School of Anatomy (5e Subclass)

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School of Anatomy[edit]

Wizard Subclass

Anatomy savant

You choose to learn anatomy of living creature you gain proficiency in medicine if you not have it and you can use intelligence instead wisdom for medicine check. Additionally, you gain an expanded spell list which you can select from when you learn new spells as you gain levels. Additionally, if you find these spells in written form you may transfer them into your spell book as per your spellbook class feature.

Expanded Spell List
Spell Slot Level Spell
1 Cure Wounds, Detect Poison and Disease
2 Aid, Lesser Restoration
3 Revivify, Protection from Poison
4 Death Ward, Freedom of Movement
5 Raise Dead, Greater Restoration
6 Forbiddance, Heal
7 Regenerate, Resurrection
Body Modification

Starting at 2nd Level, over the course of a Long Rest, you can modify the body of a willing creature(including yourself) to enhance their abilities as shown in the Modification Table. When you do so, the target must make a Constitution saving throw DC = 10 + [Antigen Score] - [your Intelligence modifier]. Pass or fail, the creature gains the Enhancement shown in the table, and on a failed save, the creature also gains the Penalty listed. You must have the undamaged body part mentioned in the Modification Table as a material component in order to perform this modification. The component is consumed by this feature. The Modification Table expands as you gain levels in this class. The minimum Wizard Level you must meet in order to perform a modification is shown in the Prerequisite column of the Modification Table. You can expend 1 hour, which can be part of Short Rest, to remove a modification from a creature.

Additionally at 2nd Level, you learn the Mending cantrip. If you already know this cantrip, you learn a different wizard cantrip of your choice. This does not count against your number of Wizard cantrips known. When you cast the Mending cantrip, you can modify it to mend a creature's flesh instead of non-living objects only. This does not restore Hit Points to the creature.

Fast Treatment

Starting at 6th Level, you can spend 1 minute treating the wounds of a willing creature you can touch. The creature can expend any number of its remaining Hit Dice and roll them to regain Hit Points as if they have just finished a Short Rest.

Begin Operation

At 10th level, you add the Reincarnate spell to your spellbook, you always have it prepared, and it doesn't count against the number of spells you can prepare each day. You can cast Reincarnate without expending a spell slot as action.

Once you cast Reincarnate in this way, you can't do so again until you finish a long rest, unless you expend a spell slot to cast it normally.

Expert Modification

At 14th level, When you use your Body Modification feature on yourself you can ignore any penalties from failed saving throws equal to half of your Proficiency Modifier, rounded down.

Additionally, you become immune to the Diseased and Poisoned conditions.

Modification Table
Modification Prerequisite Enhance Antigen score Penalty Body part
Lens (lv.2) Advantage in perception check rely on sight 8 Once per turn first attack make with disadvantage Eyes lens of creature that have keen sight
Nose (lv.2) Advantage in perception check rely on smell 8 -2 in perception check rely on smell Nose gland of creature that have keen smell
Ears (lv.2) Advantage in perception check rely on hearing 8 -2 in con save against sound effect Ears gland of creature that have keen hearing
Lung (lv.2) Advantage in con save against poison gas 8 -2 in con save to prevent effect that be hold breath Lung of same size creature
Arm and leg (lv.2) Replace missing limb 8 Disadvantage in str, Dex or Con check. It can make a constitution again to end this Penalty at longrest. Missing organ of humanoid of same size
Eyes (lv.6) Darkvision 60 feet 10 After 3 workweek it will blind until recover from geater restoration or change again Eyes of same size creature that have darkvision trait
Lung (lv.6) Hold breath 1 hour 10 Disadvantage in con save against poison gas Lung of same size creature that have poison resistant
Enchant legs (lv.6) Gain extra speed 5 feet (max. 20 feet) 5 per 5 feet Can't use dash action Leg muscle of same size creature
Stomach (lv.6) Advantage in con save against ingested toxin and disease 10 food that need of each day is double Stomach and intestines of same size creature that have poison resistant
Ears (lv.10) Blind sight 10 feet 12 Disadvantage in perception check Any specific Organ of creature that have blind sight
Gills (lv.10) Breath water 12 Need to submerge in water every 4 hours or start suffocating Gill and organ of Same size creature that have breath water
Additional Arms (lv.10) Benefits of have many hand 6 per 1 arm All ability check that use hand make with disadvantage Arm of humanoid of same size creature
Extra heart (lv.10) Death save with advantage 12 When you drop to 0 hit point you start with 1 death save fail Heart of humanoid that same size
Fascia (lv.14) Gain swim speed 30 feet 15 You still make weapons attack with disadvantage while in water Fascia from same size creature or larger
Artificial Wing (lv.14) Gain fly speed 10 feet 15 All your speed reduce to half Pair wing of same size creature
Second brain (lv.14) Can concentrate 2 spell at the same time but also lose at the same time 15 Previous brain's owner slowly take over your body Brain of same size humanoid that have intelligence at least 6
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