Way of the Mage Slayer (5e Subclass)

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Way of the Mage Slayer[edit]

Monks who follow the tradition of the mage slayer, also called purifiers, are individuals who devote their training to the hunt of magic users. The train your bodies to endure the effects of spells, developing endurance to magical effects trough a gruesome and painful training, and hone their minds by studying arcane secrets, acquiring knowledge about their prey. These purifiers understand the dangers of magic, and see themselves as protectors against the misuse of magic. They also are able to identify the weakness on those who need to rely on the weave to supplement their abilities.

Arcane Knowledge

Starting at 3rd level, you gain the ability to perceive the magic auras around you. As a bonus action, you gain the benefits of detect magic, lasting for 10 minutes.

You can use this feature a number of times equal to your Wisdom modifier (minimum of once). You regain all expended uses of it when you finish a long rest.

In addition, choose either Arcana, Religion or Nature. You gain proficiency in checks made with the chosen ability, and can spend 1 ki point whenever you make a check with it to add your martial arts die to the result of the check.

Slayer Stride

At 3rd level, you know that preventing a mage to cast a spell requires agility from you. On your first turn of combat, you can choose to use Step of the Wind without requiring an action on that turn.

In addition, whenever you use Step of the Wind, you can choose to use it without spending ki. Doing so reduces your movement speed to 0 until the end of your next turn.

Magic Absorption

Also at 3rd level, you can use your Deflect Projectiles to absorb the damage of any spell or spell attack made against you. Reducing the damage of a 1st-level or higher spell to 0 causes you to regain 1 ki point.

Avenging Charge

Starting at 6th level, whenever you succeed on a saving throw or a spell attack made against you misses, you can use your reaction to move up to your movement speed towards the spellcaster. If you end your movement within reach, you can make one unarmed strike against it.

Disrupting Strike

At 11th level, whenever a creature forces you to make a saving throw, you can use your reaction to move up to your movement speed towards it and make an attack. If you are attack hits, you automatically succeed the save, and your attack provokes the normal effects.

In addition, a creature have disadvantage on Concentration checks made against the damage of your unarmed strikes.

Magic Endurance

At 17th level, you become extremely resilient to the effects of spells. You gain resistance to the damage of spells, and have Advantage on saving throws against spells.

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