Natural Warrior (5e Subclass)
Natural Warrior[edit]
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[1] by MuYoung Kim |
The Natural Warrior is one originated in the Quira Empire, a style born from the elves and later used for war and defense of nature. Natural warriors also serve as shepherds and wise men, as well as warriors of the wild.
- Bonus Proficiency
When you choose this archetype at 3rd level, you gain proficiency in one of the following skills of your choice: Animal Handling, Nature, Medicine, Survival.
- Environmental Strength
Starting at 3rd level, you have the strength of nature on your side, and will gain advantages in battle because of it. You can activate an Environment as a bonus action on your turn. While active, it lasts for 1 minute, until you are unconscious or until you use this feature to activate another environment. You can also end your environment as a bonus action on your turn.
If an Environment feature requires a saving throw, the DC equals 8 + your proficiency bonus + your Wisdom Modifier
- Life. When a friendly creature you can see within 30 feet take damage, you can use your reaction to allow that creature to spend a hit die, and regain hit points equal to the number rolled.
- Earth. You gain a +2 to AC. Also after you make a successful melee attack, you can force the creature to make a Strength saving throw or have disadvantage on their next attack roll.
- Sea. You gain +2 to your damage rolls with melee weapon attacks. As Well as you can Disengage as a bonus action on your turn.
- Nature’s Skill
At 7th level, you gain proficiency in Nature, Survival, Animal Handling, or Medicine check. If you are already proficient with any of these skills, you gain a bonus equal half of your proficiency bonus (rounded down) to it.
In addition, you and allied creatures travel swiftly through tough conditions in the wild. You gain the following benefits when traveling for an hour or more:
- Difficult terrain doesn’t slow your group’s travel.
- Your group can’t become lost except by magical means.
- Even when you are engaged in another activity while traveling (such as foraging, navigating, or tracking), you remain alert to danger.
- If you are traveling alone, you can move stealthily at a normal pace.
- When you forage, you find twice as much food as you normally would.
- While tracking other creatures, you also learn their exact number, their sizes, and how long ago they passed through the area.
- Earthly Ability
At 10th level, you ignore difficult terrain in battle, and have advantage on Wisdom (Perception) checks made in natural environments (or +5 in passive Wisdom (Perception)).
In addition, you have advantage Wisdom (Survival) checks when tracking creatures through the wild.
- Wild Companion
At 15th level, you learn the find familiar spell, which you can cast at will, without spending spell slots. When you cast this spell, it has the following differences:
- Your familiar can take the Attack action on its turn. It can make only one attack, even if it has the multiattack trait.
- You can choose any beast with a CR of 1/4 or lower.
- It adds your proficiency bonus to its AC, saving throws, proficiency bonuses and damage rolls.
- The companion have a number of hit points equal to twice your Fighter level.
- The Power of The Earth
At 18th level, you can now activate your environment at the start of your turn, without using an action. In addition, each environment have an additional benefit, as shown below:
- Life. You can now cast the spell cure wounds as a bonus action, while the environment is active, without spending spell slots. Wisdom is your spellcasting ability for this spell.
- Earth. When a creature you can see within 30 feet is hit by an attack, you can use your reaction to give it a bonus of +3 to its AC until the start of your next turn, including against the triggering attack, potentially causing it to miss.
- Sea. You can use your bonus action to give advantage to your next attack made until the end of your turn. In addition, when you hit a creature with an attack, that creature can't make opportunity attacks against you.
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