Exosuit Brawler (5e Subclass)
Exosuit Brawler[edit]
Fighter Subclass
Technology is a powerful tool, and so is the body. Both can improve or utilize the other, and what could be a greater example of that than the Exosuit. Designed by a bored engineer one dull day on a transport job, it has spread far and wide as an impressive tool of the blue-collar worker. Some, however, have seen and embraced its combat potential, becoming Exosuit Brawlers.
Hydraulic Exosuit:[edit]
When you choose this archetype at 3rd level, you can transform a suit of any armor into a special piece of equipment known as an Exosuit. This is a simple mechanical exoskeleton covering your arms, shoulders and chest that grants you increased physical strength with its hydraulic systems. The suit acts as halfplate, offering you an AC of 15 + Dex modifier (max:+2). While wearing the Exosuit, your unarmed strikes deal 1d6 bludgeoning damage. The die for this goes up every 3 levels, to a maximum of a d12 at 12th level. You cannot use shields or wear armor while wearing the Exosuit.
Conductive Fists:[edit]
Also at 3rd level, you can attach a battery, heating coil or supercooler to your Exosuit. Choose a damage type from lightning, fire, or cold damage. Your unarmed strikes can now deal your unarmed strike damage die plus your proficiency bonus of this damage type a number of times per day equal to your proficiency bonus. This special attack also knocks your target back a number of feet equal to your unarmed strike damage die. You can also choose to propel yourself forward the same distance along with your target.
Cable Fists:[edit]
At 7th level you can utilize the safety features of your Exosuit to your advantage. As an action, you can fire the fists of your Exosuit on cables a distance equal to your movement speed in order to pull yourself that distance. If you target a secure object above you, you can swing for double your movement. You can combine this ability with your Conductive Fists ability in order to combine them into a single action.
Hydraulic Lifting:[edit]
Also at 7th level, you can upgrade the hydraulic systems of your Exosuit’s arms. This allows you to lift and push objects as if you were 2 size categories larger. It also allows you to add double your proficiency bonus to Athletics checks and Strength saves.
Steel Barrier:[edit]
At 10th level your Exosuit can be upgraded to provide more protection. It now gives AC equal to 18. This also adds shock absorbers to your legs, giving you resistance to fall damage. You can also take an action to guard yourself with your arms, gaining a temporary +2 to your AC.
Shockwave Slam:[edit]
At 15th level you gain the ability to slam your fists into the ground as an action, creating a shockwave that deals your unarmed strike damage die in the damage type you selected for your Conductive Fists ability in a 10ft radius. Using this ability causes you to plummet to the ground, increasing the shockwave’s radius by 5ft for every 10ft you fall.
Rev Up:[edit]
At 18th level you gain the ability to temporarily power up your Exosuit, increasing your unarmed strike damage die to 2d12 for 1 minute. You can do this once per long rest, and after using it your unarmed strike damage die is reduced to a d8 for 1 minute.
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