed down causing their to round to be skipped. This can be used on objects and can affect yourself. Hie Hie no Mi
At 3rd level, you can transform, conjure, and manipulate ice. You also do not take bludgeoning, cutting, piercing, or cold damage. You can choose to make it so that when you step into the water, you can freeze. there to turn into ice.
At 3rd level, you shoot a ice Trident as a bonus action that has a range of 45ft if it hits it does 1d8 cold damage. At 6th level, this ability does 2d6 cold damage At 9th level, this ability does 2d8 cold damage.
At 5th level, you can make the next person you touch make a Dexterity saving throw if they fail they are frozen if they succeed they dodge you. You can only use this ability once every two turns At 7th level you can put this ability on a weapon.
At 7th level, you shoot out a glacier from your hands making any one within 60ft of your target must make a Dexterity saving throw of they fail they take 4d8 cold damage and they are frozen if they succeed they take half damage and aren't frozen. You can only use this ability 2 time before taking a long rest.
At 10th level, any ice attacks you use can bypass resistance.
At 10th level, you can shoot a bird made out of ice this attack has a range of 100ft and if it hit your target has to making a Constitution saving throw of they fail they take 4d12 cold damage and you can choose one of your targets attacks and make freeze making them unable to use it for a minute if they succeed they take half the damage and they are frozen until there next turn. You can use this ability 2 times before a long rest.
At 14th level, you can create a blizzard making everyone within 120ft of you will have to make a Dexterity saving throw if they fail they take 7d12 cold damage if they succeed they take half. You can only use this ability once before taking a long rest.
At 17th level, you can put your hand on the floor and make anyone within 1000ft of you be frozen and for every turn they are still in the ice they take 3d8 cold damage. You can use this ability once before taking a long rest.
At 20th level, you have awakened your Devil Fruit allowing you to create a ice age that covers 60000ft and never ends, if anyone comes in this space without proper warm clothes they will take 1d6 cold damage everytime at the end of there turn. Doa Doa no mi
At 3rd level you can turn things into doors meaning you can make any suffice into an openable door at your at max at your size.
At 3rd level, if you touch someone you can turn someones face into a door when you do this making them confused until the end of there turn. You can use this ability once every two turns.
At 5th level, you can turn air into a door allowing you to make another Air Door somewhere you can see making you able to open the Air Door to the other Air Door. You can only use this ability 2 times before taking a long or short rest.
At 10th level, you can turn one of your body parts into a door, negating one incoming attack. You can use this ability 2 times before a long rest. Neko Neko no mi
At 3rd level, you are a Leopard Leopard human meaning you have an advantage on perception rolls that involve sent and as an action, you can turn into two forms one being your Human-Leopard hybrid form and the other form your Full-Leopard form you can only turn into these forms 2 times before taking a long rest this will increase as you level up. At the 6th level, all your stat boosts from turning into your forms get a +2 to their boosts At the 12th level, All your stats boost and your AC buff gets a +2 At 17th level, All your stats boost and your AC buff gets a +1. 6th level, you can turn into your devil fruit forms 3 times 9th level, you can turn into your devil fruit forms 4 times 12th level, you can turn into your devil fruit forms 5 times 15th level, you can turn into your devil fruit forms 6 times 18th level, you can into your devil fruit forms 7 times.
Benefits: Stats: Str:+4 Dex:+4 Con:+2 AC:+2 Bite/Claw Strikes(Are unarmed strikes but with you Bite/Claw): 3rd level, 1d6+2 6th level, 2d8+2 12th level, 2d10+4 17th level, 3d10+5 Temporary Hit Points: 3rd level, 15+ 6th level, 30+ 12th level, 45+ 17th level, 75+
Benefits: Stats: Str:+2 Dex:+3 Con:+3 AC:+3 Bite/Claw Strike: 1d6+1 6th level, 1d6+3 12th level, 2d6+2 17th level, 2d6+4 Weakness: Disadvantages on Intelligence saving throws Temporary Hit Points: 3rd level, 25+ 6th level, 50+ 12th level, 75+ 17th level, 100+
At 3rd level, if you are in your Human-Leopard Hybrid Form you can sacrifice half of your temporary Hit Points to double your speed and add a +1 to your AC. You can do this twice before a long or short rest.
