Order of the Timekeepers (5e Subclass)
Order of the Timekeepers[edit]
Blood Hunter Subclass
Also known as the 'Order of Temporis', the Order of the Timekeepers is unique in that its first member and founder wasn't even human but a vampire who has come to master the ability of manipulating time and its flow through the use of hemocraft. Even though a monster, the founder was ironically a vampire who've come to hate vampirism herself as she first utilized the use of her mastery of time to eradicate her former master and of his ilk. After doing so, she would come to find like-minded individuals who would join her crusade against the undying parasites and those who dare join in their evil, unintentionally starting the order that its known today. Though long has she passed willfully from the mortal world and made a saint by those she has taught, her teachings and mastery of time continues on through the order she has created, ever ready to banish evil through the countless generations.
Rite of the Hourglass[edit]
When you join this order at 3rd level, you learn the Rite of the Hourglass as part of your Crimson Rite feature. When you activate the Rite of the Hourglass, the extra damage dealt by your rite is force damage. Additionally, while that rite is active on your weapon, you gain the following benefits:
- Your movement speed is doubled
- You gain an additional number of reactions per round equal to your proficiency bonus, of which you can only use to make a single attack against any creatures who made attacks against you.
Shift the Fates[edit]
Starting at 3rd level, you've mastered the ability to manipulate time to steer fate to your advantage. When using your Blood Maledict feature, you can roll an additional hemocraft die and take necrotic damage equal to the roll for the saving throw to be made at disadvantage. The necrotic damage can't be reduced in anyway. In addition, you now instinctively know whenever the flow of time is mystically disturbed in any shape or form and can reflexively detect any use of magic related to time and its flow.
Unshackle the Flow[edit]
Starting at 7th level, you gained enough understanding to unshackle the flow of time on yourself using hemocraft for a limited amount of time. As a bonus action, you can take necrotic damage equal to three rolls of your hemocraft die to make a DC (20 - Hemocraft modifier) saving throw using your Hemocraft modifier, of which the the necrotic damage can't be reduced in any shape or form.
On a success, you gain three additional actions, of which you can only use to do the following actions: Attack (one weapon Attack only), Dash, Disengage, Hide, use an Object Action, or use your Blood Maledict feature. On a failure, you only gain one additional action.
This feature lasts for a number of rounds equal to your proficiency modifier, of which you may only use this feature three times, regaining all uses after a short or long rest.
Brand of Leaden Movement[edit]
Starting at 11th level, your Brand of Castigation comes with it components of time magic that drastically slows down the creature's movement. A creature branded by your Brand of Castigation now also suffers from the following effects:
- It's movement speed is halved.
- It can't use its reactions.
- On its turn, it can use either an Action or a bonus Action, but not both.
Blood Curse of Absolute Contemplation[edit]
Starting at 15th level, you hone your hemocraft to mentally trap a creature's mind into reviewing a set of events over and over for a short amount of time, enough to make a strike or flee from said creature. You gain the Blood Curse of Absolute Contemplation for your Blood Maledict feature. This doesn’t count against your number of blood curses known.
Blood Curse of Absolute Contemplation As a bonus action, you attempt to bind a creature's mind you can see within 30 feet of you to relieve its most recent experiences, of which it must make an Intelligence saving throw. On a failure, the cursed creature is Stunned for one round.
Amplify. The creature is instead Stunned for two rounds.
Master of Time[edit]
Starting at the 18th level, your mastery over time is so absolute that not only does time bend to your will, but also stops and starts at your command. As an action, you can take necrotic damage equal to six rolls of your hemocraft die to make a DC 15 saving throw using your Hemocraft modifier.
On a success, you stop the flow of time for everyone but yourself. No time passes for other Creatures, for a number of turns equal to half your proficiency modifier rounded up, during which you can use actions and move as normal. For each action that affects a creature other than you or an object being worn or carried by someone other than you, you must roll a DC 15 saving throw using your Hemocraft modifier. On a failure, the flow time would start again. On a success, the flow of time would still be halted.
You may also use this feature as a reaction, but on a success, the flow of time would only be stopped for one turn.
You may only use this feature three times, regaining all uses after a long rest.
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