Trion Warrior (5e Subclass)
Trion Warrior[edit]
Fighter Subclass
"Trion is a biological power source, or energy, that resides within every living human, and possibly in other life forms as well. This energy provides power for a Trigger's various abilities and functions. Trion is also a term that plays a major role in the world of World Trigger." --Wiki source
This adaptation of Trion will be available to all creatures including the undead for roleplay purposes.
Trion Warriors utilize their trion through triggers that give it shape and function. A Trigger is a piece of technology that manipulates and is powered by trion. It comes in shapes and forms like a ring, bracelet, or handle. Trigger engineers and tinkerers are found among the technological races, and you likely learned from them. Whether you found a trigger, learned it from another tinkerer, or engineer, you studied the trigger and learned how you can tinker on it and how you can utilize your own trion through it.
- Object interaction
3rd Level Trion Warrior Feature
Upon acquiring this subclass you gain an additional free object interaction.
- Trion
3rd Level Trion Warrior Feature
Trion is what fuels your trion-based tools. Constitution is the save DC for your trion abilities as it comes from your vital force.
Your trion ability is calculated so:
Trion ability (minimum one) = your proficiency bonus + constitution modifier Trion ability save DC = 8 + your proficiency bonus + constitution modifier
- The Trigger Holder
You have a trigger holder, it can hold up to eight triggers split between your Main hand and sub-hand, each composed of up to four slots that hold one trigger each.

Two triggers may be active at a time: one from the main and one from the sub. Activating/deactivating triggers is done by interacting with your Trigger holder as an item.
Deactivating a trigger that is separated from you disintegrates it, meaning that you have to spend trion to manifest a new one.
During long rests, you may configure your trigger holder with the triggers that are available to you.
3rd Level Trion Warrior Feature
You will find an overview of the triggers available at the bottom of this page. Currently, only Attacker, Firearms, Sniper, Shooter, and Defense triggers are available to you.
- Attacker, Firearms, and Sniper Triggers
These triggers manifest weapons when activated, whereas attacker triggers consist of melee weapons, firearms, and sniper triggers consist of ranged weapons and big rifles. These triggers have optional triggers that help them perform available for them.
- Shooter Triggers
Shooter triggers stand out the most, they consist of bullets that work like a firebolt or an eldritch blast, they are the firearm and sniper trigger's ammunition and appear like floating yellow cubes that hover around you when manifested. The size of the bullets depends on the amount of damage they deal.
When using a shooter trigger in conjunction with a firearm or sniper trigger you manifest a magazine of bullets, The quantity of bullets is equal to the shooter trigger's reload property (reload 2 give 2 attacks before having to reload) and the properties are the same as the shooter trigger's properties.
- Defense Triggers
Defense triggers manifest shields or walls to protect you or your allies from harm. Their durability greatly depends on your trion ability.
- Spending trion and repairs
The amount of trion you have available to you is equal to your Trion ability. Your trion is fully replenished after finishing a long rest.
Activating an attacker, firearms, or sniper trigger does not consume trion as it initially premade.
Shooter triggers cost one trion per reload and activation as activating it requires trion for its bullets.
Firearms and snipers come initially unloaded and can be preloaded with a set of shooter trigger bullets. The amount of shots is determined by the shooter trigger's reload property. E.g Asteroid gives 12 uses as it has Reload 12, while Meteor only has 8 uses as it has Reload 8.
Repairing a broken trigger costs one trion.
Manifesting a new trigger costs one trion.
Trigger Specialization[edit]
7th Level Trion Warrior Feature
Optional triggers and composite bullets are now available to you. The list of optional triggers and composite bullets available to you is found at the bottom part of this page.
- Optional triggers
Optional Triggers lack any offensive or defensive capabilities, but they add to the user's flexibility in combat. Their effects are extremely varied, encompassing stealth, movement, support, and obstruction. Certain Optional Triggers can be used only in conjunction with a specific class or a single type of Triggers, granting them additional properties. Optional triggers consume one trion upon activation and do not require a free hand.
