The Primordial Dragon (5e Subclass)

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The Primordial Dragon[edit]

Warlock Subclass

You have made a pact with one of the 12 primordial dragons who, acording to the legends, left this world several millennia ago. You are now an emissary heralding the return of your master one day soon. Your new powers will range from your master’s charisma to his destructive power. You now have the power to save thousands of lives, command entire armies, or fulfill your darkest desires for destruction and world domination.

Table:Dragon Ancestry
Elemental Resistance
(Level 6)
Breath Weapon
(Level 10)
White Chaotic Evil Cold 15 ft. cone (Dex. save)
Black Chaotic Evil Acid 5 by 30 ft. line (Dex. save)
Blue Lawful Evil Lightning 5 by 30 ft. line (Dex. save)
Red Chaotic Evil Fire 15 ft. cone (Dex. save)
Green Lawful Evil Poison 15 ft. cone (Dex. save)
Brass Chaotic Good Fire 5 by 30 ft. line (Dex. save)
Bronze Lawful Good Lightning 5 by 30 ft. line (Dex. save)
Copper Chaotic Good Acid 5 by 30 ft. line (Dex. save)
Silver Lawful Good Cold 15 ft. cone (Dex. save)
Gold Lawful Good Fire 15 ft. cone (Dex. save)
Shadow Lawful Evil Necrotic 15 ft. cone (Dex. save)
Light Lawful Good Radiant 5 by 30 ft. line (Dex. save)
Draconic Aspirant

At 1st level you are granted the ability to communicate easily with the kind of your patron. You learn how to speak and write Draconic.

Expanded Spell List
Spell Level Spells
1st command, searing smite
2nd dragon's breath, see invisibility
3rd glyph of warding, fly
4th compulsion, runic chains
5th modify memory, dominate person
Draconic Aspects

Starting at 1st level, you can manifest the aspects of your patron. You can use a bonus action to take on the aspect of your choice for 1 minute.

When using a damaging spell, you can add 1d4 of the element associated with your patron to the damage of the spell. You can take on the aspects a number of times equal to your Charisma modifier + half of your proficiency bonus. You regain all the uses of your aspects once you finish a long rest.

Draconic Protection

At 6th level, for your services, your patron grants you his own resistances. You gain resistance to the element associated with your patron (refer to Table:Dragon Ancestry). Additionally, thin scales start to grow on your skin. While not wearing armor, your AC becomes 13 + your Dexterity modifier.

Breath of the Tyrant

At 10th level, your patron grants you the ability to exterminate hordes of enemies. You can now use your very own breath to burn your opponents. You can use an action to unleash your breath weapon on your foes in either a ray or a cone, dealing 8d8 elemental damage (refer to Table:Dragon Ancestry for the element or shape of the breath).

Aspect of the Almighty

At 14th level, using a bonus action, you can take on the Almighty aspect, combining the advantages offered by the aspects of the Tyrant and the Noble. Additionally, ethereal wings appear on your back, giving you a flight speed of 18m/60ft. During this transformation, when you hit a target with a melee attack, you can use a bonus action to cover it with explosive runes that are activated by one of your finger snaps. The explosion inflicts 12d8 damage. Targets within a 10-foot radius of the target that fail a Dexterity save take 6d8 damage (this bonus action can only be used once per transformation ). For all damages of this ability refer to Table:Dragon Ancestry. This ability can only be used once per long rest. You can only take on the appearance of the Almighty once per long rest.

Eldritch Invocations
New Spells
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