Oath of the Lancer (5e Subclass)

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Oath of the Lancer[edit]

A French lancer from Histoire de Napoleon, source

Paladin Subclass
In battles, victory is often decided by cavalry. However, while this duty typically falls to knights, it is inopportune for royalty to do all of the fighting. Instead, at each knight's side is a lancer; a levied veteran equipped in much the same way to protect their liege not only as their second shield, but as a trusted advisor. Lancers of holy knights often take an oath to a god to defend their knight with their life.

Tenets of the Lancer[edit]

Vigilance. The threats you face are cunning, powerful, and subversive. Be ever alert for their corruption.
Law. The law is paramount. It is the mortar that holds the stones of civilization together, and it must be respected.
Fealty. Above all else, you are meant to serve.

Oath of the Lancer Spells
Paladin Level Spells
3rd sanctuary, find familiar
5th calm emotions, warding bond
9th counterspell, leomund's tiny hut
13th fabricate, guardian of faith
17th control winds, greater restoration
Channel Divinity

When you take this oath at 3rd level, you gain the following two Channel Divinity options.

  • Find Oath Steed. As an action, you can use your Channel Divinity feature to cast find steed without expending a spell slot. When cast in this way, your steed can by any creature of your choice that has a CR of 0.5 ½ or lower that is one size larger than you that is not a swarm, humanoid, or giant. If the form your steed takes has legendary actions, regional effects, or the Legendary Resistance trait, it loses it.
Your steed has hit points equal to 6 + six times your paladin level (the steed has a number of Hit Dice [d10s] equal to your paladin level). When the steed drops to 0 hit points, it instead drops to 1 hit point and disappears, leaving behind no physical form. You can also dismiss your steed at any time as an action, causing it to disappear. In either case, using this action again summons the same steed with the same number of hit points. Your steed counts as resting while it is dismissed.
When you reach 7th level in the paladin class, your steed transforms into a creature of the same type that has a CR of up to 2. At 15th level, it transforms again into a creature of the same type that has a CR of up to 5, and it transforms again at 20th level into a creature of the same type that has a CR of up to 7.
  • Liege's Guardian. As a bonus action, you can use your Channel Divinity feature to shroud one creature you can see within 60 feet of you in a thin veil of light, granting it a +1 bonus to AC and saving throws. You can end this effect at will, and it does so automatically if you or the target falls to 0 hit points or if you target another creature with this action.

At 3rd level, attacks you make with lances do not have disadvantage against targets within 5 feet of you, and mounting or dismounting a creature costs you only 5 feet of movement, rather than half your speed.

Dragoon Guardian

At 7th level, when you cast warding bond on a creature under the effect of your Liege's Guardian action, you may forgo granting the target a +1 bonus to AC and saving throws to cast it with a 1st level spell slot. Additionally, while you are mounted, you have advantage on Wisdom (Perception) checks that rely on sight.

Aura of the Advisor

Starting at 7th level, you emit an aura of counsel while you aren't incapacitated. At the end of a short rest, you may choose one ability, which replaces any chosen ability from previous uses of this feature. When a creature of your choice within 10 feet makes a check using the chosen ability, it gains a bonus to the check equal to your proficiency bonus.

At 18th level, the range of this aura increases to 30 feet.

Sacrificial Lion

At 15th level, you learn the compelled duel spell, which does not count against the number of spells you can know. When you cast compelled duel, it does not require concentration. Additionally, when a creature under the effects of your Liege's Guardian action takes damage that would reduce it to 0 hit points, you may spend your reaction to take the damage instead.

Holy Protector

At 20th level, you can use your action to gain the following benefits for 1 hour:

  • When you regain hit points, your Find Oath Steed creature and the creature under the effects of your Liege's Guardian action regain an equal amount of hit points.
  • Immediately after another creature's turn, you may take one of the following Legendary Actions. This feature has 3 charges, which are regained at the end of each of your turns:
    • Eternal Vigilance. Until the beginning of your next turn, you can make an additional reaction. Each trigger can only trigger one reaction.
    • Iron Law. Any creatures of your choice within 30 feet gain a +1 bonus to AC and saving throws until the beginning of your next turn.
    • Devout Fealty. The creature under the effects of your Liege's Guardian action can immediately move up to half of its movement speed and take one action of its choice.
    • Legendary Steed. Your Find Oath Steed creature uses one Legendary Action is lost due to Find Oath Steed, spending a number of this feature's charge equal to the number of Legendary Actions it would normally cost, including the charge spent on your taking of this Legendary Action.

Once you use this feature, you can't use it again until you finish a long rest.

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