At 20th level, you have awakened your Devil Fruit allowing you to turn into a gaint black Leopard when you do this your all stat boosts are doubled(the AC, Hitpoints, and Claw strike damage that you are doubling are from the Human-Leopard hybrid form) along with AC, Talon Strikes damage and hit points also you automatically succeed in any perception roll that has to do with smell and because of your black fur you gain advantage on Stealth rolls but you automatically fail any Intelligence saving throws this last for 2 minutes after all your boost are gone and you fall unconscious and lose half of your hit points and you can't use any of you abilities before taking a long rest. Ushi Ushi no Mi, Model: Giraffe
At 3rd level, you are a Giraffe Giraffe human meaning you have an advantage on perception rolls that involve sent and as an action, you can turn into two forms one being your Human-Giraffe hybrid form and the other form your Full-Giraffe form you can only turn into these forms 2 times before taking a long rest this will increase as you level up. At the 6th level, all your stat boosts from turning into your forms get a +2 to their boosts At the 12th level, All your stats boost and your AC buff gets a +2 At 17th level, All your stats boost and your AC buff gets a +1. 6th level, you can turn into your devil fruit forms 3 times 9th level, you can turn into your devil fruit forms 4 times 12th level, you can turn into your devil fruit forms 5 times 15th level, you can turn into your devil fruit forms 6 times 18th level, you can into your devil fruit forms 7 times.
Benefits: Stats: Str:+4 Dex:+4 Con:+2 AC:+2 Neck Strikes(Are unarmed strikes but with you Neck and a range of 60ft): 3rd level, 1d4+1 6th level, 2d4+1 12th level, 2d8+2 17th level, 3d8+4 Temporary Hit Points: 3rd level, 10+ 6th level, 20+ 12th level, 30+ 17th level, 40+
Benefits: Stats: Str:+2 Dex:+3 Con:+3 AC:+3 Neck Strike: 1d6+1 6th level, 1d6+3 12th level, 2d6+2 17th level, 2d6+4 Weakness: Disadvantages on Intelligence saving throws Temporary Hit Points: 3rd level, 15+ 6th level, 30+ 12th level, 45+ 17th level, 75+
3rd level, as a bonus you can sacrifice half of the range of your neck to double your range in your attacks that you your arms.
At 5th level, as an action you can compress you neck into your body and shoot it out at really high speeds at a target if they get hit they take double the amount of damage as your Neck Strikes do. You can not use this ability again until you spend a turn not using it.
At 20th level, you have awakened your Devil Fruit causing you to be able to turn into a giant long Giraffe Zo Zo no Mi
At 3rd level, you are a Elephant Elephant human, giving you advantage on strenght rolls and as an action, you can turn into two forms one being your Human-Elephant hybrid form and the other form your Full-Elephant form you can only turn into these forms 2 times before taking a long rest this will increase as you level up. At the 6th level, all your stat boosts from turning into your forms get a +3 to their boosts At the 12th level, All your stats boost and your AC buff gets a +3 At 17th level, All your stats boost and your AC buff gets a +2. 6th level, you can turn into your devil fruit forms 3 times 9th level, you can turn into your devil fruit forms 4 times 12th level, you can turn into your devil fruit forms 5 times 15th level, you can turn into your devil fruit forms 6 times 18th level, you can into your devil fruit forms 7 times.
