Way of the Chi You (5e Subclass)
Way Of The Chi You[edit]

One who never doubts... never yields... never relies... and always stands as the leader of his people. That is what makes a king. — Qin Shi Huang to Hades in Chi You
The Five Fighting Forms[edit]
A martial art style created by Qin Shi Huang. It comprises the five different fighting styles and is considered to be the ultimate martial art. Qin Shi Huang mastered the techniques during his battle with the Demon God, Chiyou. After beating him, Qin Shi Huang named his martial art style after him. Each of the five fighting styles is named after one of the five tools of war that Chiyou is believed to have created: Crossbow, Sword, Halberd, Spear and Armor.
- Activating Forms
A Form is activated and changed as an Action, and lasts for 1 minute, until you activate a different Form, or if you are knocked prone, become grappled or restrained. At 3rd level you can activate a Form a number of times equal to your total Monk level +1. Changing forms does not count as activating a form and does not reset the time. A long rest restores all expended uses.
Upon reaching 17th level you gain the ability to activate and maintain two Forms at once.
Chi You – Armor Form: Heavenly Hand of Defense[edit]
- Redirection
When you choose this tradition at the 3rd level, you can use your Reaction to intercept a melee attack and absorb the energy of its force. As a reaction, you can spend 1 ki point to reduce the damage you take from the attack by 1d10 + your Dexterity or Strength modifier + your Constitution modifier + your monk level. You can spend 1 additional ki point and add the total damage reduced to the damage of the first unarmed attack you hit on your next turn. The damage is of the same type as the absorbed strike.
At level 6 you can use your ki to manipulate the various energies directed at you. You may spend 1 ki point to cast the Absorb Elements spell at level 1. You can spend 1 additional ki point to cast this at a higher level, with an additional point consumed for each level of increase. Wisdom is your spellcasting ability for the sake of this spell.
At level 8 you can use Redirection and attack as a single Reaction. If your attack hits you immediately interrupt the creature's attack and it must make a Strength saving throw or be thrown a number of feet equal to the total damage reduced + the damage of your Martial Arts die.
- Interposing Body
At 6th level, you gain the ability to shelter your allies from harm. As a Reaction, when a creature attacks a target within your movement speed range, or a ranged attack or spell attack passes you may spend 1 ki point to place your body in the way and force the attack to target you instead. You may use Redirection as a part of this reaction if the triggering attack would normally qualify.
Armor Form Technique This technique focuses on pushing ki outwards as a barrier against harm. The practitioners learn to absorb blows that would fell an ordinary person, honing and focusing that defense into an unrivaled offense. At 11th level as a bonus action you can spend 2 ki points to enter a meditative fighting stance for 1 minute. You can use this ability a number of times equal to your Constitution modifier (minimum of one). You regain the uses after a short rest. While in this stance, you gain the following benefits.
- You have advantage on checks and saves to resist being grappled, restrained, forcibly moved or knocked prone.
- Your Unarmored Defense in this stance is 12 + your Dexterity modifier + your Wisdom modifier + your Constitution modifier.
- Resistance to slashing, bludgeoning, and piercing damage.
- Advantage on Constitution saving throws.
- You gain one additional Reaction.
Armor Stance can be exited as a Bonus Action, this still consumes a Ki Point.
Actions or Bonus Actions may not be used to attack while using armor form.
- Heavenly Hand of Defense
Beginning at 17th level, you can enter a meditative fighting stance of even higher focus to better protect yourself and others from harm. When you enter Armor Form, you can spend an additional 3 ki points to instead enter the Heavenly Hand Of Defense. You gain additional benefits, on top of those provided by Armor Form.
- Your unarmed attacks ignore resistance to bludgeoning damage, and treat immunity as resistance.
- The damage reduced by Redirection increases by an additional 3d10.
- Your movement speed for Interposing Body is tripled.
- You no longer need to spend ki to use Redirection.
- You cannot be moved against your will.
- Resistance to all damage but psychic.
When you exit the Heavenly Hand Of Defense, you gain 1 level of Exhaustion.
While in this stance, you cannot concentrate on spells.
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