Grave Walker (5e Subclass)

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Grave Walker[edit]

Fighter Archetype

Grave Walkers are fighters that meld into the outer planes, gaining the assistance from the souls of great champions throughout history. The practice of becoming a grave walker stems from a close encounter with death, which afterwards leaves them exposed to the influence of the afterlife.


Starting at 3rd level, you gain the ability to use your focus in order to channel both your mundane and undead powers. You have a number of Focus points equal to twice your Fighter level, and regain all your focus when you finish a long rest.

You start knowing three focus abilities, and learn three more at 7th, 10th, 15th and 18th levels. Your focus abilities are fueled by your focus points. You start by being to choose only

Focus features have different tiers. You have access to Tier 1 features at 3rd level, and gain access to Tier 2 at 7th level, Tier 3 at 10th level, Tier 4 at 15th level and finally Tier 5 at 18th level.

When a focus ability require a saving throw to resist its effects, the save DC equals 8 + your proficiency bonus + your Wisdom modifier.

Combat Drain

Also at 3rd level, you are able to drain the life force of your enemies using your touch. As an action, you can force a creature to make a Constitution saving throw against your focus save DC. On a failed save, the creature takes x necrotic damage, and you regain 1 Focus.

You can use this feature a number of times equal to your Wisdom modifier, and regain your uses after finishing a long rest.


Starting at 7th level when you choose this archetype, you gain proficiency with Stealth, if you don't have it already, and you add your Wisdom modifier as a bonus to your Dexterity (Stealth) checks.

In addition, you can take the Hide action using a bonus action on your turn.

Focus Abilities[edit]

Execution (Tier 1)

As a reaction when a creature within 5 feet of you is incapacitated or prone, you can spend 2 focus to make an attack with a melee weapon you are holding against it.

Impact (Tier 1)

As a reaction when a creature misses you with an attack, you can spend 2 focus to make a melee weapon attack against it. On a hit, the creature is pushed 10 feet back, in addition to the normal effects. On a failure of 5 or more, the creature is also knocked prone. On a natural 1, the creature is stunned until the end of your next turn.

Strike from Above (Tier 1)

When you land after a jump within 5 feet of a hostile creature of medium size or smaller, you can spend 2 focus to force the creature to make a Strength saving throw or be knocked prone. If you attack a creature knocked prone with this ability on the same turn, your first attack deals additional 3d6 damage on a hit.

Elven Swiftness (Tier 1)

You can spend 2 focus as a bonus action to gain a bonus of 10 feet to your movement speed for 1 minute. For the duration, you ignore difficult terrain and your jump height and distance are doubled.

Detonate (Tier 1)

When you make a ranged weapon attack, you can spend 2 focus to make it explosive. Hit or miss, all creatures within 5 feet of your target must succeed on a Dexterity saving throw, or take 2d6 fire damage.

Wraith Stun (Tier 1)

As an action, you can spend 2 focus to force a creature within 5 feet to make a Constitution saving throw. On a failed save, the creature is stunned until the end of your turn, and you can take the Attack action as part of the same action against it.

Ride Creature (Tier 1)

As an action, you can spend 2 focus to attempt to mount a beast or monstrosity of Large size or smaller, with an Intelligence score of 3 or lower. The creature must succeed on a Wisdom saving throw, or becomes your controlled mount for 1 minute, or until you dismount. For the duration, the creature is charmed by you.

Critical Strike (Tier 2)

You can spend 3 focus when you hit a creature with an attack made with a weapon to turn that attack into a critical hit.

Last Chance Finisher (Tier 2)

As a reaction against a melee weapon attack that would reduce you to 0 hit points, you can spend 3 ki points to make a melee Attack against that attacker. On a hit, that creature's damage is reduced to 0, in addition to the regular effects of the attack, and you regain hit points equal to your Fighter level.

Poison (Tier 2)

As an action, you can spend 3 focus to poison a liquid substance you touch, up to a quantity of liquid up to a barrel. The poison lasts for 8 hours, and any creature who drinks from the liquid must succeed on a Constitution saving throw after 1 minute, or take 2d8 poison damage and is poisoned for 1 hour. On a success, the creature take 1d8 poison damage and is not poisoned.

A poisoned creature can make another saving throw after each minute thereafter, taking additional 2d8 poison damage on a failed save, or taking no damage and ending the effect on itself on a success.

Throwing Daggers (Tier 2)

As a bonus action, you can spend 3 focus to quickly throw daggers at your adversaries. When you use this feature and as a bonus action in each subsequent turn for 1 minute, you can throw a dagger or a dart (if you have daggers or darts available). On a hit, your target is pushed 10 feet back.

