Astral Beast (5e Subclass)

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Astral Beast[edit]

Sorcerer Subclass

You have an astral blood descendant with an latent inner beast, having a link between yourself and the Astral Plane while having the raging blood of beasts allows you to manifest your inner beast in different ways that can be used in different ways. Those who have this rare variant on their bloodline are often considered a powerful beings, some of them are savagers made out of pure violence and ready to fight, others are reserved cautious fighters who don't like to use their maximum strength until they need it the most.

Companion of the Beyond

At first level, you can cast find familiar without using material components. Once you choose the form of your familiar, it cannot be changed later, even if the familiar dies. This familiar is a physical manifestation of your inner beast, it has the following features:

  • This familiar has the form of a creature you desire as explained on the find familiar spell, but limited to only beasts. Additionally it will always seems related to the Astral Plane.
  • It's alignment will always be Lawful but it's up to your choice if it is Evil, Neutral or Good.
  • It can speak, hear or write any language you know.
  • It can cast your spells, using your Spell Modifier, Spell Slots, Material Components and Concentration. This feature also works on battle allowing you to to share initiative with your familiar to cast two spells as if you had two actions. (Your familiar spells isn't affected by abilities exclusive of yourself such as Metamagic or Action Surge) It can only cast spells a number of times equal to your Proficiency Bonus and you regain all expended uses within a long rest.
Animalistic Defense

At first level, while you are not wearing any armor or light armor you can alternatively use your Unarmored Defense instead, your armor class equals 10 + your Dexterity modifier + your Charisma modifier.

Beast Manifestation

At first level, you can merge with your inner beast to transform into an astral beast using your bonus action. Your appearance changes as if you were a beast-humanoid made of astral flames, this beast is similar to the race of your familiar in Companion of the Beyond. (Note that similar doesn’t mean the same. e.g. You can be a tiger while your familiar is a cat, but you cannot be other type of animal that ins't related to cats/felines.)

In case your familiar was still alive it disintegrates as you transform. Once the transformation is ended and the familiar was alive before transforming, it’s physical form reappears at 5 feet of you.

You cannot cast spells that require Concentration or have a casting time over 1 minute while you are in this state, concentrations made before entering the transformation are maintained but your Constitution Saving Throw for concentration is made with disadvantage. Additionally, you gain the following benefits:

  • The transformation is based around your temporary hit points. You gain temporary hit points equal to half your total hit points.
  • You can now choose to become large if you choose to transform.
  • Thanks to your new agility or toughness, your AC increases by 2.
  • You gain any variant of speed your familiar had, such as flying, swimming or climbing speed equal to your base walking modifier. For burrowing the speed is equal to the half of your base walking speed.
  • You gain advantage on saving throws against being frightened or charmed.
  • Your unarmed strikes are now stronger. When you hit with unarmed strikes, your strikes deal 2d4 damage instead + your Charisma Modifier for the attack and damage.
  • You can replace the Strength or Dexterity Modifier in any weapon with your Charisma Modifier for both attack and damage.
  • You can add your Charisma modifier to any skill check or saving throw related to Strength or Dexterity.

Supressing spell effects such as Dispel Magic only affect your spells but not the transformation itself. You can also spend a sorcery point to increase your temporary hit points for your transformation by a hit die + your charisma modifier before before trasnforming, each time you do this all temporary hit points stack.

The transformation ends if any of the following conditions are met:

  • You lose all of the temporary HP granted by the transformation.
  • You are incapacitated, knocked unconscious or killed.
  • You willingly end the transformation as a bonus action.

You can use this feature once and must complete a long rest before you can use it again. Once you gain the Font of Magic feature, you can spend a Sorcery Point at the end of a turn in which you would revert to your normal form to remain in until your next turn, once you are in your turn you can use an action to instead try to stabilize yourself, regaining a number of temporary hitpoints using a hit die + your charisma modifier.

(IF YOUR DM ALLOWS YOU) Your Beast Manifestation feature can level up with your base level to gain new features. (It levels up with your base level instead of your Sorcerer level)

At 6th level, You can now choose to become huge if you choose to transform, you also gain 20 additional temporary hit points if it is huge. You can select 2 features of your choice for your transformation from the following list:

  • Your transformation is faster, you can choose to enter the transformation without any need of a bonus action.
  • You gain the ability to see in dim light as if it were bright light, and in darkness as if it were dim light, you gain darkvision of 200 ft.
  • You gain resistance against Force and Psychic damage.