- Composite bullets
Any two Shooter Triggers can be combined to obtain highly destructive composite bullets, whose properties depend on those of their components. Shooters can create them on the fly by merging two trion cubes. The process requires a certain amount of time and focus, so few Shooters actually use them, but the more skilled ones can pull it off even in the heat of combat. Masterful Shooters can form a composite bullet in a mere two seconds, whereas inexperienced ones will require up to one minute. The only way for Gunners to use composite bullets is to program their weapon to shoot them; however, that weapon will be able to shoot only composite bullets.
To create a set of composite bullets, you will need to have two shooter triggers of choice equipped that may combine into a set of composite bullets. As an attack or object interaction you combine the two active shooter triggers into a set of composite bullets. To use composite bullets in combination with a gunner trigger or a sniper trigger you will need to have both shooter triggers of choice equipped. As an action, you create a set of composite bullets for your active gunner or sniper trigger.
7th Level Trion Warrior Feature
You also learn one technique from the list below at 7th level, you may do so again at 10th, 15th, and 18th.
- Trion Vitality
Regain one trion once after finishing a short rest, you may do so again after finishing a long rest.
- Armament
Reload property for shooter triggers is increased by 1. Meaning Light cube's Reload 12 becomes Reload 13.
- Mole claws
Malleable Blade can be shaped into claws allowing you to climb vertical surfaces with climb speed equal to your movement speed.
- Mantis
When wielding two Malleable Blades, you may manifest them on top of each other granting extra reach. Malleable Blade now has reach when dual wielding them.
- Double Cutting Wind
While having two Longsword triggers equipped you may extend both utilising two Cutting Winds in a single attack.
- Extended Cutting Wind
The range is doubled for an extending Longsword trigger.
- Shield Charge
While having Bulwark in shield mode. You may attack with it as a bonus action at the end of movement when moving on your turn.
- Controlled Shots
When firing projectiles, you may adjust any trion-based projectile's speed down from its maximum range and down to 5ft/turn.
- Seeking Storm
You may delay hound attacks for one turn.
- Birdcage
Traversing Cube now has the light property for you.
- Heavy Bullet
Lead bullets can now be combined with other bullets.
- Camo Cloak Decoy
When you are attacked while having a Camo cloak equipped you may sacrifice it to impose disadvantage to that attack.
Black Trigger[edit]
10th Level Trion Warrior Feature
You learn of the existence of black triggers, and ideas based on how to create one.
A Black Trigger or personality trigger is an extraordinarily powerful Trigger created by Trigger users who have high trion levels when they pour their life and trion into an object. Since the process inevitably results in the creator's death, Black Triggers are thus considered a legacy for the creator's allies. They strongly reflect the personality of the ones who created them. For this reason, they cannot be activated if there isn't compatibility between the user and the creator's personalities, a downside that normal Triggers don't have. On the other hand, the performance of a Black Trigger is incomparable to that of a common Trigger. Black triggers come with innate trion ability equal to its creator's trion ability. When using a black trigger you use its innate trion ability + your proficiency bonus instead of your own trion ability.
Additional Fighting Style[edit]
At 10th level, you can choose a second option from the Fighting Style class feature.
- Archery
You gain a +2 bonus to attack rolls you make with ranged weapons.
- Defense
While you are wearing armor, you gain a +1 bonus to AC.
- Dueling
When you are wielding a melee weapon in one hand and no other weapons, you gain a +2 bonus to damage rolls with that weapon.
- Great Weapon Fighting
When you roll a 1 or 2 on a damage die for an attack you make with a melee weapon that you are wielding with two hands, you can reroll the die and must use the new roll, even if the new roll is a 1 or a 2. The weapon must have the two-handed or versatile property for you to gain this benefit.
- Protection
When a creature you can see attacks a target other than you that is within 5 feet of you, you can use your reaction to impose disadvantage on the attack roll. You must be wielding a shield.
