Mistreaver (5e Subclass)

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Fighter Subclass

The Mists are a place that many would consider uncommon. It is a place where spirits gather, and it is said that those who have passed on will eventually find their homes in it. Most living beings that enter such a place never leave. But there are legends and myths of great warriors that have braved the Mists, their bodies and wills forever changed, enhanced with the strength of spirits. Those that undergo such transformations are known by a new name: Mistreavers.

Mist Strider

Starting at 3rd level, you gain the ability to use obscurement to your advantage. You gain the ability to cast Fog Cloud and Shield of Faith without expending a spell slot or material components. You can cast each of these spells this way a number of times equal to your proficiency bonus.

In addition, when you are in an area of heavy obscurement from fog, smoke or similar conditions, you gain the following benefits:

  • You do not provoke attacks of opportunity
  • You gain blindsense with a range of 15 feet.
Misty Strike

Starting at 3rd level, when you take the attack action to make a melee weapon attack, you may make another melee weapon attack as a bonus action. This bonus action attack does not suffer the normal penalties for attacking a target in heavy obscurement, and if you attack a creature under such conditions, you add twice your proficiency bonus to the attack roll. You may make this bonus action attack a number of times equal to your Intelligence modifier +1 (minimum of 1), regaining all uses upon completion of a short or long rest.

Spiritual Onslaught

Starting at 7th level, your mastery of the Mists has become apparent, Granting you the ability to cast Misty Step a number of times equal to your Intelligence modifier, regaining all uses after a short or long rest. You also gain the following features:

  • You can choose to take your Action Surge ability before you make any attacks. If you do so, you take the Attack Action twice. Your melee weapon attack rolls and AC gain a bonus equal to your Constitution modifier until the end of your next turn, as you become shrouded in mist and rapidly shift around your foes to strike them from all sides.
  • Your Blindsense gains the benefits of Blindsight. If you already have Blindsight from another source, such as from the Blind Fighting style, its range becomes 30 feet, unless it is already more than 30 feet.
Phantasmal Resolve

At 10th level, your connection to the spiritual realm of Mists has granted your body the ability to treat the mists as an extension of yourself. You gain the following benefits:

  • The radius of your Fog Cloud is doubled. In addition, So long as you are within your Fog Cloud, you may teleport to a location within your Fog Cloud up to your movement speed, once per turn.
  • If you are hit by an attack, you may use your reaction to dive backwards into the mists, adding your Intelligence modifier to your AC as you reposition yourself. Whether the attack hits or misses, you can move up to 15 feet away and reappear in a cloud of mist. This movement does not provoke attacks of opportunity.
Ethereal Bulwark

At 15th level, your level of control over the mists is so potent that you can lessen the severity of certain spells and effects while within it.

  • While you are within obscurement from Mist, Fog, Smoke, or other such conditions, you gain Evasion. While you are subjected to a spell or effect that requires you to make a Dexterity Saving Throw to only take half damage, you instead take no damage on a success, and half as much on a failure.

At 18th level, you become a veritable specter in the fog, and a terror to your enemies. As a Bonus action, you gain the effect of the Blur spell for one minute, no concentration required, as you shroud yourself in mist emitting from your body. While you are under this effect, you become mostly incorporeal, gaining resistance to all damage, and you cannot be grappled, restrained or forcefully moved.

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