Unstable Soul (5e Subclass)

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Unstable Soul[edit]

Sorcerer Subclass

Some sorcerers receive their power from the realms of order. Some receive it from realms beyond human conception. Some sorcerers have the blood of dragons flowing in their veins, and some were blessed by simple random chance.

You are none of these, for your magic comes from somewhere far more powerful than the blood of dragons, more unpredictable than chance, and more arcane and unknowable than the Far Realm itself. Your magic comes from your soul, which was damaged some time during your life. Maybe you were caught in a storm of wild magic when you were young, or were cursed by a lich and barely survived. Whatever the cause, this event left your soul cracked, open for you to exploit.

Soul's Fury

Starting at 1st level, you invoke the magic of your soul to charge your attacks. Whenever you cast a damaging spell, you may cause that spell to deal 1d8 extra damage of its type to all of its targets. You can't use this feature multiple times on the same spell.

Arcane Harvest

At 6th level, whenever a spell you cast kills a creature, you may snatch some of the lingering mana from that creature's soul. Whenever a damaging spell you cast kills a creature, you may choose to either gain a number of temporary hit points equal to a roll of your hit die or regain a number of sorcery points equal to half the level of the spell (minimum of one).

Cleansing Wave

Also at 6th level, you gain the ability to rid your body and mind of outside influence. As an action, you may spend 5 sorcery points and end any effects on you causing you to be charmed, frightened, petrified, paralyzed, poisoned, or stunned.

Overcharged Spells

You have mastered the art of pouring your power into spells you cast. At 14th level, you may use up to one additional metamagic option on all of your spells. If you use an additional option, you must spend an additional 2 sorcery points.

Spell Overload

At 18th level,your mastery of the Weave reaches its fullest potential. When you use your action to cast a spell, you may choose to cast up to one additional spell, which costs a spell slot of one higher then the spell's level. Choose metamagic options for this spell as normal.

Once you use this feature, you can't use it again until you finish a long rest or spend 5 sorcery points to recharge it.

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