Wild Wizard (5e Subclass)

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Wild Wizard[edit]

Wizard Subclass

The Wild Wizard is a master of untamed arcane forces, drawing upon the raw, natural magic that exists in the world around them. These wizards blend their innate magical talents with the primal, unpredictable energy of nature. They are not bound by the traditional schools of wizardry, instead forging their own path in the wilds, wielding the magic of animals, plants, and the elemental forces of nature. Their connection to the natural world empowers them with extraordinary abilities, enabling them to shape-shift, manipulate the environment, and commune with the primal energies of the land.

Wild Magic Savant

Starting when you choose this school at 2nd level, you lose access to the spells from the evocation, ilusion and necromancy schools from the wizard spell list.

However, spells from the druid's spell list, from the transmutation, conjuration, evocation and abjuration are now Wizard spells for you. In addition, the gold and time you must spend to copy druid spell into your spellbook is halved.

Wild Shape

Also at 2nd level, you are able to assume the form of animals. This functions as the Wild Shape feature of druids, but the maximum CR and Limitations follow a different progression, as shown below:

Beast Shapes
Level Max. CR Limitations Example
2nd 1/4 No flying or swimming speed Wolf
6th 1/2 No flying speed Crocodile
10th 1 Giant eagle
Wild Refuge

Starting at 6th level, you learn add the Tiny Hut spell to your spell list, which you can cast once without spending spell slots, requiring a Long Rest before you do so again. When you cast this spell using this feature or a spell slot, you can cast it as an Action, and without requiring material components.

If you cast this spell on an wild environment, the refuge blends with the environment, making the impassable dome look like a natural barrier (such as a large rock or a wide tree).

Primeval Form

At 10th level, you can assume the form of the primeval forces that inhabit the wild. You can now assume not only forms of beasts with your Wild Shape, but of elementals and plants, up to the CR limit. Also, your attacks in animal form are considered magical.

In addition, you can spend a spell slot at the same time you use Wild Shape, to assume the form of a creature with a CR equal to the level of the slot spent. This transformation lasts for 1 minute per level of the slot spent. When doing so, you assume your Primeval Form as a Bonus Action, rather than using an Action.

Nature Bond

At 14th level, you gain full control over nature. You can use an Action to cast any spell from the druid's list of your choice, from 6th level or below. If the spell requires components, you must provide them. Once you use this feature, you can't do it again until you finish a long rest.

Upon casting this spell, you can cast it again using your own spell slots, as if you had prepared it.

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