Spirit of the Wild (5e Subclass)

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Spirit of the Wild

Monk Subclass

  • some form of lycanthropy is required to use this subclass. If lycanthropy is cured, choose a different subclass.

Among the rampaging beasts of the wild combatting hunters and themselves alike, you stand with your bloodlust. You are yourself, and the beast inside of you is your friend.

Consider: Catalyst

You gain this feature at level 3 (upon choosing this subclass). Once per long rest, you can force a transformation into your lycanthrope form. At all times, while in lycanthrope form, you deal 1d4 extra piercing damage, increasing by 1d4 at the levels: 6, 10, 14, 18, and 20.

Understand: Massacre

You gain this feature at level 6. Expending 3 ki points, you can grant yourself another 1d6 piercing damage while in lycanthrope form. If you kill or knock something unconscious while in lycanthrope form, gain another action for free.

Consider: Family

You gain this feature at level 11. While in lycanthrope form, for every ally within 10 feet of you, gain a stack of "Family." Each stack of Family increases the movement speed of all allies within 10 feet of you by [stacks of family] times 2.

Understand: Warlord

You gain this feature at level 17. You now gain 2 stacks of family per ally within 30 feet of you, and all allies also deal 1d8 extra psychic damage with all attacks.

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