Circle of the Matriarch (5e Subclass)

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Circle of the Matriarch[edit]

Druid Subclass


Starting at 2nd level, you can conjure a swarm of insects that are assimilated with your being. The swarm extends 10ft outwards centered on you. When a hostile creature comes within-, or ends it's turn within your swarm, they take 1d4 necrotic damage. You can use your wild shape feature to double the distance and damage of your swarm for 1 minute.

The necrotic damage increases to 1d6 at 6th level, 1d8 at 10th, 1d10 at 14th level.
The swarm is magical, and can be dismissed or re-conjured using a bonus action.

Additionally, you granted the ability to speak with animals that are insectoid.

Leader of the Swarm

Starting at 2nd level, your swarm listens to your commands and will help you in your times of need. Once on each of your turns, you may use one action from the 'Swarm' table below.

Action Type Command Effect
Bonus Action Relocate You fuse into your swarm for a short moment, and then reappear in an empty space within the area of your swarm.
Bonus Action Sting If you make an attack against a creature within your swarm, you can use your bonus action to deal the damage from your 'Matriarch' feature to the same creature.
Bonus Action Grasp You command your swarm to grapple a creature. The creature must succeed a strength save equal to your spell save DC or be grappled until the end of your next turn. The creature must be fully within the area of your swarm to be grappled this way. The grapple ends early if it exits your swarm. The grappled creature can be moved up to 10ft per turn.
Reaction Consume When a creature dies within your swarm you can use your reaction to command the swarm to consume the life essence of the creature, giving you 10 temporary hp
Reaction Protect You command your swarm to protect one creature within range of your swarm that is being targeted by an attack, the protected creature has +5 AC until hit.
Wings of Unity

Starting at 6th level, you get a flying speed of 20ft. Your swarm carries you around.


At 10th level, you begin to communicate telepathically with your swarm, and you can share it's senses. Using an action you can spread out your swarm to a range of 60ft centered on you, but you no longer gain the benefits of any of the other Circle of the Matriarch features. While under the effects of Hivemind, you can see, hear, smell, and feel all the same things your swarm feels giving you truesight for 60ft


Starting at 14th level, Once pr short rest, you can command your swarm to create a zombie of bees. It lasts until death, using zombie stat block.

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