Succubus's Toy (5e Subclass)

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Succubus's/Incubus's Pet[edit]

Warlock Subclass

This Subclass is meant for mature tables and is not advised to be used without consulting your DM and fellow players first.

Whether you caught the attraction of a succubus/incubus, were a horny teenager, or willingly signed a deal with a disguised succubus/incubus thinking they were normal "company" at your local inn, you're now their pet.

Expanded Spell List[edit]

Your owner lets you choose from an expanded list of spells when you learn a warlock spell. The following spells are added to the warlock spell list for you.

Spell Level Spells
1st burning hands, command
2nd detect thoughts, pass without trace
3rd water breathing, fireball
4th black tentacles, private sanctum
5th modify memory, geas

Don't Worry, It's Your First Time[edit]

Your owner knows you're new to this and doesn't expect you to always perform at 100%.

At 1st level, should you fail a Constitution or Dexterity save or check you may reroll it, but must take the new roll. You may use this feature as many times equal to your proficiency bonus. You regain one use after a long rest.

Bedroom Dynamics[edit]

You know how to use your words to get what you want, whether it's from your patron or some random passerby. Starting at 1st level, you can use one of the following:

  • Feign Innocence
Your owner really treats you like a pet and have learned how to use that against others. This can be used in two ways, both of which share number of uses.
Break out your puppy dog eyes and sweetest, most innocent voice to gain advantage on a persuasion or deception check.
As a reaction to being targeted by a spell or attack you attempt to make the attacker believe you are an innocent bystander. Attacker must make an Wisdom(Insight) check against your spell DC on failure the attacker must select another target within range or stop the attack. The creature has advantage if you have attacked one of its allies. This does not work if you are the only target or have attacked the creature targeting you. If the creature saves it is immune to this ability for 24 hours. Number of uses is equal to half your warlock level rounded down(minimum 1) per day.
Taking notes from your owner's book, you can whisper sweet nothings into a target's ear.
You whisper tantalizing words into the ears of a target within 300 feet. If you attempt to coerce a creature into doing something via this effect the creature must make a Wisdom saving through against your spell DC. Creatures cannot be coerced into acts they would see as violent or harmful such as walking off a cliff or attacking someone. If the creature does not understand the language used or has an intelligence score below 3 the creature is not affected. 3/day recharging upon a long rest.
  • Switch (Level 8)
You're getting a little tired of being your owner's pet. Why don't they try being the pet every once in a while?
You can use dominate person OR hold monster at 5th level 1/long rest without spending a spell slot.
  • What a Good Boy/Girl/Little One (Level 11)
Before revealing this ability have your party members state if their characters have a praise kink. Discuss with your dm and fellow players to see if they are comfortable with this
If they are comfortable with this : You give praise to a creature within 60 feet of you. This creature gains one Bardic Inspiration die (d6). If they have a praise kink they receive a d10 instead.
If they aren't comfortable with this : You give praise to a creature within 60 feet of you. This creature gains one Bardic Inspiration die (d8).
You can use this ability a number of times equal to half your proficiency bonus per day.
  • Polygamy (Level 17)
Your owner sees a lot of themselves in you. Not wanting to limit you they grant you the ability to have your own pet.
Target one creature within 15 feet and whisper some of the sweetest, or naughtiest, words they've heard. They must make a wisdom save against your spell dc or be your loyal pet for one week; they retain their sense of self-preservation, but otherwise will follow your orders. After the effect fades you may use this ability on the same creature again. They can willingly fail the save. However, If they are unwilling the DC lowers by 2 each time you recast it. Upon a successful save they are immune to this ability for 30 days.

Number of uses 1/week.

You Up?[edit]

Starting at 6th level, just before a long rest you can telepathically call your owner for some "quality time" and are teleported to their residence. You wake up 8 hours later back where you were when you teleported, gaining the benefits of a long rest as well as temporary hitpoints equal to 2x your Warlock level. When these temporary hitpoints are drained you gain 1 level of exhaustion.

You Can't Charm a Charmer[edit]

At 10th level, you know most of the tricks in the book. You gain resistance to charm effects, if you already have resistance you get +2 to your rolls against charm effects. You also gain proficiency, or expertise if you already have proficiency, with insight checks

B, D, S, or M?[edit]

At 14th level, as an action you roll a d20. Depending on the roll the following happens :

  • 1-5:
Bondage - Up to 3 targets you can see within 60ft must succeed a strength saving throw against your spell dc or be grappled. Creatures make use an action to break the grapple on their turn.
Starting at level 18, you may grapple up to 5 targets within 60ft of you.
  • 6-10:
Discipline - You point at a creature and force it to its knees in repentance as you scold it dealing 5d6 psychic damage, or half on a successful Wisdom saving throw, and stunning it until the end of its next turn.
At 17th level damage increases to 8d6.
  • 11-15:
Sadism - Make a ranged spell attack, on hit you deal 4d10 cold, fire, lightning, or acid damage and gain hitpoints equal to your Warlock level.
At 18th level this increases to 8d10 and you heal hitpoints equal to 1.5 times your Warlock level (rounded down).
  • 16-20:
Masochism - You gain resistance to all types of damage the next time you are attacked and gain advantage on your next attack.

You can use this ability a number of times equal to your proficiency bonus, recharging upon a long rest. Additionally, you may expend two, three, or four uses to remove one, two, or three, respectively, of the categories listed above from the possibilities i.e Spend 3 uses to remove the possibility of Bondage and Sadism being an outcome and instead rerolling on a roll of 1-5 and 11-15.

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