- Two-Weapon Fighting
When you engage in two-weapon fighting, you can add your ability modifier to the damage of the second attack.
Trion Expertise[edit]
15th Level Trion Warrior Feature
Your trion ability is increased by 2.
Trigger holder capacity[edit]
18th Level Trion Warrior Feature
Your trigger holder now holds 4 additional slots freely split between the main and sub.
Attacker Triggers | Damage | Properties | |
Longsword | A balanced and durable sword. | 3d8 Slashing | Versatile(2d10) |
Malleable Blade | A handleless blade that can be drawn from any part of the body and whose shape can be altered freely. | 3d8 Piercing | Finesse, Light, Thrown (range 20/60) |
Bulwark | A blunt blade or club that can morph into a shield. Has no attack in Shieldmode but counts as a shield. | 3d8 Bludgeoning | Versatile(2d8), Special |
Spear | A modified version of Kogetsu that takes the form of a spear. It can use the same Optional Triggers as Kogetsu. | 3d8 Piercing | Finesse, Versatile(2d8), Reach |
Hatchet | A curved knife that resembles a hatchet. | 3d8 slashing | Finesse, Light, thrown (range 20/60) |
Shooter Triggers | Damage | Range | Properties | |
Light Cube | A cube made out of light with no special properties. It is the most powerful Gunner Trigger. You may use up to 4 Bullets in 1 turn. | 2d10 Piercing | 30/120 | Light, Reload 12 |
Seeking Cube | A cube with the ability to pursue the target automatically, even if they are invisible. Its homing function is disabled outside the normal range. With homing enabled, it ignores the target's cover bonus and homes into the first target in its trajectory, it has a 5ft wide travel line. You may use up to 4 bullets in 1 turn | 2d8 Piercing | 30/120 | Homing, Reload 12 |
Explosive Cube | A cube that explode upon impact. The user can set its speed to zero so as to employ it in traps. The size of the explosions scales with the amount of trion expended. Each creature in its affected radius centered on the point of impact must make a Dexterity saving throw versus your trion ability DC. A target takes 1d6 per trion spent Fire damage on a failed save, or half as much damage on a successful one. Upon activation, you choose an amount of trion of your choice to pour into it (minimum 1). This will determine its damage and explosion radius. You may use up to 2 bullets in 1 turn. | 4d6 Fire | 30/120, 5ft explosion radius sphere per trion spent. | Explosive, Reload 8 |
Traversing Cube | A Trigger that shoots bullets whose trajectory can be set before firing. Before attacking you may declare how the bullet will fly within this trigger's range.You may use up to 4 bullets in 1 turn. | 2d8 Piercing | 30/120 | Special, Reload 12 |
Composite Bullets | Damage | Range | Properties | |
Heavy Cube | The combination of two Light cubes. Its cover is twice as durable as that of a normal Asteroid bullet, making it a high-penetration ammunition. It is used to pierce through the target's defenses while also inflicting damage. You may use up to 4 bullets in 1 turn | 4d12 Piercing | 60/120 | Reload 12 |
Pinpoint Cube | The combination of two Seeking cubes. Pinpoint Cube looks identical to Seeking cube mid-flight, but it can be distinguished from it thanks to its superior homing ability, which, depending on the movements of the target, could lead to a more varied flight path. Hornet has advantage on attack rolls. You may use up to 4 bullets in 1 turn | 4d10 Piercing | 30/120 | Homing, Reload 12 |
Seeking Explosive Cube | The combination of Seeking cube and Explosive cube. It can pursue the target like the Seeking cube and, like Explosive cube, explodes upon impact. You may use up to 2 bullets in 1 turn. | 5d6 Fire | 30/120, 5ft explosion radius per trion spent | Homing, Explosive, Reload 8 |
Traversing Explosive Cube | The combination of Traversing cube and Explosive cube. It has the explosive properties of the former and the ability to travel along predetermined trajectories of the latter. You may use up to 2 bullets in 1 turn | 5d6 Fire | 30/120, 5ft explosion radius per trion spent | Explosive, Special, Reload 8 |
Firearm Triggers | Damage | Range | Properties | |
Assault Rifle | Heavier than handguns and not suitable for close combat, assault rifles have an excellent rate of fire, and aiming with them is easier. You May use up to 4 bullets in 1 turn | 2d10 Piercing | 80/320 | Misfire 2,Reload 12 |
