Historian (5e Subclass)

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Wizard Subclass

Those who do not learn from history are doomed to repeat it. Historians take this prospect seriously, delving into forgotten tombs and tomes of ancient lore. Even other wizards call them bookish fools who devote time and magic to a discipline with little practical application - at least, until the historian starts conjuring creatures and relics long lost to time.

Lore Master[edit]

At 2nd level when you select this school, you gain expertise in the History skill (you are considered proficient with the skill, and add double your proficiency bonus to checks made with it).


Also at 2nd level, you can magically learn histories with a glance. As a bonus action, choose a creature or object you can see within 30 feet of you (an unwilling creature can make a Charisma saving throw to avoid the effect). Analysis has the following effects, depending on whether you chose a creature or an object.

Creature: You gain a shallow understanding of the creature's experiences over the last 24 hours. You learn any important events that happened to the creature within the time: battles, the loss of a friend, actions counter to the creature's worldview, and the like. For each additional round you concentrate on the effect, you learn another 24 hours of the creature's history. In addition, you can end the effect (action type listed) to cause one of the below effects.

  • Knowledge is Power (Action). You take a deep look into the creature's history. For each round of analysis you performed, you may ask one question about the target. If the answer could reasonably be found in the time span you analyzed, you learn the answer. If it couldn't, you gain no answer and the question is wasted. In addition, if you spent 6 rounds analyzing the creature, you may instead decide to ask one question about the target and receive an honest answer, ignoring the time span.
  • Tactical Deduction (Bonus Action). You quickly analyze the creature's capabilities. For a number of rounds equal to the rounds of analysis you performed, you have advantage on spell attack rolls against the target, and the target has disadvantage on saving throws against your spells.

Object: You look into the object's history and chronology, learning about anything that damaged, modified, or created the object in the last year. For each additional round you concentrate on the effect, you learn another year of the object's history. In addition, you can end the effect (action type listed) to cause one of the below effects.

  • Deconstruct (No Action). You tell the secrets of the object's creation, learning the ingredients, materials, and spells (if any) used in its creation. In addition, if you attempt to recreate the object in the future, the time it takes to do so is divided by the number of rounds you analyzed it. If you analyze an object or object type multiple times, only the greatest number of rounds applies.
  • Identify (Bonus Action). You cast Identify on the object. In addition, if you spent at least 3 rounds analyzing the object, you learn any curses on it.

You can continue to analyze the target for a number of rounds equal to your proficiency bonus (no action required). To do so, you must concentrate on the target as if concentrating on a spell. Your analysis also ends if you cannot see the target, such as if it successfully hides from you or teleports away. Once your analysis ends on a target, you can't analyze it again for 24 hours (if the target was a creature) or for a number of years equal to the number of rounds you spent analyzing it (if the target was an object).

Pull From the Past[edit]

At 6th level, you can summon an ancient object, such as a treasured weapon or a hero's chariot, as an action. Choose an option from the table below, then make an Intelligence (History) check against the DC listed. On a success, you conjure the object in one of your hands or on the ground in an unoccupied space within 5 feet of you, and you can't use this feature again until you finish a short or long rest. On a failure, you can't use this feature again for 1d6 minutes. A conjured item lasts for 1 hour or until you use this feature again.

Pull From the Past
Object History DC
A nonmagical object that fits within a 5-foot cube and weighs no more than 100 pounds 5
A nonmagical object that fits within a 10-foot cube and weighs no more than 800 pounds 10
A Common magic item 15
A Uncommon magic item 20


At 10th level, you can bring your psychometric analysis into the present to heal or repair. You gain the following option when you use your Psychometry feature, which you can apply to both creatures and objects.

  • Reconstruct (Action). Roll a number of D8s equal to the number of rounds you spent analyzing the target. The target magically regains that many hit points, as it is restored to a healthier form. If you spent 6 rounds analyzing the target, it instead regains the maximum number of hit points (48).

Once you use Reconstruct, you can't use it again until you finish a short or long rest, unless you expend a spell slot of 3rd level or higher to use it again.

Complete Reconstruction[edit]

At 14th level, you can draw greater items from the annals of history. When you use Pull From the Past, the following items are added to the table for you. Creatures summoned in this fashion follow your verbal commands (no action required) and disappear when they drop to 0 hit points.

Pull From the Past Expanded
Object History DC
A number of allosauruses less than or equal to your Proficiency Bonus 10 (+2 per allosaurus)
A number of veterans less than or equal to your Proficiency Bonus 10 (+3 per veteran)
A nonmagical object that fits within a 15-foot cube and weighs no more than 2700 pounds 15
A tyrannosaurus rex 20
A Rare magic item 25

At the DM's discretion, you may be able to summon other types of creatures. As a general rule of thumb, you can replace the allosaurus or tyrannosaurus with any dinosaur (or wiki dinosaur) with lesser or equal CR.

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