Benefits: Stats: Str:+5 Dex:+3 Con:+5 AC:+4 Elephant Stomp: 3rd level, 2d6+1 6th level, 3d6+1 12th level, 4d8+2 17th level, 5d8+4 Temporary Hit Points: 3rd level, 25+ 6th level, 50+ 12th level, 65+ 17th level, 80+
Benefits: Stats: Str:+6 Dex:+4 Con:+6 AC:+6 Elephant Stomp: 3d6+1 6th level, 4d6+3 12th level, 6d8+2 17th level, 7d10+4 Weakness: Disadvantages on Intelligence saving throws
At 3rd level, if you attack while you were walking you can give 1 extra dice of damage. Inu Inu no Mi, Model: Wolf
At 3rd level, you are a Wolf Wolf Human, giving you advantage on Dexterity rolls and as an action, you can turn into two forms one being your Human-Wolf hybrid form and the other form your Full-Wolf form you can only turn into these forms 2 times before taking a long rest this will increase as you level up. At the 6th level, all your stat boosts from turning into your forms get a +2 to their boosts At the 12th level, All your stats boost and your AC buff gets a +3 At 17th level, All your stats boost and your AC buff gets a +1. 6th level, you can turn into your devil fruit forms 3 times 9th level, you can turn into your devil fruit forms 4 times 12th level, you can turn into your devil fruit forms 5 times 15th level, you can turn into your devil fruit forms 6 times 18th level, you can into your devil fruit forms 7 times. Temporary Hit Points: 3rd level, 30+ 6th level, 50+ 12th level, 75+ 17th level, 90+ at 20th level
Benefits: Stats: Str:+5 Dex:+3 Con:+5 AC:+4 Wolf Claws: 3rd level, 1d8+1 6th level, 2d6+2 12th level, 3d10+2 17th level, 4d8+4 Temporary Hit Points: 3rd level, 25+ 6th level, 40+ 12th level, 55+ 17th level, 70+
Benefits: Stats: Str:+6 Dex:+4 Con:+6 AC:+6 Wolf Claws: 2d8+1 6th level, 3d6+2 12th level, 4d8+3 17th level, 5d10+4 Weakness: Disadvantages on Intelligence saving throws
At 3rd level, while you have allies within at least 10ft of you your attacks will be with advantage and you can deal double the damage. Awa Awa no Mi
At 3rd level you turn into a Bubble Bubble human, making bludgeoning attacks being nullified against your slippery skin, and makes your unarmed strikes give 1 bubble points to your opponents. For every 4 bubble points you put in a creature, they will have disadvantage doing phisycal actions, with 6 bubble points they have disadvantage with reactions, and 8 bubble points they have disadvantage in all types of actions.
At 5th level, you can do a bubble kick that deals your unarmed strikes damage and adds 2 bubble points.
At 7th level, when an opponent has 8 bubble points you can turn their body into a soap doll, which makes him stand still for 1d4 turns.
At 10th level, as an action you can put a giant piece of soap around you this gives you a +5 to your AC but while in this form you can move and it can only last for 3 turns after that you have to wait 6 turn to use it again. Beri Beri no Mi
At 3rd level, you can transform your body as an bonus action or reaction in 20 small berrys to negate all damage dealt to you for 1 minute.
At 5th level, you can force your spheres into someone's body dealing xd8 Bludgeoning Damage, with x being each sphere you used against the opponent.
At 7th level, when you are going to be hit by an attack, you can roll 1d8, you take full damage on a 1, in a 2-3 you take half damage, on a 4-6 you take no damage. Sabi Sabi no Mi
At 3rd level anything you touch will start to rust. When you touch an object, you roll 1d4, with each 1 you take the item damage decreases by -2 and may reduce it's value.
At 5th level, when you give an unarmed strike and the opponent has an weapon or armor equipped, you may roll 2d4 to reduce the weapon damage by -2, and reduce the armor AC by 2.
At 7th level, in a 10ft radius, you can drain all the objects value by 3d6, and if the ground is made of an decomposive material, it becomes difficult terrain. Yami Yami No Mi
At 3rd level, you are a Dark Dark human, which means you can transform, cast, and manipulate Darkness, because of this all of your unarmed attacks have a chance to blind the opponent, you also do not take any non-magical damage. , you also gain DarkVision within 60 feet.