At 14th level, You can now choose to become gargantuan if you choose to transform, you also gain 60 additional temporary hit points if it is gargantuan. You can select 3 features of your choice for your transformation from the following list:

  • You gain an incredible speed. All your movement speeds are duplicated.
  • Your agility or toughness is better than ever, your AC increases by 5, instead of 2.
  • You can turn your unarmed strikes or a weapon you are holding into a magical weapon, dealing an additional 1d8 Force damage.
  • You can reduce any type of pushing by your movement speed, if you reduce the pushing equal to 0, you aren't moved at all. As a reaction you cannot be proned.

At 18th level, You can now choose to become colossal if you choose to transform, you also gain 120 additional temporary hit points if it is colossal. You can select 4 features of your choice for your transformation from the following list:

  • You can choose to transmutate the damage of any spell into Force, Psychic or Thunder damage.
  • You can cast concentration spells.
  • You gain Inmunity to, charmed, disease, exhaustion, frightened. (if you already had these states they dissapear once you transform)
  • You gain the ability to cast two spells instead of once in your turn, it can be both two action spells, two bonus action spells and two reaction spells. (It only works if your familiar was alive before transforming)
  • You gain Inmunity to Force and Psychic damage. (Only if you already had these damage resistances)

All of these benefits cannot be changed once you have selected them.

Astral Alterego

At 6th level, you can learn to cast summon greater demon spell and it counts as a sorcerer spell for you. (Note that this only means you gain the ability to learn the spell and that you do not have it automatically.) Once you have learned the spell your greater demon gains the following features:

  • Your greater demon and your familiar are the same spirit, they are both the physical manifestation of your inner beast as an astral being.
  • In case your familiar was still alive it disintegrates as it now turns into the greater demon. Once the spell is ended and the familiar was alive before you cast this spell, it’s physical form reappears in the same position the greater demon was before the spell ended.
  • Your greater demon has the same personality, memory and alignment as your familiar of your Companion of the Beyond feature.
  • Your greater demon race appearance is an Astral themed Beast-Humanoid that seems related towards your appearance when you use the Beast Manifestation feature or the appearance of your Companion of the Beyond familiar.
  • This greater demon is loyal towards you, it’s general appearance can be represented as a servant, bodyguard or others, but it is always an alterego of yourself.
  • You can grant the greater demon two Beast Manifestation features of your choice, you can only grant those you have access to. You can change the feature you granted it, during a long rest.
  • It's fiend stat block is up to your choice as explained in the summon greater demon rules.
  • You can cast it without using material components once and must complete a long rest before you can use it again.
Outer Inner Beast

At 14th level, any of your inner beast manifestations can be be granted this feature as a 1 minute ritual (your familiar from the Companion of the Beyond feature or your greater demon from the Astral Alterego feature.) The feature does the following:

  • Your inner beast can go beyond it's normal distance limits, up to 10.000 feet away from you.
  • It doesn't require any concentration and it doesn't have a time limit.
  • It can still attack and damage using any spell or any features it has.

If your inner beast is hit all of these benefits are gone.

  • If your inner beast was too far from you it's suddenly teleported the area it was supposed to be in, you can choose where.
  • It resumes it's concentration and the time limit as normal.
Path of the Inner Beast

At 18th level, You can select a path of your choice for the Beast Manifestation feature which grants you various benefits whenever you enter into the transformation, you can choose the path from the following list:

  • Anger: You can add your Charisma Modifier to any armor you're wearing. you gain Extra Attack feature, you can attack twice, instead of once, whenever you take the Attack action on your turn. (If for any reason you already have an Extra Attack feature, it stacks with it and becomes three attacks instead of two.)
  • Bravery: You become a size even more than colossal and as a bonus action you can select a creature that is within 5 feet of you to impose disadvantage against that creature's attack rolls made against you. You can use this feature number of times equal to half your Proficiency Bonus. You regain all expended uses within a long rest.
  • Calmness: You gain a number of Sorcery Points equal to your Charisma Modifier. When you enter the Beast Manifestation you can expend 2 sorcery points to gain an extra 3d12 temporary hits points, you cannot do so while you are already transformed.
Manifestation Mastery

At 18th level, You have mastered the limits of your Beast Manifestation, you gain the following benefits:

  • You can now add up your level multiplied by 5, to your temporary hitpoints when transforming.
  • If you haven't received any damage to your temporary hit points while in your Beast Manifestation feature, you can end the transformation using your bonus action to recover the use of the feature you used to enter it in the first place.
  • You also gain another use of the Beast Manifestation feature, allowing you to transform up to 2 times instead of once. You need to complete a long rest to regain all expended uses of your Beast Manifestation feature as normal.
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