Oath of Beauty (5e Subclass)
Oath of Beauty[edit]
Tenets of Beauty[edit]
Beauty can be understood in different ways, but its essence remains unchanged:
Be beautiful. First of all, you must be beautiful in yourself.
Bring beauty to the world. Secondly, being the embodiment of beauty, you must show this beauty to the whole world.
Be honest. Thirdly, beauty does not tolerate lies and pretense.
Oath Spells[edit]
You gain Oath spells at the Paladin Levels listed:
Paladin Level | Spells |
3rd | Charm Person, Heroism |
5th | Enthrall, Warding Bond |
9th | Hypnotic Pattern, Beacon of Hope |
13th | Charm Monster, Grasping Vine |
17th | Dominate Person, Circle of Power |
Channel Divinity[edit]
When you take this Oath at 3rd level, you gain the following two Channel Divinity options.
- Enchantment of beauty. As an action, you can imbue one tiny object within 30 ft. away from you with the power of true beauty. Each creture within 60 feet of it must make a Wisdom saving throw. If the creature is unable to reach the object (for example, if it is in the air), the creature automatically succeeds on the saving throw. If the creature fails its saving throw, it is Charmed for 1 minute or until it takes damage. While charmed by this effect, a creature must spend each of its turns moving closer to the item, avoiding obviously dangerous places (taking the Disengage action if necessary). If a creature is within 5 feet of this item at the end of its turn, it is no longer charmed.
- Manifestation of beauty. As an bonus action, you can create one aspect of beauty whithin 30 feet of you. It is a small item that has a quarter of your maximum hit points, an AC of 8 + your Charisma score, and immunity to psychic and poison damage, as well as all conditions. The aspect also uses your Charisma saving throw in place of any it would otherwise make. When you summon an aspect and on each subsequent turn until it is destroyed, you can activate the aspect's effect as a bonus action.
List of aspects:
The Shield. Gives one creature within 60 feet of the aspect 1d6 + your Paladin's level temporary hit points.
The Spear. You make a range spell attack against a creature within 60 feet of the aspect. On a hit, the target takes force damage equal to 1d12 + your Paladin's level.
The Honored. Allows one creature within 60 feet of the aspect to deal extra force damage on weapon attacks equal to 1d4 + your Charisma modifier until the start of your next turn.
Creation of beauty[edit]
Starting at 7th level, when you use "Manifestation of beauty" you can summon two different aspects within range. You use one bonus action to activate both aspects.
Great beauty[edit]
Starting at 15th level, when you attempt to Charme a creature, you ignore its Charmed Immunitiy. If the creature wasn't Charmed Immunitiy, it has disadvantage on the saving throw.
The beautiful one[edit]
At 20th level, as an action, you can call upon True Beauty by surrounding yourself with its grace. For 10 minutes, you gain the following benefits:
- Roses cover the entire ground around you. Difficult terrain within 60 feet of you is considered normal terrain.
- You radiate an aura of charm in a 15-foot radius around you. When an enemy first enters the aura or begins its turn in it during combat, it must succeed on a Wisdom saving throw or become Charmed for 1 minute. While Charmed by this effect, the creature is incapacitated and its speed drops to 0. At the end of each of its turns, the creature can repeat the Wisdom saving throw.
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