Grenade Launcher | Grenade launchers appear to boast an exceptionally long range among Gun Triggers, although it is unclear to what extent this depends exclusively on the parameters of the bullet itself. They are only known to be set to fire Meteor. You may use up to 2 bullets in 1 turn | 4d6 Fire | 100/400 | Two-handed, Misfire 2,Reload 8 |
Handgun | A handgun is a small, light Gun Trigger with a lower rate of fire than assault rifles that is most effective at close range. You may use up to 4 bullets in 1 turn. | 2d8 Piercing | 40/160 | Light, Misfire 1,Reload 16 |
Shotgun | A shotgun is a Gun Trigger with high firepower but low rate of fire that blasts relatively large bullets. It is most devastating at close-to-mid range. The angle of the bullets can be adjusted to some extent. Like assault rifles, shotguns are generally wielded with both hands, but they can be comfortably operated with only one. Can be fired without disadvantage in melee range. | 4d8 Piercing | Melee, 15/60 | Melee, Misfire 2,Reload 8 |
Sniper Triggers | Range | Properties | ||
Sniper rifle | It is an all-purpose rifle focusing on range. Aside from range, this Trigger is remarkable for its high muzzle velocity and firepower. Since it has no flaws to speak of and is the most balanced of the three Sniper rifles.You may use up to 2 bullets in 1 turn | 4d10 Piercing | 150/600 | Loading, Misfire 1,Reload 10 |
Heavy Sniper Rifle | It is the Sniper Trigger with the most firepower, but its low muzzle velocity makes it difficult to score a hit. Being the heaviest and the bulkiest of the three rifles, it is difficult to aim while carrying it, and generally, users rest it on its bipod. When rolling for damage with this weapon, double it. | 5d12 Piercing | 120/600 | Two-Handed, Loading, Special, Misfire 3,Reload 8 |
Light Sniper Rifle | It possesses low power, but it has the highest muzzle velocity of the three Sniper Triggers and a high degree of accuracy. Furthermore, it is fairly lightweight, which makes it very easy to handle, and in fact, it can be shot while on the move. Although not on the level of Gunner Triggers, it is also capable of rapid fire, which makes it ideal for peppering the target with low-power bullets. You may use up to 4 bullets in 1 turn. | 3d8 Piercing | 120/600 | Misfire 2,Reload 12 |
Defense Triggers | Durability | Properties | |
Barrier | It erects a barrier from the ground or other surface through physical contact with it. The first formula in the durability table determines its health and the second one determines the wall's AC. The wall's maximum length is 5ft per trion spent. E.g spending two trion with a trion ability of 2 makes a wall with 4hp, 12AC with a length of up to 10ft. The whole wall is destroyed when its hp reaches zero. On activation you create a wall between two points of choice within this trigger's range. | Trion*Trion ability, 10+Trion ability AC | Range (20ft) |
Shield | An extremely flexible Defense Trigger that erects a barrier anywhere the user wishes within a radius of about 20ft. It can be set to hover in one place or move along with a target; in either case, it leaves the user's hands-free. Its shape and size can be adjusted at will, but the wider the surface, the lower the durability. A stationary Shield will be able to endure more damage before breaking. The act of activating two Shields and overlapping them takes the name of Full Guard. The durability of a Shield is greatly influenced by the trion capacity of the user. The first formula in the durability table determines its health and the second one is the AC you gain for using it as a normal shield, the third number is the AC you gain when using it in both hands in full guard mode. While having shield equipped you gain temporary hp equal to its durability (doubled in full guard mode as its two shields combined), if you take more damage than the shield's durability it is destroyed and you will have to manifest a new one by expending trion. As a reaction you may consume the shield and give yourself or an ally within range (20ft) this shield's defensive bonuses. | Trion*Trion ability, +2AC, +5AC | Shield, Range (20ft) |
Optional Triggers | Properties | |
Camo Cloak | A cloak that prevents the user from being detected, consuming trion for as long as it is active. It is a particularly fundamental piece of equipment for Snipers. Lasts one hour upon activation and provides +3 Stealth. | Equipment, +3 Stealth |
