The Monster Under The Bed (5e Subclass)
The Monster Under The Bed[edit]
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A young warlock and her monster (Made with Heroforge) |
Warlock Subclass
For most kids, the monsters in the dark aren't a real danger. Just shadows, noises in the night, something that plays tricks on their mind and gives them nightmares. They might ask their parents to look under the bed or in the closet, only for the parents to chuckle, knowing there won't be anything there.
But your monster was different. Your monster was real.
A strange, shadowy creature that lives in the dark, following you wherever you go. You see it watching you, from under beds or in closets or the end of dark hallways, places kids usually think there will be a monster. It's been with you, watching you, for your whole life, stealing your socks and feeding off your fear. But as the years go on, your relationship with it has... changed, somewhat. You've learned not to fear it quite so much. To accept it as a part of your life, and perhaps even a friend. The two of you have come to an agreement. You will provide them with a source of food, fear from the nightmares they give you. And in turn, they give you power.
Your patron can only truly come out in their physical form at night, slithering out of the nearest dark space nearby where you sleep, to talk, or steal some socks or a toy to eat. But during they day, they can still manifest within dark places, a face in the shadows or a whisper down the hallway.
- Extended Spellcasting
Your monster gives you access to a number of unique spells to draw fear from those who oppose you. The following spells are added to the warlock spell list for you.
Spell Level | Spells |
1st | Sleep, dissonant whispers |
2nd | Pass Without Trace, Phantasmal Force |
3rd | Catnap, Bestow Curse |
4th | Evard's Black Tentacles, phantasmal killer |
5th | Contagion, Insect Plague |
- Not Afraid of the Dark
Starting at 1st level, your monster grants you darkvision up to 60ft. If you already have darkvision, your range is increased by 30ft. You also have advantage when rolling saving throws against becoming frightened. When you reach 10th level, you become immune to becoming frightened.
- See No Evil, Speak No Evil, Hear No Evil
Upon reaching 3rd level you gain the ability to cast both Blindness/Deafness and Silence once per short rest without expending warlock spell slots.
- Boo!
Starting at 6th level, as a bonus action you can call upon your monster to manifest as a shadowy figure looming over you, while in dim light or darkness. Each other creature within 20 feet of you must pass a Wisdom saving throw against your spell save DC or become frightened of you for 1 minute. If you're in darkness, instead the range extends to 40ft, saves against this ability are rolled at disadvantage and affected creatures are frightened for 10 minutes. You can do this once and regain the ability to do so when you finish a short rest.
- Face your fears.
Starting at 10th level, you may choose 2 creature types (aberrations, beasts, celestials, constructs, dragons, elementals, fey, fiends, giants, monstrosities, oozes, plants, or undead) as favoured fears. You have advantage on Intelligence, Wisdom, and Charisma saving throws against these creatures. As a bonus action, you can call on your monster to mark a favoured fear for 1 minute or until you lose your concentration (as if you were concentrating on a spell). The first time on each of your turns that you hit the marked creature and deal damage to it, including when you mark it, you increase that damage by 2d8. You can use this feature to mark a favored enemy a number of times equal to your proficiency bonus, and you regain all expended uses when you finish a short rest.
- What's Under the Bed?
Starting at 15th level, as an action while in darkness or nearby a sufficiently dark area (a closet, an under bed or desk space, etc), you can call your monster to appear and drag away a creature that you can see within 100ft. If not in direct darkness, the creature must be within 5ft of one of the previously mentioned sufficiently dark areas. The creature is dragged into the shadowy pocket dimension your monster lives in and controls, and is subjected to all their worst fears. At the beginning of each of the creatures turns, it must make a Wisdom saving throw against your spell save DC to make an attempt to escape back to the plane it was taken from. On a failure, the creature remains in the pocket dimension and takes 2d6 psychic damage. If the creature fails by 7 or more, they are inflicted with a level of short term Madness. If the creature remains in the pocket dimension for 5 or more rounds, or rolls a nat 1 on their saving throw, it is inflicted with a level of long term Madness. Upon successfully beating the Wisdom saving throw, the creature is freed from the pocket dimension and returned to where they were taken from, and must use their turn to use all available movement to move as far away from the warlock or the darkness as possible. For the next 1 minute, the creature is frightened of the warlock, and the dark. you can do this once and regain the ability to do so when you finish a long rest.
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