Way of the Hair (5e Subclass)

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Way of the Hair[edit]

Monk Subclass

Founded by the legendary Ergold Seriman, the Way of the Hair is an obscure monastic tradition that wields the dormant power of luscious locks and brilliant beards.

Hair Grappler

Starting when you choose this tradition at 3rd level, you begin to awaken to your dormant Hair Power. Whenever you make hit another creature, you may extend a Ki point to deal an additional 1d6 damage, and perform one of the following actions:

  • The creature is grappled, partially consumed by your hair. They must succeed on a Strength saving throw in order to break free.
  • The creature is repelled five feet away by your hair, and cannot approach you again from that direction on its next turn.

You also gain access to the ability "Fist of Unbroken Hair"

  • Expend one Ki point to make an unarmed strike with Reach, dealing 3d10 Bludgeoning Damage. You may also expend additional Ki points to deal an extra 1d10 damage per Ki point.
Hair Extension

At 6th level, you have begun to grasp the greater potential of your Hair, as well as its stranger properties. As a bonus action, you may extend two Ki points to perform one of the following effects:

  • As your hair magically extends, you can perform unarmed strikes with Reach for one minute, or grasp objects within 10 feet of you.
  • Propelled by your hair, you gain an additional 10 feet of movement for one minute.

Additionally, you can willingly store objects within your hair, and withdraw them at will.

Great Power of Hair

At 11th level, the power of your Hair is coursing through you constantly. Once per day, you can expend two Ki points to provide yourself one of the following effects:

  • On each of your turns in combat, you restore 1 HP. Outside of combat, you restore 1 HP per minute.
  • Your climbing and swimming speed is equal to your regular movement speed.
  • Your hair acts as two sets of extra hands, either controlled directly or unconsciously.

These effects last for 24 hours, or until you complete a Long Rest.

True Power of Hair

At 17th level, you have come into the true potential of your Hair Power. It has become ingrained enough into your very being that you can wield it near-unconsciously.

  • You are immune to surprise and attacks of opportunity, and roll Initiative with advantage.
  • Your Hair is capable of moving you around, leaving your arms and legs free. It will keep you out of harm's way even while you're unconscious.
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