Invisibility | This Trigger is used for stealth. It renders the user invisible but makes it impossible to use other Triggers while it is active. On use, it deactivates other triggers in use and makes you invisible. The invisibility ends and activates triggers previously used before the invisibility if you attack or cast a spell. Lasts for one hour upon activation | Equipment |
Jump pad | It creates platforms which propel the user and allow them to change direction in mid-air. They disappear after one use. On use, you create a platform that points in your choice of direction within this trigger's range property. It propels the user 20ft forward. | Light, Range(10ft), Reload 2 |
Leaping Strike | A prototype Optional Trigger that propels the user along a predetermined pattern. It is especially powerful when combined with an Attacker Trigger. The speed is so high it cannot be processed consciously even by a person in a trion body. However, since the trajectory cannot be changed once it is set, an enemy may exploit it to counter. On use, you set up a predetermined pattern up to 20ft long (5ft wide line), you move almost instantaneous to the end of the pattern, and creatures in the pattern are all attacked once by you. You don't provoke opportunity attacks during this move. | Range(20ft), 5ft wide line |
Wire | A Trigger that creates wires from a trion cube. These wires can be attached to buildings to impede the advance of the opponent or, on the contrary, to increase the agility of an already mobile ally. In some cases, it is possible to attach one end of the wire directly to the opponent. The color of the wires can be adjusted, making it harder for opponents to spot them. It can also be combined with Meteor to create tripwires. On use, you set up a trip wire trap between two surfaces within range. The DC to spot this trip wire is 10. Creatures walking into the trap must make a DC dexterity save against your trion ability save DC, on a fail the creature is now prone and the mechanism behind the trip wire is triggered if there are any, on a success the creature overcomes this trap. A successful DC 15 Dexterity check using thieves’ tools disables the trip wire harmlessly. A character without thieves’ tools can attempt this check with disadvantage using any edged weapon or edged tool. On a failed check, the trap triggers, if there is no mechanism behind the trip wire then nothing happens. While in melee range of another creature, you may attach the creature to the ground setting its movement to zero. The creature must make a DC strength save against your trion ability save DC, on a fail it is now attached to the ground. The creature may repeat the saving throw to free itself once a turn. | Melee, Range(20), Reload 10 |
Blink | This prototype Trigger allows the user to teleport a few meters in the direction they were facing the moment they activated it. Expert opponents will however be able to predict the destination. On use, you teleport to a point within your line of sight that is within this trigger's range. | Range(80ft) |
Optional Triggers for Attackers | Properties | |
Phantom Dance | An Optional Trigger exclusive to Kogetsu. After it is activated, Kogetsu's blade or tip can be freely transformed, which can be used to strike enemies who have avoided the swing but are still in range, or to slip through their defenses. On use, you gain an additional +2 to attack rolls with kogetsu for one hour. | Equipment |
Cutting Wind | An Optional Trigger exclusive to Kogetsu. By consuming trion, it dramatically extends the length of the blade for one or more attacks, depending on the user's skill and speed. The swinging blade is most deadly at the tip. Effective time and range are inversely proportional. The average activation time is about 1 second, which corresponds to a range of 15 meters. On use, you make a wide swing with your blade and attack everyone in a 15ft cone in front of you, or you may perform a quick short swing and attack everyone in a 30ft long, 5ft wide line in front of you. | Range(30) |
Thruster | An Optional Trigger exclusive to Raygust. It is used to propel Raygust and, if necessary, the user as well. It consumes and emits trion to accelerate the blade and increase the power of its slashes. On use, you may throw the weapon or accelerate your swing doubling your damage roll on the next attack with Raygust. | Equipment, Thrown(30/60) |