Brutalize (Tier 2)

When you reduce a creature to 0 hit points, you force all creatures within 10 feet to make a Wisdom saving throw, or be frightened of you until the end of their next turn. A frightened creature must use its reaction to move up to its movement speed further away from you (without provoking opportunity attacks).

Shadow Strike (Tier 2)

When you make a ranged weapon attack against a creature within your weapon's short range, you can spend 3 focus, regardless if you hit your miss, to teleport to an unoccupied place you can see within 5 feet of him. When you do so, you can use your bonus action to force it to make a Strength saving throw, or be knocked prone.

Pin in Place (Tier 2)

When you hit a creature with a ranged weapon attack, you can spend 3 focus as a bonus action to reduce that creature's movement speed to 0. The movement speed remains reduced to 0 unless the creature uses its action to remove the projectile.

Wraith Flash (Tier 2)

As an action, you can spend 3 focus to unleash a blast that stuns your enemies. Creatures in a 15-foot cone must succeed on a Constitution saving throw, or take 2d8 force damage and are stunned on a failed save (or half the damage and are not stunned on a success).

Stealth Drain (Tier 2)

While Hidden, you can spend 3 focus points to use drain on a creature without revealing your position.

Beast Hunter (Tier 2)

When a beast makes an attack against you, you can use a reaction to force it to make a Wisdom saving throw. On a failed save, the beast attack fail and the creature is stunned until the end of your next turn or until you damage that creature.

If you succeed in stunning the creature, you can use Ride Creature as part of the same reaction on that creature, ending the stunned condition; or you can make an attack as part of the same reaction, that is a critical on a hit.

Swift Finisher (Tier 3)

When you hit a prone creature with an Execution, you can spend 5 focus to cause additional damage equal to five rolls of your weapon damage die.

Vault Stun (Tier 3)

When you leap over an enemy, you can use 5 focus as a reaction to force that creature to make a Constitution saving throw. On a failed save, the creature is stunned for 1 minute. The stunned creature can make another save at the end of each of its turns to end the effect.

Brace of Daggers (Tier 3)

You can spend additional 2 focus (to a total of 5) when you use Throwing Daggers to throw three daggers using a bonus action, instead of one. You have advantage on the attack roll if your enemy has taken the Dash action and moved away from you.

Shoulder Charge (Tier 3)

You can spend 5 focus to become able to make charges for 1 minute. For the duration, you can take the Dash action in each turn without requiring an action. Once per turn, if you move at least 10 feet towards a creature with this charge, you can force that creature to make a Strength saving throw, or be pushed 10 feet back or knocked prone.

Using this against a creature that is holding a non-magical shield will break the shield on a failed save.

Lethal Shadow Strike (Tier 3)

When you hit a creature you have knocked prone on this turn with shadow strike, you can spend 2 focus to cause additional 3d6 damage to that creature.

Wraith Blast (Tier 3)

When you reduce a creature to 0 hit points with Drain or with an attack made as part of an Action Surge, you can spend 5 focus as a reaction force all creatures of your choice in a 30-foot radius from that target to make a Wisdom saving throw, or be frightened of you for 1 minute. A frightened creature can make another saving throw at the end of each of its turns, ending the effect on itself on a success.

Combat Drain (Tier 3)
Monster Hunter (Tier 3)

Works exactly as Beast Hunter, but costs 5 focus and also affects monstrosities with an Intelligence score of 5 or lower.

Blade Master (Tier 4)

Resilience (Tier 4)
Death Threat (Tier 4)
Fire Arrow (Tier 4)
Wraith Finisher (Tier 4)
Brand (Tier 4)

When you Drain a creature, you can spend 6 focus to attempt to brand that creature. The creature must succeed on a Wisdom saving throw, or is charmed by you for 1 minute. For the duration, the creature will fight alongside you and held your enemies as if they were their enemies.

Shadow Mount (Tier 4)

When you use Shadow Strike against a creature, you can spend additional 3 focus as a bonus action to, instead of knocking that creature prone, attempt to mount that creature as if you had used Ride Creature on it. The target must be a beast or monstrosity with an intelligence score of 5 or lower.

On a success, you instantly teleport on top of the creature, controlling it.

Critical Strike 2 (Tier 5)

prerequisite: Critical Strike 1

Flame of Vengeance (Tier 5)
Double Charge (Tier 5)
Shadow Strike Chain (Tier 5)
Quick Draw (Tier 5)
Wraith Burn (Tier 5)
Dispatch (Tier 5)

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