Oath of Celestials (5e Subclass)

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Oath of Celestials[edit]

Paladins of the Celestials live to serve the celestial world. Paladins of this oath follow strict tenets and are fueled by the celestial gods themselves in order to carry out missions for the celestial. These paladins string from what Celestials call "Lawful justice." lawful justice is the matter when, no matter how brutal the punishment may be, it must be done. They believe that a disbalance in the natural order of the world is unjust, so these paladins seek to return that order or the world would be endangering the celestial plane. These paladins follow this oath for many reasons, one maybe that the wish to fix the imbalance of the world, some wish to deliver Lawful justice to unlawful creatures, and others just want to serve their god as it would be a great honor to most. If these options do not peak your interests, discuss with your DM about how you sworn an oath to the celestial beings.

Tenets of the Celestials

Through blood and justice many serve their god but many also serve the same tenets stated below:
Serve The Higher Authority Serve with honor, follow your god's commands to the last letter.
Treat the Lawful Justly Listen to reason for the Justly, protect the righteous for they keep order in balance.
Destroy the Unjustly Do not listen to reason for the Unjustly, Destroy the unrighteous for they may cause a disbalance in the natural order.

Oath of the Celestials Spells
Paladin Level Spells
3rd Will Charge, Protector's Mark
5th Greatspear of Justice, Leonardo's Pulsing Shield
9th Haste, Aura of Vitality
13th Celestial Storm, Defender of Life
17th Tabrīs’ Holy Fire, Strands of Life

Channel Divinity[edit]

When you take this Oath at 3rd level, you gain the following two Channel Divinity options.

Destruction of the Unrighteous You demand the destruction of the unrighteous in a 30 ft radius while empowering your blade for one minute. As an action, you gain advantage on attack rolls and deal an additional 1d8 radiant damage when using a smite against any creatures that are fiend, demons, and/or have an alignment of evil. Additionally, friendly creatures within the 30 ft radius you made your demand at gain a +1 in attack rolls made against any creatures that are fiend, demons, and/or have an alignment of evil.

Protection for the Righteous You face dead as it was your friend to defend the righteous while boosting their defense. As an action, any allies within a 15 ft radius gain a +1 in their AC. Additionally, you can choose any friendly ally within the radius to put your life in line for them. Whenever that protected creature is hurt you take the forefront of the attack, when the opposing creature rolls damage for the protected, you take all the amount of damage rolled besides one. (Ex: A fighter gets damage but is marked by you, the damage meant to be took to the fighter is 4d6 force damage but since he's marked, he takes 1d6 force damage while you take 3d6 force damage. (The damage is added after any damage reducing abilities is imputed.)) If damage dice is but one, you take the full assault. The attacker adds its damage proficiency to the creature originally take the attack. Additionally, the marked creature gains a +2 in their AC besides a +1.

Aura of Celestials[edit]

At 7th level, you can use an action to create an aura of 15 ft. This aura glimmers with radiant energy and souls of the righteous encircle your aura. Allied creatures in this aura gain a +1 AC and +1 to attack rolls, as do you. Additionally, you deal an additional 2d8 radiant damage when smiting and you possibly brand any hostile creatures in the aura, when a hostile creature enters in this aura for the first time, it must make a DC Wisdom saving throw or become branded with the righteous justice of the celestials for one minute. While branded, the creature has disadvantage on attack rolls made against you, disadvantage on Wisdom checks and saving throws, and you know the location of the creature for the duration. If the creature passes the saving throw, they are immune to the aura's effects for 24 hours. This aura stays active until you dismiss it as an action or until you are incapacitated.

Impowerment of Destruction and Protection[edit]

At the 17th level, the relentless justice made upon foes has grown more stronger, when using Destruction of the Unrighteous. You deal an additional 4d8 when using a smite. allies in the range now gain a +3 in attack rolls. when using Protection for the Righteous. Allies who hear your voice gain a +2 in their AC and when protecting an ally, you now take half the amount of damage dealt to the protected creature.

Domination or Despair[edit]

At 20th level, you can choose to leave a creature in a fit of despair or a controlled domination. Choose one of the effects below.

Despair As an action, you point at a creature in a 60 ft radius. The targeted creature must make a Wisdom saving throw or take 6d10 radiant damage and come into a state of despair, the target becomes paralysed for one minute. The creature can reroll the save at the end of each of its turns.

Domination As an action, you point at a creature in a 60 ft radius. The targeted creature must make a Wisdom saving throw or the target becomes controlled by you for one minute. While controlled, you can command the creature to do certain actions. This requires no action to do. The creature can reroll the save at the end of each of its turns.

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