Way of the Kaiwan (5e Subclass)
Way of the Kaiwan[edit]
Monk Subclass
The Kaiwan style is an assassination based martial art, with combined elements from Okinawan Karate, Traditional Ryukyuan Martial Arts, and Chinese Wushu. The training process of this style involves developing intentional movements, Qigong, research of meridian and acupuncture points, kata training, and the most extreme part of it, hand toughening, to develop the "Devil Lance".
- Devil Lance
At 3rd level, your efforts have granted you a lethal weapon, The Devil Lance, a highly toughened nutike strike. Whenever you make an attack, you can spend 3 Ki points to make that attack a Devil Lance. When you make an attack with a Devil Lance, the Devil Lance lands a critical hit on a 18-20, has a bonus to the attack roll and damage equal to your proficiency bonus, and deals piercing damage equal to 2 of your Martial Arts Die. You can only use Devil Lance once per turn.
- Qigong
At 3rd level, you have great internal control of your body. You gain AC and an increase to your hit points maximum per level equal to your CON mod. On a short rest, when your are rolling your Hit Die, you can reroll the result an amount of times equal to your CON mod, and you can spend up to 5 Ki points to regain that many Hit Die outside of said short rest. Additionally, you now have advantage on Athletics and Acrobatics rolls. Also, you can make a Flurry of Blows without having to attack as an action first. Your Hit Die also becomes a d10.
- Meridian
At 6th level, you gain the ability to use the meridian points of the body to your gain. Whenever you use your Stunning Strike, you can change the condition to something else asides from stunned, except petrified, poisoned, charmed, frightened, unconscious, restrained, or grappled.
- Intentional Movement
At 11th level, you have mastered moving only when you wish. When you would be moved by a creature or effect or be knocked prone, you can spend 5 Ki points to not be affected by that effect. In addition, your Devil Lance now deals 3 of your Martial Arts Die in piercing damage and when you would fail a STR/DEX save or miss an attack, you can spend 4 Ki points to reroll that roll.
- Motionlessness
At 17th level, you have achieved the pinnacle of the Kaiwan Style, the technique known as "Motionlessness". As a action, for 7 Ki points, until the end of combat or you are knocked unconscious, you gain the effects of "Foresight" against against creatures you have fought before. Additionally, your Devil Lance deals 4 of your Martial Arts Die in piercing damage.
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