Blood-fueled Juggernaut (5e Subclass)

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Blood-fueled Juggernaut Version 1.0 (V1)[edit]

Fighter Subclass

You must be a Construct type to take this subclass.

You come from a from a land and time unknown to all in the realms. A being fueled by blood and violence, you become stronger the more you kill. The Blood-fueled Juggernaut Version 1.0 (V1 for short) is a being that knows only three things, from its reality, and according to it, those ideas are still true, even if in reality, they are not. To become truly free of your animalistic nature is a task that is all but impossible.

Mankind is dead.

Blood is fuel.

Hell is full.

Paint the world red.

These are the only things a new V1 begin to completely believe if they awaken their V1 code and traits when they are not strong of mind.


When you choose this archetype at 3rd level, your body is enhanced with movement booster technology. Your access to this tech is represented by your Stamina. You have 3 stamina charges, that once spent are regained after a short or long rest. Your Stamina can be used in the following ways:

Dash. You can spend 1 stamina charge to take the Dash action using a Bonus Action.
Slam. You can spend 1 stamina charge to slam, in place of an attack made during the Attack action, after landing a jump or a fly to cause all medium or smaller creatures within 10 feet to make a Strength saving throw, or be pushed 10 feet in the air and fall prone.
Dash Jump. You can spend 2 stamina charges to Dash as a Bonus Action. During this turn, you also gain a flying speed equal to your movement speed.
Blood Fuel

Also at 3rd level, you can absorb blood from defeated enemies. Whenever you reduce a creature to 0 hit points, you regain a number of hit points equal to the amount of damage that was necessary to reduce it to 0 hit points. For example, if you deal 10 damage to a creature that is at 5 hit points, you regain 5 hit points.

The maximum amount of blood that can be recovered depends on your Blood Pool. The blood pool has a number of points equal to your maximum number of hit points, and is restored to its maximum whenever you finish a long rest. When you take damage from any source, half the damage taken is suffered by your blood pool. If blood fuel is used to increase your current hit points to a value above your blood pool, it fails.

For example, if your blood pool is at 30 and your current amount of hit points is 29, blood fuel will only recover you 1 hit point and the rest is wasted, regardless of how much is your Hit Point maximum or of the damage caused that reduced the target to 0 hit points.

Your Blood Pool is restored to maximum after you finish a Long Rest.


At 7th level, you can replace one of your arms for a defensive prosthetic limb called Feedbacker. You can equip or unequip your Feedbacker using a Bonus Action. While the feedbacker is active, it can be used as an Arm as normal. Its main purpose is parrying attacks: whenever you are hit by an attack, you can use a Reaction to attempt to parry it. Make an attack of your own (an unarmed strike) using this arm, and if your result is higher than the attack suffered, you cause that attack to miss.

If the parried attack was a melee attack, your target suffer 1 + your Strength modifier bludgeoning damage. If the parried attack was a ranged attack, the projectile is reflected towards the nearest enemy you can see within the range of that attack.

In addition, when you parry an attack, you can activate blood fuel as if you had reduced an enemy to 0 hit points using your Feedbacker (regaining hit points equal to your Strength modifier) and you recover 1 Stamina Point.

You can use the Feedbacker's reaction a number of times equal to your proficiency bonus, and regain uses of it after finishing a long rest.


At 10th level you gain access to a second prosthetic limb, an offensive one, the Knucklebuster. As a bonus action you can equip or unequip this limb, or replace it with the Feedbacker. The knucklebuster is considered a martial melee weapon, that causes 1d8 bludgeoning damage on a hit. Also, medium or smaller creatures hit with it are pushed 10 feet back.

You can spend uses of Feedbacker to parry ranged attacks (in the same way the Feedbacker would), but not melee ones. In addition, you can spend uses of your Feedbacker to send forth a shockwave. This replaces one attack you can make as part of an attack action, and can only be used once per turn. The shockwave forces all creatures within a 10-foot radius to make a Constitution saving throw, or suffer the effects of slam, in addition to taking 2d6 force damage.


At 15th level, you achieve your third prosthetic arm, the highly mobile Whiplash. As a bonus action you can equip or unequip this limb, or replace it with the Feedbacker or Knucklebuster. The Whiplash is a martial melee weapon, that causes 1 piercing damage (however you can opt for causing no damage with it) and have the reach (30 feet) property. When you hit a medium or smaller target with the Whiplash, you can pull it up to 30 feet towards you. Larger and heavier targets than you cause you to be pulled towards them instead (this movement doesn't provoke opportunity attacks.

You can use the Whiplash to retrieve tiny objects within reach and placing them onto your hand in place of making an attack, and can also carefully place tiny or small items on a point you can see within range in the same manner. You can also throw objects within reach using the Whiplasher. You are considered proficient with improvised weapons thrown with the whiplasher.

Finally, you can spend your Feedbacker uses to catch a projectile. You use a reaction as normal, but when you do so using the Whiplash, you can hold on to the object you catch. Alternatively, you can use this reaction to catch yourself (if there's a heavier target within range to hold on to) or an ally lighter than you within reach from a fall.

Improved Parry

At 18th level, you can use your reaction for parry even if you have already expended your reaction this round, but not if you have already used your reaction this turn.

In addition, you regain all your parry uses whenever you finish a short or a long rest.

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