At 5th level, you make all creatures within 15ft must make a dex saving throw, or get pulled towards you, taking xd6 Force damage, with x being each 5ft they were pulled towards you. After they fail the first saving throw, they must make a str saving throw to not get sucked in by the blackhole, on a failure they get stuck inside and while inside it they take 1d8 Necrotic Damage.
At 7th level, every object or person you have absorved with black hole may be realeased. You deal xd12 Force Damage, with x being every creature or object you liberated with this skill.
At 7th level, you can use your ability to turn a 30ft circle around you into a blackhole. Every creature in that radius must make a Dexterity saving throw, on a sucess they get out of the terrain, on a failure they get stuck and take 2d4 Force Damage for each turn they are inside it. Every end of the trapped creature turn, they must make a Strength saving throw to get out of the black hole, and for each failure the DC increases by 1. The consumed area will now count as difficult terrain.
At 10th level, you can use your action to grapple someone while using your devil fruit on them causing them to not use any abilities related to devil fruits or magic.
At 14th level, when you attack that is not physical (meaning a weapon) you can absorb and take half of the damage. You can only use this ability 2 times every short or long rest.
This spell creates a sphere centered on a point you choose within range. The sphere can have a radius of up to 40 feet. The area within this sphere is filled with magical darkness and crushing gravitational force. For the duration, the spell's area is difficult terrain. A creature with darkvision can't see through the magical darkness, and nonmagical light can't illuminate it. No sound can be created within or pass through the area. Any creature or object entirely inside the sphere is immune to thunder damage, and creatures are deafened while entirely inside it. Casting a spell that includes a verbal component is impossible there. Any creature that enters the spell's area for the first time on a turn or starts its turn there must make a Constitution saving throw. The creature takes 8d10 force damage on a failed save or half as much damage on a successful save. A creature reduced to 0 hit points by this damage is disintegrated. A disintegrated creature and everything it is wearing and carrying, except magic items, are reduced to a pile of fine gray dust. 'At 17th level you can cast Void Body.' You learn Black Spiral (Same as the Thorn Whip cantrip, but pulls the target closer using dark energy and deals necrotic damage instead) without expending any material components. Additionally, you can spend an action to create a portal of darkness that allows you to absorb and store equipment inside it, similar to using a Bag of Holding. You can only have one of these portals active at a time, and can open and close it using a bonus action. A creature cannot take from or store objects inside the portal, or otherwise interact with it, unless it is open. The contents of the portal are released next to you once you die or spend an action to pour any number of them out. At 20th levdl you can cast Awakening Casting Time: 1 action Range: 1,000 feet Components: V, S, M (a small, nine-pointed star made of iron) Duration: Concentration, up to 1 minute You create a 20-foot-radius sphere of destructive gravitation force centered on a point you can see within range. For the spell's duration, the sphere and any space within 100 feet of it are difficult terrain, and nonmagical objects fully inside the sphere are destroyed if they aren't being worn or carried. When the sphere appears and at the start of each of your turns until the spell ends, unsecured objects within 100 feet of the sphere are pulled toward the sphere's center, ending in an unoccupied space as close to the center as possible. A creature that starts its turn within 100 feet of the sphere must succeed on a Strength saving throw or be pulled straight toward the sphere's center, ending in an unoccupied space as close to the center as possible. A creature that enters the sphere for the first time on a turn or starts its turn there takes 5d10 force damage and is restrained until it is no longer in the sphere. If the sphere is in the air, the restrained creature hovers inside the sphere. A creature can use its action to make a Strength check against your spell save DC, ending this restrained condition on itself or another creature in the sphere that it can reach. A creature reduced to 0 hit points by this spell is annihilated, along with any nonmagical items it is wearing or carrying. Yomi Yomi No Mi
At 3rd level, after you die and are below 0 hit points, you can revive once per long rest at full health (if you don't rest you revive with 1 health). For each resurrection you make, you gain a resistance of your choice.
