Hexblood Scion (5e Subclass)

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Hexblood Scion[edit]

Sorcerer Subclass

"The whispers call, the cauldron boils, and fate is bound by curse and charm alike."

Some sorcerers wield magic inherited from dragons or the stars, but your power flows from an ancient and sinister source—the covens of hags. Whether you were born under a cursed moon, marked at birth by the will of a crone, or unknowingly bound in a long-forgotten pact, the essence of hexes and witchcraft runs in your veins. Your spells twist fate, your words bind oaths, and the spirits of the old witches guide your hand.

Some Hexblood Scions seek out their lost covens, uniting with other wayward witches to grow in power, while others shun their heritage, hoping to escape the call of the crone. But no matter how far you run, the whispers of the old hags always find you.

Witch’s Tongue[edit]

At 1st level, your cursed heritage manifests in eerie ways, marking you as a wielder of ancient and forbidden magic.

Hag Cant (Lesser): You learn the secretive dialect of hags, blending elements of Sylvan, Abyssal, and Deep Speech. You can understand all three but can only speak one, chosen when you gain this feature. Your voice takes on an unnatural quality—whispered echoes, overlapping tones, or a haunting melody.

Whispered Incantations: When you cast a spell with a verbal component, you can invoke a whispered incantation that enhances the potency of your magic. Choose one of the following effects:

  • Chanted Hex: A sing-song incantation that extends the spell's range by 10 feet.
  • Rhyming Curse: A whispered couplet that bypasses resistance to your spell's damage type for one target.
  • Guttural Malediction: A deep, eerie utterance that imposes disadvantage on a creature's first saving throw against your spell, provided they are frightened or charmed by you.

Dark Boon (Lesser): You learn the Hex and Ray of Sickness spell, which counts as a sorcerer spell for you and doesn’t count against your spells known. You can cast it once per long rest without expending a spell slot.

Witch’s Brew[edit]

At 1st level, you can infuse potions with eerie magic, crafting a number of enchanted potions equal to your proficiency bonus during a long rest. These potions retain their potency for 24 hours. A creature can drink or administer one of your potions as a bonus action. However, a creature can only benefit from one of your potions at a time—drinking a new one immediately ends the effects of the previous potion.

The types of potions you can craft expand as you gain levels in this class, unlocking more potent and specialized effects.

Potion Effects for Witches
Potion Effect Description Level Granted
Curse Draught The drinker must make a Constitution saving throw against your spell save DC. On a failure, they suffer disadvantage on attack rolls and ability checks for 1 minute. 1st
Hag’s Balm The drinker regains hit points equal to your sorcerer level + Charisma modifier and removes one level of exhaustion. 1st
Fate’s Gambit The drinker rolls a d6. On a 1-3, they have disadvantage on all saving throws for 1 minute. On a 4-6, they have advantage instead. 6th
Hag’s Curse The drinker suffers 2d6 necrotic damage and has disadvantage on Wisdom (Insight & Perception) checks for 1 hour. A successful Constitution saving throw halves the damage and duration. 6th
Fate’s Whimsy The drinker gains advantage on their next saving throw and attack roll. However, for 1 minute, they also become vulnerable to psychic damage. A successful Constitution saving throw negates the vulnerability. 10th
Lover’s Hex The drinker must make a Wisdom saving throw or be Charmed by you for 1 minute. 10th

Hex's Mantle[edit]

At 6th level, your mastery of hex-laced brews deepens, and your cursed heritage evolves. You gain the following benefits:

Hag Cant (Greater) You can now freely speak all three languages of Hag Cant—Sylvan, Abyssal, and Deep Speech. Creatures that understand any of these languages perceive your words in their native tongue, making your speech eerily universal.

Dark Boone (Greater)

  • You learn Bestow Curse and Hold Person. These spells count as sorcerer spells for you and do not count against your spells known.
  • You can cast each of these spells once per long rest without expending a spell slot.
  • When you cast Hex, Ray of Sickness, Bestow Curse, or Hold Person, you can mutter the incantation in a way only the target can hear. This does not require verbal components to be spoken aloud, allowing you to cast these spells silently.

Your potions remain potent for a number of days equal to your Charisma modifier (minimum of 1). Your alchemical expertise allows you to administer potions in new ways:

  • Thrown Elixir (30 ft.) – You can hurl a potion at a creature within 30 feet. The potion shatters on impact, forcing the target to make a saving throw against your spell save DC. On a failure, they suffer the potion’s full effects.
  • Spellbound Infusion – When you hit a creature with a spell attack (melee or ranged), you can expend one of your infused potions to deliver its effect on impact. If the potion requires a saving throw, the target makes the save as part of the attack.
  • On a success, the potion’s effect is halved in duration or damage (if applicable). You can only infuse a potion once per turn this way.

Safe Haven[edit]

At 6th level, the spirits of the witches who came before you lend their power to provide you with a moment of respite.

  • You learn Leomund’s Tiny Hut, if you don't know it already. You can cast it a number of times per long rest equal to your Charisma modifier (minimum of once). The interior feels like a hag’s hidden lair or a witch’s cottage—warm yet unsettling. The scent of herbs, candlewax, and something vaguely unearthly lingers in the air. Faint whispers from the past seem to echo through the walls, and shadows shift with an eerie presence, as if the hut itself is alive with the memories of long-forgotten witches.

Siblings Three[edit]

At 14th level, you can call upon the spirits of long-lost witches to aid you in battle.

  • Summon Witches: Once per long rest, you can summon two Spectral Witches (use Green Hag stat block, Basic Rules (2014), pg. 319) in unoccupied spaces within 30 feet of you. These spirits linger for 1 hour or until they are reduced to 0 hit points.
  • Loyalty: The Spectral Witches speak in Hag Cant and are friendly to you, obeying your verbal commands (no action required). They share your initiative and take action immediately after you and will not harm you under any circumstances. They will not attack your allies unless directed.
  • Channeling Spells: When you cast a spell, you can choose to channel it through one of your Spectral Witches within 30 feet of you. The witch becomes the origin point for the spell, and you can use its position and range to cast the spell.

Coven Leader[edit]

At 18th level, your spectral coven has reached its full power, enhancing both your witches and your cursed alchemy.

  • Greater Coven – You now summon three Spectral Witches instead of two or summon one spectral witch (use Night Hag stat block, Basic Rules (2014), pg. 319).
  • Hexed Blight – Each of your Spectral Witches can cast Hex once per summoning without requiring concentration.
  • Witch’s Malediction – When you cast a spell through a Spectral Witch, the first saving throw a target makes against it is at disadvantage. If the spell allows multiple saving throws, only the initial save is affected.
  • Lasting Magic – Your infused potions remain potent indefinitely until used. Additionally, you can store a number of infused potions equal to twice your proficiency bonus at a time.
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