Way of the Draconic Art (5e Subclass)

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Way of the Draconic Art[edit]

Monk Subclass

There are some monks who delve into the ways of the dragon. These are specific arts from the practitioners of monks who lived among the lung dragons of the east. Unlike the normal dragons, divided into chromatic and metallic, lung dragons were not set into alignment and were diverse in their temperaments and forms. In a sense, they are are true dragon that embodies what dragons can be, stripped of their divisive categories. As such, followers of this monastic tradition seek to embody dragons as a whole in their essence, rather than a sole scale. This style of tradition was derived from centuries of living alongside lung and learning the dragon's movements, which are said to be like that of dancing.

Yu Lung Incubation

When you take this monastic tradition at 3rd level, you begin to better understand the ways and lifestyles of a dragon, incorporating it into your own life. You can read, speak, and write in Draconic, if you couldn't already. Additionally, you can now eat inorganic minerals to fulfill your daily food requirement.

Ki Empathy

Lung dragons are known to have a variety of magical abilities to make up for their lack of a breath weapon. At 3rd level, you can expend 1 ki point to attune yourself to the mind of another creature, as though casting detect thoughts. This effect is considered nonmagical, though you still need to maintain concentration, as if you were using a spell.

Spirit Sense

Being highly spiritual members of the Celestial Bureaucracy, the lung dragons had a variety of abilities that transcended the boundaries of material and spirit. At 6th level, your unarmed strikes become magical for the purpose of overcoming resistance. Additionally, you become keenly aware of presences. You are aware of any creature with a soul that enters 120 feet of you.

Rejuvenating Dance

As part of the dragon's dance, which anyone would be hard-pressed to mimic even an iota, one needs the ability to replenish energy and stamina as they move. At 11th level, when you make a successful hit with your unarmed strike, you may, without any additional action, regain 1 ki point for any successful unarmed strike you make until the end of your turn.

Dragon's Longevity

At 17th level, the powers of a dragon vastly draw on their long-lived experiences and difficulty in dying, a property you incorporate into your own manipulation of ki, to make it efficient and last longer. All the costs for your ki techniques, that cost a minimum of 2 ki points, are halved. This counts forward for ki features you gain at later levels, like Empty Body.

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