At 3rd level, you can make your body go unconscious for 1 turn, and fly with your soul within 200ft of your body. For every creature that sees you in this form, they will have to roll a Charisma saving throw to not get frightned for 1 turn.
At 5th level, you when you make an attack action you can add 2d8 Cold Damage to the total damage, and the enemy must roll a Constitution Saving Throw to not get frozen for 1d4 turns.
At 7th level, as an action you can start singing an anyone within 70ft of you that can hear you has to make a Wisdom saving throw if they succeed they move back 5ft if they fail they have a hallucination that they are at a party for 3 turns and in that time they are considered blinded. You only use this once in combat. Horo Horo no Mi
At 3rd level, you have become a hollow human, in which you can shoot negative ghosts at people to turn their moral dowm. You gain advantage in saving throws against being Charmed or frightened.
At 5th level, you can throw a white ghost in 30ft to pass through an opponent, dealing 3d8 Psychic Damage. After you hit them, they must make a Wisdom saving throw, on a sucess they arent affected by the technique, on a failure they be stunned and depressed for 1d4 turns.
At 7th level, you can throw 5 negative hollows, for each you throwm at an opponent, the DC to not get depressed will get higher by 1. Kage Kage no Mi
At 3rd level, you have become a shadow human, in which you can make shadow clones or steal peoples shadows by touching them. When you make someone incapacitated, you can make a DC: Creature's CR + Their Constitution Score Wisdom Check, on a failure you will not get their shadow, on a sucess you will gain their shadow, for every shadow you gain the following benefits:
You can have as many shadows as your class level + your proficiency modifier + your Constitution score.
At 5th level, you can throw out 3 shadow bats that will have 10 Hit Points 16 AC and do a bite attack that deals 1d6 Piercing, that will last for 1 minute. When they deal damage you gain hitpoints equal to the amount of damage they dealt.
At 7th level, you can make a shadow clone with half your hit points that can only attack with your unarmed strikes and your fruit abilities. The shadow clone cannot use shadow clone. You may use this 4 times before a long rest. Suke Suke no Mi
At 3rd level, you can turn your body completely invisible for 1 minute, in which no one without truesight or above can see you, but they can feel your presence with the required means.
At 5th level, while invisible you can do an unarmed strike to a creature that does not know your location dealing triple your normal damage.
At 7th level, while invisible your movement does not make any sound, and while invisible your movement speed is doubled, but you can't take the run action.
At 10th level, you cannot be detected while invisble no matter the means, unless you do an action that reveals your location.
At 20th level, you have awakened your devil fruit so now you can turn the wolrd around you invisible, even making creatures invisible. You can in a 600ft radius turn everything invisible, with only you seeing where they are. Nikyu Nikyu no Mi
At 3rd level you have become a paw paw human, wich makes the palm of your hands have little paws in it. When you make an unarmed strike with an open palm, the creature makes a Constitution saving throw, on a sucess they take 1d4 force damage, at an failure they are throwm at 15ft away, receiving 3d6 Force damage.
At 5th level, as an reaction you can absorb an incoming melee attack extending your palm hand in the attack. You can use this 4 times before a short or long rest.