Leadbullet | An Optional Trigger for Gunners and Shooters that replaces the destructive power of the bullet it is used in conjunction with the ability to conjure extremely heavy burdens in the areas that have been hit. These bullets become capable of going through Shields and retain any special properties they may have, but their speed and range decrease greatly. On use, the bullet conjures a heavy hexagonal cylinder at the point of impact increasing the weight of objects or creatures hit by 100 pounds. Halves the range of the bullet or firearm in use. The weight disintegrates after an hour. You may use up to 6 in 1 turn. | Reload 12 |
Starmarker | On top of inflicting regular damage, bullets equipped with this Trigger generate a marker in the areas they have hit. Affected creatures or objects can't benefit from being invisible and has disadvantage on stealth checks. Lasts one minute upon activation. | Equipment |
Connector | An Optional Trigger for Hatchet that combines two of them into a Great axe upon activation. The trion consumption is high, but its power is immense. The Great Axe has the two-handed and heavy properties, and its damage die is a 6d8. One activation lasts one minute. You may attack twice with this weapon | Equipment, Two-handed, Heavy |
Black Triggers | Damage | Properties | |
Fūjin (Wind Blade) | Fūjin's overall appearance when deactivated is a long, black sword handle with green circular designs on the bottom half of the handle and a green line in the middle of those designs. When activated, it releases a blade of green energy, similar in appearance to a Kogetsu, which hides part of the handle. The extra blades are undulating and semi-transparent and similar to tentacles. When these extra blades are attached to a surface, they become invisible until they are triggered, in which case they become thin glowing lines that extend into blades. On activation, a number equal to half the black trigger's trion ability(rounded up) of ethereal ribbons of light sprout from the base of the blade, these ribbons indicate the number of remote slashes the user can fire before having to reload. On attack, instead of attacking normally and by spending a ribbon, you may slash along objects or walls causing a straight line of light to travel along that surface in the chosen direction. At the user's command, a blade will emerge from it, subsequently causing the attack to terminate. The line may travel up to this trigger's range property. | 8d10 Slashing | Finesse, Versatile(10d12), range(120/300) |
Example | Example | Example | |
Example | Example | Example |
- Property explanations
Equipment. This trigger is worn and equipped when activated.
Explosive. This weapon deals damage in an area centered at point of impact. Has a 5ft explosion radius per trion spent.
Homing. With homing enabled, it ignores the target's cover bonus and homes into the first target in its trajectory, it has a 5ft wide travel line. May hit invisible or sneaky creatures not visible to you unintentionally.
Loading. Because of the time required to load this weapon, you can fire only one piece of ammunition from it when you use an action, bonus action, or reaction to fire it, regardless of the number of attacks you can normally make.
Misfire. Whenever you make an attack roll with a firearm, and the dice roll is equal to or lower than the weapon’s Misfire score, the weapon misfires. The attack misses, and the weapon cannot be used again until you spend an action to try and repair it. To repair your firearm, you must make a successful Tinker’s Tools check (DC equal to 8 + misfire score). If your check fails, the weapon is broken and must be mended out of combat at a quarter of the cost of the firearm. Creatures who use a firearm without being proficient increase the weapon’s misfire score by 1. As it's made out of trion you have to spend one trion to repair it outside of combat.
Reload. The weapon can be fired a number of times equal to its Reload score before you must spend 1 attack or 1 action to reload. You must have one free hand to reload a firearm.
Shield The trigger can be used as a normal shield.
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