Song of Creation (5e Subclass)

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Song of Creation[edit]

Sorcerer Subclass

Maybe you were born at an auspicious moment, or in a nature cult, or perhaps your path led you to being in the right place at the right time, either way fate conspired in your favour and gave you the world’s own blessing. You hear part of the Great Harmony that created the world, and can add your voice to it to change fate itself.


At 1st level, you hear one of the eight parts to the song of creation, this determines your native power. Each power grants a Blessing and a Boon, the Blessing is proficiency in one skill, or Expertise if you already have proficiency. Each Song grants two cantrips and a small selection of spells that can be added to your spell list without counting towards your known spells, and can all be cast at will. You gain the 2nd, 3rd, and 4th gifts only if you choose to harmonize with that Song further, as explained in the Polyphonic section below.

Songs Blessings 1st Boon 2nd Boon 3rd Boon 4th Boon
Instinct Stealth or Survival control flames and primal savagery ensnaring strike pass without trace non-detection
Knowledge Religion or Nature spare the dying and booming blade bless zone of truth sending
Community Acrobatics or Performance message and word of radiance bane aid motivational speech
Identity History or Investigation mending and vicious mockery hex enthrall fast friends
Physical Athletics or Intimidation blade ward and shillelagh sanctuary barkskin life transference
Mental Insight or Perception encode thoughts and mind sliver identify mage armour glyph of warding
Augment Animal Handling or Persuasion guidance and true strike gift of alacrity warding bond crusader's mantle
Creativity Arcana or Deception minor illusion and thorn whip colour spray ray of enfeeblement beacon of hope

Gift Giving

At 1st level, when you complete a long rest, you may choose one item (anything from a trinket to a piece of armour or weapon) and invest it with the benefits granted by your Song, the invested item is referred to as your Gift. Regardless of whose turn it is, either of you can trigger your Gift without using any action and give the ally all of the benefits of your Song for 1 round. If the ally casts a spell that requires concentration, either of you can concentrate on the spell. Instead of gaining your Blessing, the ally can roll the skill with advantage, as if you were providing the Help action, even if the Help action cannot be provided. If there is an effect that both you and the ally must make a saving throw against, you can choose to automatically fail to give the ally advantage on the roll. If any Blessing or Boon granted by the Gift are used by either you or the ally, the other person cannot use it until the next round unless that ally uses a spell slot to cast that spell.


Starting at 6th level, you may choose a second Song. If you choose the same Song as one you already have You may make separate Gifts for each Song, or one Gift for them all. Each Song can have a maximum of 1 Gift. You may choose an additional Song or harmonize further at levels 14 and 18.


At 6th level, while you’re holding your own Gift, you can project it outwards to a distance equal to 5ft per level in this class. Allies within range can benefit from the Gift Giving feature as if holding your Gift. Each time an ally benefits from this ability, you must spend a number of Sorcery Points equal to the tier of the Boon spell cast. You can convert your spell slots into Sorcery Points without an action, regardless of whose turn it is. If an ally uses their own spell slots when benefitting from this ability, you do not need to spend Sorcery Points.

Special - Hymn of Harmony (Feat)

Prerequisites: None.

You have learned to tap into the very nature of reality itself, granting you the following benefits:

• Increase one ability score of your choise by 1, to a maximum of 20.

• You hear one of the Songs available to the Song of Creation Sorcerer. If you already hear one of the Songs, you may instead harmonize with it further, gaining the next Boon. This feat can be taken multiple times.

Special - Cult of Aria (Background)

You were raised in a strange cult that worshipped music itself, believing that the world was sung into existence by the mother of the world.

Skill Proficiencies: Two of Arcana, Nature, Performance, Religion, or Survival

Tool Proficiencies: Any two instruments

Languages: Celestial and one other

Equipment: Two instruments, a set of traveller's clothes, and a pouch containing 15gp

Feature: Hymn Singer

You gain the Hymn of Harmony feat.

You gain one trinket of your choice. Feel free to look at the Trinkets table for inspiration.

Suggested Characteristics: Recommended example backgrounds for characteristics are: Acolyte, Entertainer, Guild Artisan, or some other background related to religion, entertainment, or music.

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