At 7th level, you can absorb air into a paw to throw at an opponent at an opponent within 60ft, you can throw it immediatly dealing 2d6 Force Damage. But for each turn you hold it, it adds 1 dice to the damage(at maximum 3 turns). Ope Ope no MiYour saving throw DC is your constitution + your dexterity + your proficiency bonus
At 3rd level, you can create a spherical space that is 60ft around you allowing you to manipulate everything within it regardless of size or weight, it deactivates when you deactivate it or after a number of turns equal to your constitution modifier x2 uses are; 3rd level- 3 uses 10th level- 6 uses 17th level- 12 uses
You levitate an object regardless of weight or size it just must be within the space your damage roll is xd10 with x being equal to the amount of spaces the longest side takes
You swap the places of 2 objects within your area, can be used as a reaction to an attack roll made against you and you can't swap with the attacker. You are able to use this an amount of times equal to your constitution + your proficiency bonus
You generate shock waves on your weapon adding a 2d10 electric damage to your attacks you can use it again if you spend a turn not using it
At 10th level, you can target the enemy, this will make your next attack not miss, it will also add a great deal of knock back 1d6 x 10 feet back regardless of weight or size this can be used twice per short rest, at level 15 it’s increased to 4 times and at level 20 it’s 8 times
You infuse your weapon with electricity and as long as the enemy is in your room you cut the enemy multiple times leaving them sliced in chunks of 1d6 the dice roll will determine how many pieces they are split into throwing the enemy off and leaving them prone to attack until they make a dexterity saving throw to reassemble on their turn you can use this once per long rest at level 20 it’s twice per long rest
At 12th level you create a transparent barrier with 300 health and you can defend people within 10ft of you in a vertical line in front of you but you can’t attack until the curtain is deactivated and your ally’s must leave the safety of your curtain to attack
At 14th level you can strike your opponent in the chest with your bare hand in a grasping motion, causing their heart to expel out of their body, encased in a glass-like cube. This attack leaves a cube-shaped hole on the opponent's body where their heart was, squeezing or beating the heart-cube inflicts great pain and internal damage to the victim doing 3d10 bludgeoning, making this technique suitable for subduing and controlling people. Puncturing the heart will make the enemy roll a constitution saving throw on a failure they are knocked unconscious.
At 17th level you can create a short blade of energy before stabbing your opponent with it. This technique destroys your victim's internal organs without leaving any external wounds. The enemy must make a constitution save if they fail they take 10d12 Force damage, if they succeed they take half. At 20th level you have awakened your fruit allowing for new applications You are able to put your room on any object to manipulate it to get rid of it a person must make a dexterity saving throw you have 1 use of K Room and 1 use of R Room per long rest they both last an amount of turns equal to your proficiency bonus
You coat your weapon in a room and can manipulate it allowing the weapon to extend to 50ft and bypass defense, you can infuse your powers on the inside
Destroys your enemies internal dealing 15d12 electric damage the enemy must make a constitution saving throw on a success they just take 15d12 but on a failure they take the damage and are stunned for as many turns as it takes for them to succeed a constitution saving throw
Allows you to make a room around your enemy letting effect specifically them they must make a dexterity saving throw to get rid of the Room
Creates a sound proof room around your target not letting sound exit or enter Pika Pika No Mi
At 3rd level, you have become a living light, able to control and create it at will. Each unarmed attack you make will deal force damage if you choose and your movement speed will triple. You can also take the dodge and dash action as a bonus action. You can transform into light to gain 100 feet of flying speed, you also cannot be hit by all non-magical attacks or take non-magical damage, and you can move through solids.
At 3rd level, you can cast a flash of light to blind your enemies in 30ft, they will be blinded for 1d3 turns.
At 5th level, you can utilize your light powers to create a light sword, you are proficient with it and it deals 1d12 Radiant Damage per hit.
At 7th level, you can shoot a light beam in 60ft to hit someone dealing 3d6 Radiant Damage.
At 10th level, you can shoot many light bullets at a selected area, anything within a 60ft cone in the direction the user is facing must make a DC15 dex save or take 8d6 Radiant Damage, half as much on a successful save. Mero Mero no Mi
At 3rd level, you have become a love controling human. When you make an unarmed strike, the opponent must make a Constitution Saving Throw, on a sucess they stay as normal, on a failure they become petrified for 1d3 turns. You can now cast charm whithout even having the spell.
At 5th level, you can make everyone in 30ft infront of you to make a Wisdom Saving Throw, on a sucess they take 2d6 Psychic Damage, on a failure they will become stone, and may be destroyed with a single hit. If the opponent is charmed, the saving throw fails automatically.
At 5th level, anyone that has been petrified, stunned or other movement stopping effects will be shot with a heart to remove the effects.
At 7th level you can throw an heart shaped arrow to hit someone in 60ft dealing 2d8 Psychic Damage, the person hit will have to make a Wisdom Saving Throw, on a success they take 4d6 Psychic damage, on a failure they become stone. They fail automatically if they are charmed by you. Hebi Hebi no Mi, Model: Anaconda
At 3rd level you have become an Anaconda Anaconda Human, as an action you may acess your Anaconda-Hybrid form, and your full Anaconda Form two times per long rest. At the 6th level, all your stat boosts from turning into your forms get a +2 to their boosts and you can turn into your devil fruit forms 3 times. At 12th level, All your stats boosts and your AC buff gets a +3 and you may turn into your devil fruit forms 4 times. At 17th level, All your stats boost and your AC buff gets a +1 and you can turn into your devil fruit forms 7 times. Temporary Hit Points: 3rd level, 35+ 6th level, 70+ 12th level, 95+ 17th level, 120+ at 20th level
Benefits: Stats: Str:+3 Dex:+5 Con:+3 AC:+3 Anaconda Fangs: 3rd level, 1d6 + 1 6th level, 1d8+ 2 12th level, 2d10 + 3 17th level, 3d8 + 4 When you hit a creature with your anaconda fangs attack, the creature must make a Constitution saving throw, that on a failure it gets poisoned Temporary Hit Points: 3rd level, 25+ 6th level, 40+ 12th level, 65+ 17th level, 70+
Benefits: Stats: Str:+4 Dex:+7 Con:+4 AC:+4 Anaconda Fangs: 2d6 + 1 6th level, 2d8 + 2 12th level, 3d10 + 3 17th level, 4d8 + 4 When you hit a creature with your anaconda fangs attack, the creature must make a Constitution saving throw, that on a failure it gets poisoned Weakness: Disadvantages on Intelligence saving throws Hebi Hebi no Mi, Model: King CobraGura Gura no Mi
You are a Tremor Human which makes you able to create tremors or quakes with your fists or a melee weapon of your choice. You are immune to bludgeoning damage and resistant to thunder damage. Your devil fruit abilities don't affect you and the vehicle you are in.
At 3rd level, you add your tremor powers to all of your melee attacks, adding Xd10 to the damage roll Aarons (X is equal to your proficiency bonus +1). The damage is thunderous.
At 3rd level, you punch the air and causing a crack in mid-air making a 60ft shockwave that goes the direction you strike, dealing the same damage of "Tremor Strike" and causing anyone in that range to make a constitution saving throw. If they fail, they are knocked prone.
At 3rd level, you grapple the air and pull it down, sending all enemies within a 20ft cone are sent 40ft up. All creatures must make a dexterity saving throw or be knocked prone.
At 5th level, you hit the ground causing an earthquake. Anyone within 80ft radius must make a constitution saving throw, or take 3d8 bludgeoning damage + your "Tremor Strike" damage. When you use this technique, role a d4. If it's an odd number, than nothing happens. If you role an even number, you transform the area in difficult terrain. You can't use this technique on an area that is already a difficult terrain.
At 5th level, you create a sphere around your melee weapon (be it an actual weapon or your unarmed attacks), dealing 3d10 thunder damage + your "Tremor Strike" damage and forcing the targeted creature to make a constitution saving throw. In a failure, the creature is knocked prone and its movement speed is reduced by 1/4 for 1 minute. The reduction can stack up to 0. In the case of a nat 20, the reduction can only be removed by a CD 20 Medicine check.
At 7th level, you can create a sphere around the head of a prone targeted creature, dealing 4d6 thunder damage + your "Tremor Strike".
At 10th level, you can channel all the destructive power of an earthquake in a melee weapon attack and release the shockwave into the body of a targeted creature, dealing 6d8 bludgeoning damage + 2x your "Tremor Strike" damage. A target must make a constitution saving throw or be stunned for 1d6 turns. Note: Only the script can save you from this attack. Good luck.
At 14th level, you are able to create tsunamis if nearby great bodies of water. In a lake, you can create one wave, dealing 8d8 bludgeoning damage. At the coast, you can create two waves, dealing 16d8 bludgeoning damage. In the open sea, you can four waves, dealing 32d8 bludgeoning damage. After the Awakening, the number of waves and d8s are doubled.
At 20th level, you are now able to use the Gura Gura no Mi at its total capacity. You are now able to use the Island Shaker (Shima Yurashi). Island Shaker (Shima Yurashi) This technique allows you to submerge islands or to create earthquakes capable of split the tectonic plaques. This technique can only be used on structures or actual locations. Note: Be advised, this technique can actually destroy the entire world, so be responsible when you use it. Or else your DM may actually ban you from the table. Numa Numa no Mi
Numa Numa Earth Tremor: You cause a tremor in the ground within range. Each creature other than you in that area must make a Dexterity saving throw. On a failed save, a creature takes 1d6 bludgeoning damage and is knocked prone. If the ground in that area is loose earth or stone, it becomes difficult terrain until cleared, with each 5-foot-diameter portion requiring at least 1 minute to clear by hand. Numa Numa Earthen Grasp: You choose a 5-foot-square unoccupied space on the ground that you can see within range. A Medium hand made from compacted soil rises there and reaches for one creature you can see within 5 feet of it. The target must make a Strength saving throw. On a failed save, the target takes 2d6 bludgeoning damage and is restrained for the spell’s duration. As an action, you can cause the hand to crush the restrained target, who must make a Strength saving throw. It takes 2d6 bludgeoning damage on a failed save, or half as much damage on a successful one. To break out, the restrained target can use its action to make a Strength check against your spell save DC. On a success, the target escapes and is no longer restrained by the hand. As an action, you can cause the hand to reach for a different creature or to move to a different unoccupied space within range. The hand releases a restrained target if you do either. Numa Numa Entangle: Grasping weeds and vines of mud sprout from the ground in a 20-foot square starting from a point within range. For the duration, these plants turn the ground in the area into difficult terrain. A creature in the area when you cast the spell must succeed on a Strength saving throw or be restrained by the entangling plants until the spell ends. A creature restrained by the plants can use its action to make a Strength check against your spell save DC. On a success, it frees itself. Numa Numa Wall of mud: conjure up a wall of swirling mud on the ground at a point you can see within range. You can make the wall up to 30 feet long, 10 feet high, and 10 feet thick, and it vanishes when the spell ends. It blocks line of sight but not movement. A creature is blinded while in the wall’s space and must spend 3 feet of movement for every 1 foot it moves there. Numa Numa Stone Shape: You touch a stone object of Medium size or smaller or a section of stone no more than 5 feet in any dimension and form it into any shape that suits your purpose. So, for example, you could shape a large rock into a weapon, idol, or coffer, or make a small passage through a wall, as long as the wall is less than 5 feet thick. You could also shape a stone door or its frame to seal the door shut. The object you create can have up to two hinges and a latch, but finer mechanical detail isn't possible. Numa Numa Investiture of Stone Until the spell ends, bits of rock spread across your body, and you gain the following benefits: You have resistance to bludgeoning, piercing, and slashing damage from nonmagical attacks. You can use your action to create a small earthquake on the ground in a 15-foot radius centered on you. Other creatures on that ground must succeed on a Dexterity saving throw or be knocked prone. You can move across difficult terrain made of earth or stone without spending extra movement. You can move through solid earth or stone as if it was air and without destabilizing it, but you can’t end your movement there. If you do so, you are ejected to the nearest unoccupied space, this spell ends, and you are stunned until the end of your next turn. Awakening (Calamity Swamp). Once you've awakened your power, you can use an action to cast Earthquake, without expending any charges or material components. You can’t use this action again until the next dawn.
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